Nigel Harley – Chairman Liz Storey – MD
Ignite – Formed from BDS & BEAU Merged 2012 Provide “one stop shop” Braintree Higher than Average Self Employment rate, top 20 for Business Survival Accelerating Start ups and supporting survival
Nigel Harley – Chairman Cllr Roger Walters – Vice Chairman (ECC) Cllr Chris Siddall (BDC) Cllr John McKee (BDC) Robert Smith (Smiths Law) Ian Cass (Compliant Solutions) Sean Millbank (Millbank Concrete) Liz Storey – Managing Director The Board:
A Year on – Business Premises Springwood Full Increase in employed at Springwood from 64 to 75 Full Time 7 New Start Businesses within Springwood 27 Business Healthchecks Jewellery Village – 16 start up & growth businesses (7 new starts) Corner House – Pop up shop, Faded, Wren Consultancy
A Year on the Enterprise Agency: 180 Pre Start Counseling 78 Start ups 112 Business planning workshops 168 Employment Skills 17 Healthchecks 16 IT Skills 58 Uttlesford workshops Business Showcase Networking Christmas Market
Working in partnership:
National Enterprise Network Awards : Winner – The Future of Enterprise Support (turnover under £1million) Finalist – Small Enterprise Agency of the Year
Braintree Enterprise Centre Extension 12 new business incubator units providing flexible work units which are able to grow with businesses Specialism 6 office/IT, 6 Manufacturing Tech Creation and development of New Business Training and Conference facilities for SME’s Business Support included & on site Estimated jobs created – 60 £866,000 from Growth Area Funding £300,000 from Essex County Council
Benefits Rental income from the units will be recycled to provide revenue funding for other activities in Braintree, that this will mean that there will be no net drain on the Council’s revenue budget. Income from outside the district will provide additional revenue to enable the delivery of high quality business support in the district. New employment space will support SME’s and stimulate growth to increase jobs. Estimated that 60 jobs will be created. Create a legacy for business start up delivery in the Braintree district for years to come
What next? Premdor site Local delivery within each town Town Team Events - Showcase Partnership development Sustainability