Annual Symposium & AGM th November Royal College of Surgeons, London #2016SYMMCA Programme & Booking Form Contact the event team on or
WELCOME TO THE MCA SYMPOSIUM th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons #2016SYMMCA The 2016 MCA Symposium, ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’, will take place on 16 th November at the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Alcohol causes harm across a range of dimensions – medical, social, economic. The health effects alone include 60 different medical conditions, from heart disease to brain damage to liver disease and cancer. The impacts on health services include over 1 million hospital admissions related to alcohol in the UK in 2013/14, up to 70% of peak time accident and emergency attendances and over a third of ambulance call outs. The MCA’s vision is to have a health workforce educated to reduce health harm from alcohol. In this symposium, we will focus on the ways in which health professionals from different disciplines, sectors and specialties can act to reduce these harms. We will cover approaches including brief interventions in different settings, primary care and commissioning, inequalities and public health, addiction medicine and accident and emergency. As always we will be presenting the latest research evidence and ways of implementing it in practice. This symposium will be of interest to doctors from all specialties, nurses and other health professionals and is a great opportunity to engage with others in the alcohol-related health harm community. I look forward to meeting and welcoming you to London in November Dominique Florin, MCA Medical Director
THE MCA – WHO ARE WE? 16 th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons #2016SYMMCA The MCA is an independent charity of health professionals from all medical specialities, without funding from the alcohol industry. We are dedicated to improving the understanding and management of alcohol-related health harm. We aim to ensure that all doctors, medical students, nurses and other professionals allied to medicine understand the risks to their patients from alcohol and act effectively to prevent and manage these We work with health care professionals to increase their understanding of the risks associated with their own alcohol consumption and of the measures to address these We promote scientific advancement in the understanding, prevention and management of alcohol related harm through our Journal and other publications and activities We work with other organisations on public health and policy interventions to reduce alcohol related harm EDUCATION JOURNAL POLICYSUPPORT
16 th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons #2016SYMMCA WHY ATTEND? Great networking potential with a range of different healthcare professionals with an interest in alcohol related health harm CPD approved educational event Cross-specialty programme delivered by internationally known expert speakers Meet a range of exhibitors showcasing the latest products and innovations “Brilliant Conference with new research and new product ranges” “Very relevant & interesting lectures” “Regular updates from the MCA were very helpful” “Very interesting & useful day – will come again” “Very well organised event, very helpful staff”
#2016SYMMCA PROGRAMME: MORNING 16 th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons 9.00 – 9.30 Registration & refreshments (tea, coffee & Pastries) 9.30 – 9.35 Welcome, Professor Colin Drummond 9.35 – 9.45 Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do? Dr Peter Rice 9.45 – GPs at the Deep End- primary care support for problem alcohol use in areas of highest deprivation, Glasgow Dr Andrea Williamson (10 minute Q&A included) – 10.45Alcohol burden on Accident & Emergency Department: Implications for policy and practice Mr Tom Phillips (10 minute Q&A included) – 11.05Mid-Morning Break – Welcome, Professor Colin Drummond – Max Glatt Lecture, Our view of alcohol problems shapes the help we offer Professor Jonathan Chick (10 minute Q&A included) – Max Glatt Medal presentation – Lunch (Edward Lumley Hall)
#2016SYMMCA PROGRAMME: AFTERNOON 16 th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons Events during lunch:12.15 – 12.45MCA Regional Advisors Meeting, Committee Room – 13.55MCA AGM, Webb Johnson Hall (Members only) – 13.55What can non medics do for that difficult patient? Mr A Jugdoyal (Lecture Theatre) *Optional visit to the Hunterian museum available on request (speak to a member of staff) – 14.15Welcome, Dr Peter Rice – 14.45How to develop recovery-orientated systems of care Dr Ed Day (10 minute Q&A included) – 15.15The power of prevention in tackling alcohol health harm - can we dovetail the differing priorities of public health and primary health care? Professor Eileen Kaner (10 minute Q&A included) – The Alcohol Harm Paradox, life course effects and harms caused to others - Measuring hidden costs of a poorly regulated alcohol industry Professor Mark Bellis (10 minute Q&A included) – 15.50Close of Symposium, closing address by Dr Peter Rice – 16.20Last chance to see exhibitors and have refreshments in the exhibition hall (Edward Lumley Hall) – 14.10Tea & Coffee (Edward Lumley Hall)
