1 Introduction to Speech Coding What, Why, Where & How (First Part) By Allam Mousa Department of Telecommunication Engineering An Najah University SP_2_Coding_1of2
2 Contents What is speech coding Applications Types of coding Practical examples of speech coders Some properties of speech coders Quantization Some speech coder standards Some Speech Properties Coding Principles SP_2_Coding_1of2
3 What is Speech Coding ? Speech coding is concerned with compact digital representations of speech signals for efficient transmission or storage. The objective is to represent a signal with a minimum number of bits while maintaining perceptual quality. Current applications for speech and audio coding algorithms include cellular and personal communications networks (PCNs), teleconferencing, multi- media systems, and secure communications. speech coding systems is to transmit speech with the highest possible quality using the least possible channel capacity. To save bandwidth in telecoms applications and to reduce memory storage requirements. SP_2_Coding_1of2
Why Speech Coding? speech coding systems is to transmit speech with the highest possible quality using the least possible channel capacity. To save bandwidth in telecoms applications and to reduce memory storage requirements. 4SP_2_Coding_1of2
5 Applications of Speech Coding Wire line Telephony Videoconferencing Digital Cellular IP Telephony Voice Mail Speech Storage World wide growth in communications World wide growth in communications Need for new multimedia applications Need for new multimedia applications Advances in VLSI Advances in VLSI SP_2_Coding_1of2
Speech Coding Hierarchy: 6SP_2_Coding_1of2
7 Standardization International Telecommunication Union (ITU) European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) International Standards Organization (ISO) Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA) R&D Center for Radio systems (RCR) SP_2_Coding_1of2
Characteristic of Speech Signals: Characteristic of Speech Signals: 1-Probability Density Function(PDF): the pdf of speech signal is in general characterized by a very high probability of near zero amplitudes, a significant probability of very high amplitudes the pdf of speech signal is in general characterized by a very high probability of near zero amplitudes, a significant probability of very high amplitudes 8SP_2_Coding_1of2
Characteristic of Speech Signals: Characteristic of Speech Signals: 2-Autocorrelation Function (ACF): The ACF gives a quantitative measure of the closeness or similarity between samples of a speech signal as a function of their time separation. The ACF gives a quantitative measure of the closeness or similarity between samples of a speech signal as a function of their time separation. 9SP_2_Coding_1of2
Characteristic of Speech Signals: 3-Power Spectral Function (PSD): The nonflat characteristic of the power spectral density of speech makes it possible to obtain significant compression by coding speech in the frequency domain. 10SP_2_Coding_1of2