Narrative-based Impact Assessment for Learning and Evaluation at the Grassroots
The purpose of the United Religions Initiative is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings.
URI Cooperation Circles: Strategy, Actions, Impact
Institutionalize interfaith bridgebuilding Raise public awareness Influence figures of authority Support CCs & deliver benefits of network* CCs Foster creation of CCs Unite CCs globally under shared value system URI Global Network: Supporting Grassroots Interfaith Peacebuilding
Level of Impact: In their respective communities, what impact are individual CCs generating through the activities they are carrying out? Example Indicators: Reduction in interreligious/intercultural violence in local community Increase in # of interfaith initiatives from community groups to address community issues led by CCs Media promotes tolerance (positive stories of inter-religious cooperation, reduced use of stereotypes, voices of minority groups heard) Communities celebrate each others’ religious and/or cultural holidays and events through CC sponsored events Religious leaders engaged in dialogue through CC sponsored events Establishment of inter-religious council to resolve disputes through CC sponsored activities Tolerance for building of religious shrines in communities where majority are of other religion Examples of Means of Verification Analysis of CC Profiles Impact reports by CCs Survey of local/national media Observation reports by URI ground staff Coding of CC stories using narrative assessment INDIVIDUAL Cooperation Circle LEVEL Individual impact of CCs
Network Level: What is the regional impact of the work of CCs and the impact of CCs working together? Example Indicators # of CCs Frequency of collaboration between CCs Community indicators such as school curriculum promotes inter-religious/intercultural harmony Decrease in regional conflict Number and depth of partnerships with government on interfaith/peacebuilding Policy shifts related to social relationships (eg. Anti-discrimination) Legal system accommodates religious differences Examples of Means of Verification Analysis of URI CC database Analysis of CC Profiles Coding of CC stories using narrative assessment coding Survey of local/national media Official statements from government. Surveys Conflict analysis by leading regional think tanks NETWORK LEVEL Collective impact of CCs on a Regional Level
The Lean Research Framework Principles for Human-Centered Field Research
Lean Research Principles Rigor - High standards of rigor ensure the integrity of the research process and results, a pre-condition for research that is respectful of participants’ time and usable by research stakeholders. Respect - Respectful research places the dignity and delight of the human subject at the center of the research experience. Relevance - Relevant research has clear value to stakeholders and addresses priority issues and questions for research subjects, study communities, as well as donors and decision-makers. Right-Size - Right-sized research is only as time- consuming, burdensome, and costly as it needs to be, and all unnecessary questions, activities, and protocols are removed.
Developing URI’s Narrative Based Impact Assessment Model Creation of CC Profiles in Response to Interviews – IN PROCESS CC Story Collection through Interviews – IN PROCESS Train CC Liaisons using Energizing the Network Toolkit – IN PROCESS Hire Cooperation Circle Liaisons in all URI Regions – COMPLETE Train Regional Coordinators using Energizing the Network Toolkit – COMPLETE
Implementation of Full Evaluation and Impact Program – 2016/17 Development of Narrative Inquiry and Assessment Coding System – 2016 Create New Integrated Data System as part of New Web Platform – 2016 Hiring of Data and Information Manager - COMPLETE Collection of Quantitative Data on Impact – 2016