SADC –CSTL SHARING MEETING Integrating CSTL indicators into the EMIS Southern Sun – eKapa 23 rd -26 th November 2015 Jabu Shabalala
Key Issues from yesterday’s Presentations Lessons from yesterday presentations Why Swaziland needed to intergrade the CSTL indicators Summary of the process in Swaziland
Key Issues from yesterday’s Presentations Expand from the 15 pilot schools Roll out of the CSTL programme to all schools Programmatise CSTL (part of the national programme in education) Reporting accurately and fully Empirical evidence of our success stories Identify non-negotiable goals Key performance areas which all countries should achieve Demand Government commitment Agreed upon data points Core performance indicators Strengthened M&E systems
Pillars for development Swaziland is one of the first countries to embrace CSTL as such is expected to have expanded implementation beyond the 15 schools Universalizing the programme, currently being implemented in all primary schools Adopted a Swazi name which embraces aspiration of CSTL (INQABA) Swaziland is also expected to sustain the investments that have been made thus should ensure CSTL is implemented in all schools in the country; Build and expand on M&E initiatives under CSTL and To showcase its success in implementing the programme, it needs a comprehensively report, Agreed upon indicators and data points, compliment the descriptive reports Provide empirical evidence in addition to descriptive analysis Cost effective M&E systems Integrate into existing M&E systems, where the EMIS comes in Sustainable and manageable
Why intergrade CSTL M&E into EMIS system EMIS mandate is to manage data for the sector, and should be able to ensure that data meets all national and international criteria; Abide by national standards defined by the country’s CSO (collection, definitions, management, reporting etc.) Avoid duplication and having multiple data sets on one programme which may not even be talking to each other; Manage the costs associated with data collection. Data management is expensive and also time consuming; INQABA is a national programme and as such should be reported as part and parcel of the sector, should become part of parcel of National Plans of Action e.g. Swaziland part of the NETIP and NDS-- M&E, EMIS is integral part; Ensure country ownership and sustainability processes. If the process is seen as separate will be difficult to collect after support has ceased
INQABA (CSTL) as an illustration Master list of all indicators currently collected through the EMIS Assess indicators that would have been defined by the revised strategic plan or a new initiatives (INQABA, NDS, NETIP..etc) Compare existing EMIS indicators against revised list (identification of gaps) Determine whether they can be derived from existing data sets or new data has to be collected Go through the assessment of viability of new indicators, CREAM indicators After final list has been agreed upon assess best method of integration Depending on the complexity of systems, decision on update of the system or development of new modules (collection, entry, analysis to reporting) Current option development of modules Adaptation of Systems (SAMS), Bureaucracy
Three major groups of Indicators Those adequately covered by the existing EMIS systems Those that need further qualification or adjusting Those that are totally new
INQABA indicators in the EMIS Gross and Net enrolment rates Dropout Rates (by reason for learners) Promotion Rates (between grades) Transitional Rates (between cycles) Age Specific enrolment rates Completion Rates % out of school (based on CSO population figures) UNICEF led “out of school children” % Orphans enrolled (single and double) – (DPM office – National Register) School Committees (SST), hindered by FPE % vulnerable learners enrolled Survival Rates (primary) Gender Parity Index Attendance Rate (number of days attended)/ Possible school days
INQABA indicators in the EMIS but need to be qualified Special Education Needs (type under SADC review) Learners who were taught life skills the previous year (all children) Teachers who received training in Life Skills (definition of Training) Includes PSS which is at times integrated and offered part of above School visited by health officers the previous year (nurses, no screening quest) School that offered school feeding (school feeding for every child incl OVC) Schools with safe water (portable, tested,) Schools with toilets by Sex (types of toilets) Schools with First Aid Kits (complete and usage) Zondle kitchens Zondle Gardens
Groups/ categories of stakeholders: Rules and guidelines shared during/by: Meeting/ workshop In Writing Other form of communication NoYesNoYesNoYes 1.2 Students 1.3 Teaching Staff 1.4 Non-teaching Staff 1.5 Parents / Guardians 1.6 School Committee/ 17 School Support Team 1.Is the School Management aware of the INQABA Framework : Yes No 1.1 Has your school adopted and communicated the INQABA Framework to relevant stakeholders in the previous school year? (Please tick only one box.) 1.9 Is the SST in your school functional? Yes No
INQABA indicators which are NOT in the EMIS Number of Schools implementing the INQABA framework (SST and other criteria) – very important !!!! Number of (OVC) learners receiving financial support through the schools (exists but a challenge, needs data sharing with all partners, duplication possible) Keeping of health records in schools (currently only in 15 clinic schools) Schools promoting safety and protection of learners and staff Access to services through the school (PINs, Birth certificates, passports) Schools by nature are facilitators of development Teachers trained in psychosocial Number of schools with School Support Structures Number of schools with Counselling Rooms Literacy, Numeracy, Life Skills, HIV and AIDS knowledge (once in 5 years)
Way forward Assessment of what is the best way forward Modular systems Review of existing system Implications to EMIS system Questionnaires designs (instrument under pilot) Real times systems Training on system EMIS MOET Schools Decentralization
Latest Instrument has been finalized by the national EMIS workgroup in collaboration with Guidance and Counselling Piloted in the 15 clinic schools during annual collection of CSTL
Thank you