66 Connecting Circuits
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66 Connecting Circuits Key Vocabulary circuit conductor electrical energy parallel circuit series circuit
66 Connecting Circuits Identify places in the home that use electricity or electrical circuits Record your answer in your notebook.
66 Connecting Circuits What circuits typically depend on a battery? Share your thoughts with the class.
66 Connecting Circuits Read the introduction and look for key ideas
66 Connecting Circuits How is energy transferred and transformed in an electrical circuit? A printed circuit board uses conductive pathways etched onto a board to connect components.
66 Connecting Circuits Complete procedure steps 1-3
66 Connecting Circuits Complete procedure steps 4-6 SCORING GUIDE: Designing Investigations
66 Connecting Circuits Class results Discuss the results of the conductivity tests with the class.
66 Connecting Circuits Complete procedure part B: Series and Parallel Circuits Make careful comparisons in each step where bulbs were added or removed from a circuit.
66 Connecting Circuits What are the differences between a series and parallel circuit? Share your thoughts with the class.
66 Connecting Circuits Analysis question 1 Which materials were the best conductors? Explain how you know these materials conducted electricity better than other materials.
66 Connecting Circuits Analysis question 2 Describe the transfer and transformation of energy involved in a battery that lights up a bulb and runs a motor in a circuit.
66 Connecting Circuits Analysis question 3 Create a larger version of the Venn diagram shown below. Record the similarities of series and parallel circuits in the space that overlaps. In the labeled spaces that do not overlap, record differences between the circuits.
66 Connecting Circuits Analysis question 4 Holiday lights are light bulbs that are wired in a parallel circuit. Why is this a better idea than putting them in series?
66 Connecting Circuits How is energy transferred and transformed in an electrical circuit? Circuit board
66 Connecting Circuits Key vocabulary definitions Circuit - A path along which electrical energy can transfer. Conductor - A material or device that conducts or transmits heat, electricity, or sound. Electrical energy - Movement of energy and charge from one place to another.
66 Connecting Circuits Key vocabulary definitions Parallel circuit - A circuit in which the components are set up so that the electrical energy has more than one conducting path from the electrical source. Series circuit - A circuit in which the components of the circuit are connected in succession to the power source so there is only one path for the electrical energy in the circuit.