16 th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons #2016SYMMCA LECTURERS Dr Peter Rice, FRCPsych, is the Chair of SHAAP and is a former Consultant Psychiatrist, NHS Tayside Alcohol Problems Service and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Medical School, University of Dundee. He has researched and published on health information and communication, on the counselling relationship in alcohol misuse treatment, as well as on more traditional medical topics such as cell changes in oral cancer. He is involved in strategic issues both locally and nationally, in the planning and delivering of integrated, multi-agency care and treatment. Professor Colin Drummond, MBChB, MD, FRCP, FRCPsych, FRCGP(Hon), Professor of Addiction Psychiatry, Head of the Alcohol Research Group, and Consultant Psychiatrist at the National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Professor Drummond is the Chairman of the Medical Council on Alcohol and will be welcoming all delegates. Professor Jonathan Chick, MA (Cantab), MPhil, MBChB, DSc, FRCPsych, FRCPE, is a practising psychiatrist and Medical Director at Castle Craig Hospital, Scotland. As Visiting Professor at Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, his current research is into the effects of legislation on pricing of alcohol. Over previous years he led numerous randomised controlled studies into treatments - both psychological and pharmacological - for alcohol problems. Professor Chick is the Chief Editor of the international journal Alcohol and Alcoholism. He has been an advisor to the World Health Organization and government departments in Australia, Canada, USA and Brazil, and has served as a Trustee for Alcoholics Anonymous (UK).
Professor Eileen Kaner, BSc(Hons) PhD, is a behavioural scientist whose research programme aims to improve health by promoting the use of evidence-based interventions to reduce lifestyle risk. A key strand of work is the development, evaluation and implementation of screening and brief alcohol interventions in a wide range of health and social care settings. She is a founding member of Fuse - a UKCRC centre of excellence in translational public health research and a lead investigator in the NIHR School of Public Health Research and the NIHR School of Primary Care Research. Dr Ed Day, BA, BM, BCh, DM, MRCPsych, is a Senior Lecturer at the National Addiction Centre and a Consultant in Addiction Psychiatry with Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust. His work is split between clinical research and teaching at King’s and clinical practice in a drug treatment team in Erdington in Birmingham. Much of his research focusses on developing and testing innovative psychosocial interventions for tackling addiction. Dr Day is currently the Vice President of the Society for the Study of Addiction, and has previously been the academic secretary of the Addictions Faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Mr Tom Phillips RMN MSc, qualified as a Registered Mental Nurse in 1991 and was appointed Consultant Nurse in Addiction with Humber NHS Foundation Trust between before taking up his current post. Over the last 13 years he has collaborated on a number of epidemiological studies and randomised controlled trials related to alcohol screening and brief interventions in AED and other settings. Currently he is an investigator on two NIHR funded grants, Developing and evaluating interventions for adolescent alcohol use disorders presenting through emergency departments (SIPSJr) and Local Investigator on the ADAM study; a three-arm, RCT of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of adjunctive medication management and contingency management to enhance adherence to medications alcohol dependence. TP was appointed in January 2010 as NIHR/CNO Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow. His programme of research was; What is the burden of alcohol-related problems on Accident and Emergency Departments (AED)?: An epidemiological analysis of the prevalence of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) within the AED setting. LECTURERS
16 th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons #2016SYMMCA Professor Mark Bellis is the Director of Policy, Research and International Development for Public Health Wales and UK Focal Point to the World Health Organization for Violence and Injury Prevention. Professor Bellis has undertaken substantive work in the field of violence prevention, alcohol, drugs and sexual health. He has published over 160 academic papers and more than 200 applied public health reports. Professor Bellis is the alcohol lead for the UK Faculty of Public Health, an expert advisor to the Home Office and an academic advisor to Public Health England. LECTURERS Adrian Jugdoyal RGN and RMN as an established independent nurse prescriber. He has worked and prescribed as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner within Acute Medicine, Specialist Medicine, Accident and Emergency and Substance Misuse settings. Adrian is currently the Lead Nurse for alcohol and drugs within London North West Healthcare Trust as well as being an associate lecturer at UWL facilitating an advanced assessments module for post registration nurses and physiotherapist. He also assists Imperial College with education session to the 3 rd years medical student with regards to alcohol. Adrian also runs Drink Drive Awareness courses for individuals who have been convicted for drink driving. The participants on the course are often completely unaware of the legal, health and social aspects of alcohol. He is also heavily involved in the London based Alcohol Liaison Nurse Forum. Dr Andrea Williamson is an academic GP at the University of Glasgow. She is a member of the steering group of GPs at the Deep End, and an education lead for the Health Inequalities Standing Group of the RCGP. Her clinical role is in homelessness and addictions in Glasgow. Andrea’s research is mixed methods, interdisciplinary; focussed on the health care of marginalised patient groups and seeking to embrace social and medical complexity.
