Computers as Learning Tools Amanda Cantafio
ADVANTAGES OF USING COMPUTERS IN THE CLASSROOM ▪ Students gain word processing skills when learning to type: skills they will need in college and the workplace. ▪ Working on computers fosters collaboration between students and between the student and teacher as they work together on projects. ▪ Often leaders emerge who really enjoy computers and can help others, which is useful to classmates and the teacher. ▪ Computer time promotes using higher order thinking skills and is a natural form of discovery through trial and error. ▪ Computer time increases responsibility, independence and a sense of accomplishment. ▪ Computers can reinforce instruction or are an assistive tool in the instruction through podcasts, video and multimedia.
MATH INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ ▪ Online Math Games for Kids |" Online Math Games for Kids | N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ Math Playground is a popular learning site filled with math games, logic puzzles, step-by-step instructional videos, math practice, and a variety of problem solving activities. A favorite of parents and teachers, Math Playground provides a very safe place for kids to learn and explore math concepts online at their own pace. ▪ I think math games are fun and on the computer makes it even better! I would use this website in my classroom to help get students out of the math is boring mind set and into math is fun when you use different tools to learn!
MATH INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ ▪ "ChiliMath - Free Math Help." ChiliMath - Free Math Help. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ ChiliMath is a growing site, created for students who need extra help in math. Whether you are a student studying algebra, a parent helping your kids with homework, or a teacher looking for additional learning resources...ChiliMath is the perfect place for you. This website offers more of a helping hand in learning math for all ages. ▪ I would use this website for students struggling with math. I would also recommend it to parents who may need a refresher in math so they can help their child and learn as well.
MATH INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ MATH CATS ▪ ▪ "Math Cats Site Map." Math Cats Site Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ Math Cats offers a wide range of activities for math instruction. With fun graphics and fun games this website makes math fun for students. This website just looks like a lot of fun! ▪ I would use this website for younger kids. I think it is a fun website with eye catching graphics and fun activities to make math a little more fun to learn.
SCIENCE INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ KIDS.GOV ▪ ▪ Science for Kids | Grades K - 5 |" Science for Kids | Grades K - 5 | N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ is the official kids' portal for the U.S. government. We link kids, parents and teachers to U.S. government information and services on the web from government agencies, schools, and educational organizations, all geared to the learning level and interest of kids. ▪ I would use this website in the classroom for research or for a fun reward for good work and behavior in the classroom. offers many games and activities for students to explore. Teachers and parents are also involved with this website and it would be great for at home or in the classroom.
SCIENCE INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ WONDERVILLE ▪ ▪ "Natural Succession & Reclamation." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ WONDERVILLE has a solid collection of interactive activities and games that students of all ages will enjoy. Activities are broken down into things you just can't see, things in your world and beyond, things created using science, and things and how they work. Each game and activity is connected. The game gives you a virtual opportunity to learn while the related activity gives you a chance to investigate on your own. ▪ I would use this website at the beginning of a lesson plan. Then students can explore and get a good resource for finding new information about science.
SCIENCE INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ SCIENCE KIDS ▪ ▪ Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Facts, Games & Projects." Science for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb ▪ Science Kids offers students chance to learn more about the amazing world of science with fun science experiments, cool facts, online games, free activities, ideas, lesson plans, photos, quizzes, videos & science fair projects. ▪ I would use this in the classroom for science fair project ideas and for some fun science experiment ideas. This website would be great for students to explore and find new facts about science.
READING INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ Reading Rockets ▪ ▪ Reading Rockets." Reading Rockets. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar ▪ Reading Rockets is a fun website for students, parents, and teachers. This website offers areas for helping struggling readers, it also gives the student ideas for reading practices throughout the summer. Teachers are offered strategies and tips on teaching reading and how to encourage students to enjoy reading. ▪ I would use this during any reading lesson the class would be doing. I think this website would be helpful for readers who may be struggling a bit. Reading Rockets also offers parent and teacher tips which is always helpful for working with younger and older students.
READING INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ MindPlay ▪ ▪ MindPlay Educational Software for Reading Instruction." MindPlay Educational Software for Reading Instruction. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar ▪ MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach leverages technology to deliver a full curriculum that helps students learn to read well. With content developed by experts in language, literacy, and assessment, it is like having a one-on-one session with a reading specialist for every student, each time they log in to the program. ▪ I would use this website for students who may need a little extra reading instruction. Mindplay offers many learning tools that will encourage students to become strong readers.
READING INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ Storyline Online ▪ ▪ "Storyline Online - Where Reading Is Fun!" Storyline Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar ▪ Storyline Online is a website that has many book titles that the student can choose from and watch and listen to the book being read by someone else. ▪ I would use this website with young students. I think this website would be a fun reward system. I would allow students to listen and watch the books being read aloud and then bring the book into the classroom and have class discussions about the story.
WRITING INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ Really Good Stuff ▪ ▪ Really Good Stuff - Teacher Supplies for Today's Classroom." Really Good Stuff - Teacher Supplies for Today's Classroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar ▪ Really Good Stuff is a website that offers games and activities for writing instruction. They also offer teachers supplies, lesson plans and ideas for fun learning. They have activities with holiday and celebration themes such as, The 100 th day of school, Dr.Suess activities, and other fun themed activities. ▪ I would use this website as a teacher for ideas and supplies for the classroom. I would use this website for students by offering fun writing activities in hopes they will be excited to learn all about writing.
WRITING INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ Great Schools ▪ ▪ "Effective Writing Instruction for Students With Learning Problems."GreatSchools. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar ▪ Great Schools offers a wide range of writing activities for students of all ages. They do offer writing instruction for students with learning problems. This website also offers tips for parents and teachers on how to help students with writing and other subjects. ▪ I would use this website for students who may have some struggle with writing and learning all the rules to writing. I think this website is good for straight forward instruction.
WRITING INSTRUCTION WEBSITES ▪ KIDBLOG ▪ ▪ "Kidblog." Kidblog. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar ▪ Kidblog provides teachers with the tools to help students publish writing safely online. Students exercise digital citizenship within a secure classroom blogging space. Teachers can monitor all activity within their blogging community. Kidblog offers a kid-friendly publishing experience suitable for any K-12 student. We help students focus on what's important by removing distractions so they can focus on writing. Teachers efficiently manage all posts and comments through an easy-to-use dashboard. ▪ I would use this website in the classroom for a fun and fresh way to practice writing and communication through writing. This website would be great for students and the teachers can monitor students writing. Students can engage in the process of pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, and commenting.
SOURCES CITED: ▪ "Why Should Computers Be Used in the Classroom? Benefits & Advantages."Bright Hub Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ "Effective Writing Instruction for Students With Learning Problems."GreatSchools. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar ▪ Really Good Stuff - Teacher Supplies for Today's Classroom." Really Good Stuff - Teacher Supplies for Today's Classroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar ▪ "Storyline Online - Where Reading Is Fun!" Storyline Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar ▪ MindPlay Educational Software for Reading Instruction." MindPlay Educational Software for Reading Instruction. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar
SOURCES CITED: ▪ Reading Rockets." Reading Rockets. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar ▪ Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Facts, Games & Projects." Science for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb ▪ "Natural Succession & Reclamation." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ Science for Kids | Grades K - 5 |" Science for Kids | Grades K - 5 | N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ "Math Cats Site Map." Math Cats Site Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar ▪ "ChiliMath - Free Math Help." ChiliMath - Free Math Help. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar