Lesson 3 August 26 th, 2010
5 major components to health 1. Physical health 2. Social health 3. Mental health 4. Emotional health 5. Spiritual health
Physical Benefits All body systems from regular physical activity, including exercise. Non-formal physical activity is also beneficial. Exercise helps to maintain proper body composition. The division of total body weight into fat weight and fat-free weight which includes bone and muscle Tissues get stronger and remain elastic Maintain flexibility
4 categories of physical fitness 1. Aerobic fitness 2. Muscular strength and endurance 3. Flexibility 4. Body composition
1. Name two physical benefits and two mental benefits from exercise. 2. What are the 4 categories of physical fitness? 3. Why is it important to be physically fit? 4. What are some physical changes resulting from regular, moderate exercise that you can’t see? 5. a. What effect do endorphins have on your body? b. Based on what you have read, what do you think “runners high” is about?
Warm Up and Cool Down Warm up (5 – 60 min) Loosens up joints Increases body temperature Tight muscles relax Circulates oxygen and nutrients to muscles Brings enzymes up to temperature for maximal energy output Mentally prepares you
Warm Up and Cool Down Cool Down ( min) Can help prevent blackouts and dizziness Can prevent cramping –after extreme exercise Helps muscles recover faster due to high levels of O 2 and nutrients
Do not jump into an exercise program. Work your way into it. Slowly increase your workouts to your goal.
Repetitive movements cause fatigue and can lead to injury. Work different muscle groups each day for weight training Cross train for cardiovascular training. Do Not Over train – Common mistake Not enough recovery time leads to slower gains and injury
Always stay very well hydrated Listen to Body Signal It is normal to experience aches and breathlessness when exercising BUT.... It is not normal to be in extreme pain.
You may have exercised too hard if... You are out of breath 10 minutes after you are done Exhausted 24 hours after workout Nauseated or dizzy Heart rate is above maximum for age You throw up You Bonk
Do not exercise outdoors in extreme weather. It can literally kill you.
Do not exercise outdoors in extreme weather. It can literally kill you.
Extreme cold Wear a hat Layer instead of heavy single layers Ensure ears, nose, fingers and toes are warm Stay dry
Extreme heat – Extremely Dangerous Sunscreen, Hat and Breathable, Light coloured clothing Do not wear garbage bags to cut weight Stay well hydrated
P.I.E.R. – in order of importance It was R.I.C.E P – Pressure, wrap injured areas to prevent swelling which causes stiffness and pain. I – ICE, Ice helps to reduce swelling and aids in faster recovery. NOTE: NEVER Ice in the middle of a game. You will get even more injured. E – Elevation, Keep injured area above heart level to reduce swelling. R – Rest, Stop exercising stay off the injured area.
Never apply ice directly to an injury – Frostbite. Ice for minutes at a time with a break before icing again. Repeat the Icing cycle 3-4 times.
List 3 reasons why it is important to warm up. Why would warm-ups and cool-downs have such large variances in times? Are all workouts the same intensity? Why is it important to vary your workout? What are two signs you may have over trained? In your experience, what part of PIER did you find to reduce the most amount of swelling when you have been injured?