BY TEAM FARMERS 16 TH MAY :00-14:00 Product Demonstration
Introduction The security system in which we have been specified to manufacture will help us to get an insight into how this system works, and working in a team environment. In this presentation we will be giving you an insight into our products design, a demonstration of the product and how we encountered this in our team.
Design Requirements 1. To detect a change in the object on the website within 5 seconds 2. A minimum movement sensitivity of 2cm 3. To acknowledge an object weighing over 250g 4. To monitor the object in two dimensions 5. Connect wirelessly to an access point within a clear line of sight of 10m 6. The whole unit must fit on an 30cm by 40cm base 7. The unit must be under 50cm in height 8. The whole product must weigh less than 1Kg 9. Must run for 12 hours on one 9v battery 10. Must be able to be massed produced for a cost less than £50 per unit
Design Highlights Working with the design requirements we have kept these into consideration throughout the period of constructing this project. The push button method was used because this was quick and easy to set up on a breadboard and use as a prototype design.
User Case Scenario 1 Small shop security Trish owns her own antique shop, it’s a family business operating out of the high- street. She does not have an integrated till system, so therefore has a desktop computer for stock counting and has a connection to the internet to deal with card payments. She has presently fitted some of her more expensive items with our security system for an added defence in her crowded shop which has blind spots from the till area. Trish is at the till area during her monthly stock check when a group of customers enter the shop. She already has her PC turned on with her till program ; also a web browser running our site. She is able to carryon working and dealing with current customers. When the site beeps and she is able to see that her vase sensor has been triggered. This now gives her the opportunity to go check on the customer or to wait to see if its put back and if it is still triggered when the customer leaves she can confront the customer what is going on.
User Case Scenario 2 Museum security system Museums tend to be extremely busy, so therefore they need a good security system for expensive products. Our product could be used within the museum industry. Mrs Brown works in the D-Day museum in Portsmouth and one Saturday it is extremely busy. She has been left to run the museum on her own to work for that day because one of the other employees has gone sick. Therefore they have fitted our system to some of their products. She has a computer monitor at the front desk with internet connection and constant updates to the website we have given her with our security system. The museum has several cameras throughout but as she is the only person working she is not able to monitor it regularly. So the vase which is in the main room has been fitted with the push button sensor system because it is of a high value and an appealing asset to the museum. So if anyone touches it or tries to remove this vase then the monitor at the front desk will alarm whether Mrs Brown is present or not. The alarm on the system is loud enough for her to hear and quickly approach the situation before it is too late for the product to be taken. This means that the product would be reliable and has a significant specification that other sensor systems do not currently have.
User Case Scenario 3 Christopher is a businessman who relies heavily on his laptop for his work. His laptop contains important and valuable information that is highly confidential, and it is crucial that it remains in his possession. When he has the chance to enjoy recreational activities he needs to have the peace of mind that his laptop is safe from intruders or anyone that isn't authorised to gain access to it. In order to protect the laptop from intruders or un-trusted family members, it will need a trusted and reliable security system. If something or someone moved the laptop, it would trigger the alarm and notify Christopher via his mobile phone, this would link to the internet which also has a live footage from the webcam of the laptop, this can then be used as proof to verify whether the laptop has be moved or taken. When Christopher acknowledges that his laptop has been interfered with or stolen, he could then take action by calling the police or his family.
Images of previous prototypes Above is the first idea for the layout of the push buttons. These are showing roughly what size item we can protect. From this we decided a vase was the best item for the overall presentation of our security system. Below is the first test of the buttons with LED’s connected so that we could make sure this idea would work correctly.
Prototype in Progress
Demonstration of Prototype
Final Design
Eagle Circuit Diagram
PCB Design
Conclusion Overall in this group project we have learnt several important aspects within the Electronic engineering, Communications Engineering,Computing and Network degrees. These are: Learnt not only our sector of engineering but learnt programming and website design. Keeping to specific deadlines. Constructing a weekly journal consistently. Here are some aspects that individuals learnt throughout this period:
The end Do you have any questions? Thank you for your time. Team Farmers