Presentation of District Data Overview and Scrutiny Committee Wednesday 16 th July 2014 Nathan Rowland Community Projects Officer Community Services
The Braintree District at a glance Gender 51% are Female 49% are Male Religion 61.27% of residents are Christian 29.99% have no religion 0.47% are Muslim 0.3% are Hindu 0.24% are Buddhist 0.14% are Jewish 0.06% are Sikh 0.4% follow other religions 7.14% are unknown Total Population in people Age Groups 19.7% of residents are aged % of residents are aged % of residents are aged % of residents are aged 65+ Ethnicity 93.15% are White British 2.65% are classed as White Other Other ethnic groups make up 4.2% of the population
The Braintree District at a glance Long Term Illness & Disability 16.4% of residents have a long term limiting illness or disability Learning Disability 433 people have a learning Disability Ranked 3rd highest in Essex Mental Health Estimated sufferers Ranked 5th highest in Essex Dementia An estimated 1975 sufferers (8% of over 65s). Ranked 5 th highest in Essex Carers 10.1% of residents provide unpaid care to another person Housing 69% of residents are owner occupiers 17% live in Social Housing 13% live in Private rented accommodation 1 % live rent free Towns & Parishes 54% of residents live in one of the District’s three main towns Over 70% of residents live in an area with a Parish or Town Council
Population by Location The majority of residents live in the three towns in the district with people or 54.13% of the population living in these areas. Braintree (& Bocking) has the largest population with people (28.8% of the population) Witham has residents (17.24% of the population) Halstead has (8.09% of the district population) The remaining people or 45.87% of residents live outside of the three main towns people, (17.32% ) live in the North/Halstead area of the district people (15.84%) live in the Mid/Braintree area of the district people (12.71%) live in the South/Witham area of the district
Projected Changes The Office of National Statistics estimates that by 2021 the population of the District will have risen to over 162,805 people. This is an overall increase of 10.37% or people. (Source ONS Population Projections at Subnational level 2011) The different age groups are expected to change as follows: 0-15 years age group will increase by 3961 people years age group will decrease by 1495 people years age group will increase by 3675 people 65years + age group will increase by 9151 people POPPI Projections estimate that 2119 people aged over 65 will suffer from dementia by 2016
Education & Skills
GCSE Attainment According to the Department of Education, the Braintree District has the lowest GCSE attainment figures in Essex compared to the other district and boroughs. In % of students achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grade A*-C (including English and Maths). This is 8.5% lower than the average for England, 0.1% lower than the next lowest district (Harlow), and 17.5% lower than the highest performing area in Essex (Castle Point). (Source Department of Education 2014) % of Students achieving 5+ A*-C grades inc. English and mathematics GCSEs in 2013 Braintree52.3 Harlow52.4 Maldon54.5 Basildon56.0 Castle Point59.3 Thurrock UA59.5 Tendring59.9 Rochford60.6 Chelmsford61.4 Southend-on-Sea UA61.9 Uttlesford64.3 Colchester65.0 Epping Forest68.5 Brentwood69.8 England 60.8
GCSE Attainment In 2013, two of the eight secondary schools in the District achieved above the national average (59.20%) for the percentage of students achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent). These were: Honywood (69%), Hedingham School (61%) The schools with the lowest attainment levels were: Alec Hunter Humanities College (40%), The Ramsey College (41%) Tabor Academy (46%). (Source Department of Education 2013) School name % achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) including English and maths GCSEs in 2013 % Increase - Decrease District Ranking England - all schools53.50%59.00%59.40%59.20%-0.20%N/A England - state funded schools only55.10%58.20%58.80%60.60%1.80%N/A The Honywood Community Science School 65%68%72%69%-3.00%1 Hedingham School and Sixth Form 45%68%67%61%-6.00%2 Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form 55%66%64%58%-6.00%3 Maltings Academy 50%42%51%56%5.00%4 New Rickstones Academy 40% 43%49%6.00%5 Tabor Science College 48%47%54%46%-8.00%6 The Ramsey College 34%44%42%41%-1.00%7 Alec Hunter Humanities College 51%45%36%40%4.00%8 N.B. Result are calculated by place of residence rather than the school attended, and therefore include results of resident students who attend schools outside of the Braintree District