SPONSORS / EXHIBITORS There will be a range of different exhibitors at the symposium: If you would like more information on sponsorship & exhibiting opportunities please contact or download details from the
16 th November 2016, MCA Symposium ‘Alcohol and health harm; what can doctors, nurses and other professionals do?’ at the Royal College of Surgeons #2016SYMMCA SEE YOU IN LONDON In 2016, the MCA Symposium will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS). The RCS is situated in the centre of London. There are many transport links including City Airport, Train stations (Victoria, Euston, Waterloo, Kings Cross) and is a 5 minute walk from Holborn tube station. For more information on the RCS go to The RCS has the additional feature of having its own medical exhibits within the Hunterian Museum. All delegates will have access to this fantastic resource.
DELEGATE COSTS TYPE OF BOOKINGAMOUNT (£) Non-Member Symposium Attendance*£95.00 Non-Member Symposium Attendance (Nurse / PAM)*£85.00 Non-Member Symposium Attendance (Student / Retired)*£40.00 MCA Member Symposium Attendance£75.00 MCA Member Symposium Attendance (Student / Retired)£40.00 MCA Regional Advisor's Attendance£40.00 Group Bookings** *There is a 5% discount for all non-members who book and pay before 1 st July 2016 **Group bookings of 4 or more please contact MCA for reduced rates ( / If you would like to join as a member to receive the reduced MCA member rates please contact the MCA directly or join online via the website. Once you have received your membership number you will be eligible for the reduced delegate fee.
Return all booking forms to MCA, 5 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LB For more information call / #2016SYMMCA HOW TO BOOK To book you can… [1] Book via the website and pay via [2] Fill in a booking form and return it to the MCA via or post to MCA, 5 St Andrews Place, London, NW1 4LB along with a cheque [3] Fill in a booking form and return it to the MCA via or post to MCA, 5 St Andrews Place, London, NW1 4LB and then the MCA can Invoice your organisation (remember to include a Purchase Order number) If you have any queries or questions please contact the MCA directly.
Return all booking forms to MCA, 5 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LB For more information call / #2016SYMMCA BOOKING FORM: INDIVIDUAL I would like to book the following: Number of attendees: Non Member£95 Non Member (Nurse/PAM)£85 Non Member (Student/Retired)£40 MCA Member£75 MCA Member (Student/Retired)£40 MCA Regional Advisors£40 Discount (5% discount for non member bookings if paid and booked by ) TOTAL Signed: Date: ……………………………………………………………..
Return all booking forms to MCA, 5 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LB For more information call / #2016SYMMCA BOOKING FORM: GROUP BOOKINGS I would like to book the following: Number of attendees: Non Member£95 Non Member (Nurse/PAM)£85 Non Member (Student/Retired)£40 MCA Member£75 MCA Member (Student/Retired)£40 MCA Regional Advisors£40 Discount (5% discount for non member bookings if paid and booked by ) TOTAL * For groups of 4+ an additional discount can be arranged contact the MCA office Signed: Date: ……………………………………………………………..
Return all booking forms to MCA, 5 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LB For more information call or