DANIEL: READING & LANGUAGE Daniel’s greatest growth since the beginning of the school year has been his writing. He is able to write his name (I cut it off to keep it private). He is able to write phonetically He is able to write all the letters of the alphabet now. Know the sight words on the word wall Desert Museum
Beginning of the school year: Random number chart: 16 out of 30 correct 1-1 correspondence past 30 Verbally count to 29 December: Random number chart 22 out of 30 correct 1-1 correspondence past 30 Verbally count to 39 Count by 10’s to 100 Able to write his 1-9 DANIEL: MATH During the student interview Daniel said math was his favorite subject and he wants to learn how to count to 10.
At the beginning of the school year Daniel would become upset and leave the classroom, cry, and/or hide under the tables in the classroom. Daniel now is able to use his words for his friends and teachers to understand what he is feeling and ways we can help him. If Daniel feels overwhelmed in the classroom he can make the decision to sit at his desk or outside the classroom if there is too much stimulation. DANIEL: SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL Daniel’s parents have regular parent teacher conferences where we are able to think together the best way to support him in the classroom and at home.
Harley was able to read the book, A School, at the second home engagement He used the pictures to understand what the next words represented This showed a growth from the beginning of the school year when he would remain silent when asked to read a book. HARLEY: LANGUAGE & READING Harley’s mom has expressed concern that he is falling behind but was every excited when Harley read to me at the home engagement.
Beginning of the school year: Random number chart: 1 out 30 One to One Correspondence: 12 Verbally count to 12 December: Random number chart: 10 out of 30 One to One Correspondence: 17 Verbally count to 14 Able to write numbers 1-9 HARLEY: MATH
HARLEY: SCIENCE Floating vs.. Sinking: Harley originally guessed (hypothesized) the pumpkin would sink. After the experiment he drew a picture of the pumpkin floating on the water. During the student interview Harley said science was his favorite subject since they get to mix stuff together. Harley also knows what primary colors make secondary colors.