Housing Tenure According to the 2011 Census there are 61,043 separate households in the Braintree District. 69% of households were Owner/Occupier, 17% social rented 13% private rented 1% living rent free The proportion of owner occupiers is approximately 5% higher than the average for England, whilst social rented and private rented were 1% and 4% lower respectively. Tenure of householdsBraintree DistrictEngland Owner/occupied % % Social rented % % Private rented808313% % Living rent free6711% % TOTAL % % (Source ONS Census 2011, Braintree District Housing StatNav 2013 )
Housing Tenure by Ward Great Notley and Braintree West has the highest rate of Owner Occupier households with 83% Bocking South had the highest proportion of social rented properties with 35%. Braintree Central has the highest proportion of Private rented properties with 29% (Source ONS Census 2011, Braintree District Housing StatNav 2013 )
Household Composition The majority of households in the District are made up of couples with dependent children making up 22%, followed by couples with no children representing 20%. 10% of households had non-dependent children (i.e. adult/economically active) 15% of households were single people were aged under 65 years, whilst 12% were aged over 65 years. Lone parents with dependant children makes up approximately 7% of the district or 4038 households. Household ProfileBraintree District Single person of pension age722412% Single person931315% Couple households (1 or both persons at pension age)53269% Couple households with no children % Couple households with dependent children % Lone parent households with dependent children40387% Households with all children non- dependent600910% Other households30315% (Source ONS Census 2011, Braintree District Housing StatNav 2013 )
Economic Activity 79.3% of residents of people aged in the Braintree District were classed as economically active (either in employment or are unemployed and have sought work in the last four weeks). Male residents are more likely to be classed as economically active than female residents with 87.5% of male residents (41,400 people) were classed as economically active compared to 32,500 people or 71% of female residents or 20.7% of people aged were classed as Economically Inactive. The percentage of people looking after home or family is 11.8% higher than the average for England with 6900 people or 37% 3400 people or 18.2% are long term sick and unable to work and 3100 people or 16.6% retired before 75 years. Source: ONS annual population survey 2012 Definitions Economically active: People who are either in employment or unemployed. Economically inactive: People who are neither in employment nor unemployed. This group includes, for example, all those who were looking after a home or retired.
Income In 2013 the (median) average gross weekly pay for full time workers living in the district was £ Male full time workers earned £ per week (£ more than the combined national average, and £82.50 more than the national average for male workers). Female full time workers earned £ per week (£ less than the combined national average, and £27.90 more than the national average for female workers). Male workers earned of average £ per week more than the average wage for female fulltime workers in the district. From Male F/T worker’s wages increased by an average of £40 per week, whilst Female F/T worker’s wages increased by £2 per week. Braintree District (pounds) Great Britain (pounds) Gross weekly pay Full-time workers Male full-time workers Female full-time workers Hourly pay Full-time workers Male full-time workers Female full-time workers (Source Nomis 2014, Department of Work and Pensions )
Job Seekers Allowance May 2014 Braintree District (numbers) Braintree District (%) East (%) Great Britain (%) All people1, Males Females The Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) is payable to people under pensionable age who are available for, and actively seeking, work of at least 40 hours a week. In the Braintree District in May 2014, there were 1638 people claiming JSA. This is equivalent to 1.8% of the working age population and is 0.2% lower than the average for the East of England and 0.8% lower than the average for Great Britain. Broken down by age, it is estimated that; 27% of claimants (approx. 445 people) were aged years old (NEET classification) 52% (approx. 845 people) were aged % (approx. 350 people) were aged % is a proportion of resident population of area aged and gender split (Source Nomis 2014, Department of Work and Pensions )
Job Seekers Allowance In the last 12 months JSA claims have fallen from 2.6% to 1.8% with 825 fewer people claiming compared to same time last year. The highest level of JSA claims since 2006 occurred in January 2010 when 3.4% (3135) people were claiming JSA. The Lowest level of JSA claims occurred in March 2008 when 1.3% (1206 people) were claiming. (Source Nomis 2014, Department of Work and Pensions )
Job Seekers Allowance In May 2014 the Braintree District has the 6 th highest JSA claimant rate in Essex (jointly with Castle Point and Epping Forest) when compared to other local authorities in Essex. Harlow has the highest claimant rate with 3.2%,whilst Uttlesford had the lowest with 0.9%. (Source Nomis 2014, Department of Work and Pensions )
Job Seekers Allowance In May 2014 the Witham West ward had the highest JSA claimant rate with 3.1% (137 claimants), this is 1.3% higher than the District Average, and 0.5% higher than the national average. The Braintree East ward has a the second highest claimant rate of 2.9% but the highest number of individual claimants with 142 people. Stour Valley South has the lowest JSA claimant rate with 0.4% (5 claimants) (Source Nomis 2014, Department of Work and Pensions )
Deprivation by Local Authority (Source Office of National Statistics, Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010 ) Deprivation at a Local Authority level (District/Borough and Unitary) is calculated using a range of factors separate to those used by the English Indices of Multiple Deprivation. These are; Local Concentration (The ranks of a local authority district’s most deprived LSOAs that contain exactly 10% of the district’s population) Extent (Proportion of a local authority district’s population living in the most deprived LSOAs in the country) Income Scale (The number of people who are income deprived) Employment Scale (The number of people who are employment deprived)
Average Deprivation Rankings (Nationally) The Braintree District is ranked 210 th out of 326 (where 1 is most deprived) for overall deprivation compared to the other district/borough councils in England. As such the district is in the upper 50% (or upper-mid 25%) nationally. The overall score is comprised of different dimensions where the rank of the district will vary from the overall position nationally. This is comprised of: Local Concentration - Ranked 232 nationally (upper 50%) Extent - Ranked 238 th (Upper 50%) Income Scale - Ranked 150 th (Lower 50%) Employment Scale - Ranked 164 th (Upper 50%) Most Deprived Least Deprived Lower 25% Lower-Mid 25% Upper-Mid 25% Upper 25%
Deprivation at Neighbourhood Level (Source Office of National Statistics, Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010 ) The English Indices of Deprivation uses Lower Layer Super Output Areas to allow for comparisons of the level of deprivation between areas. An LSOA has a minimum of 1000 and maximum of 3000 residents, compared to ward areas which have no standard population numbers. Across England there are currently LSOAs, with 84 LSOAs in the Braintree District. In the 2010 English Indices of Deprivation, deprived areas have been defined as those LSOAs that are amongst the 10 per cent most deprived in England according to the overall Index of Multiple Deprivation. Overall Deprivation is made up of 7 indicators: Income, Employment, Education Skills & Training, Health & Disability, Barriers to Housing & Services, Living Environment and Crime. For the purposes of looking at poverty, we are initially focusing on Income and Employment Deprivation
Overall Deprivation No areas in the Braintree District fall into the 10% most deprived LSOAs nationally. The map on the left shows the rankings between different 84 LSOAs within the Braintree District, separated into four groups Areas in RED are the 21 most deprived in the District Areas in Green are the 21 least deprived in the District This map does not reflect how areas are ranked nationally.
Income Deprivation No areas in the Braintree District fall into the 10% most deprived LSOAs nationally. The map on the left shows the rankings between different 84 LSOAs within the Braintree District, separated into four groups Areas in RED are the 21 most deprived in the District Areas in Green are the 21 least deprived in the District This map does not reflect how areas are ranked nationally.
Employment Deprivation No areas in the Braintree District fall into the 10% most deprived LSOAs nationally. The map on the left shows the rankings between different 84 LSOAs within the Braintree District, separated into four groups Areas in RED are the 21 most deprived in the District Areas in Green are the 21 least deprived in the District This map does not reflect how areas are ranked nationally.
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Further information For further information contact: Nathan Rowland Community Projects Officer Telephone: ext. 2348