Emotional Health Team Presentation Jo Swire – Emotional Health Worker Tammy Goodwill – Infant Mental Health Worker
Vision To deliver best practice within communities alongside partner agencies; by influencing healthy emotional outcomes, supporting children and families and reducing harm by developing innovative, accessible, and holistic services which are responsive to individual need.
Associate Director Davina Gittins Children and Families Partnership Team Children and Families partnership Manager - Judith Mace 4 x Health Coordinators 1 x Parenting Coordinator 1 x Infant Feeding Coordinator 2 x Public Health Midwives 1 x Oral Health Promoter 1 x Team Leader: Emotional Health Team 4 x Infant Mental Health workers 5 x Substance Misuse Workers 1 x Snr Substance Misuse Worker 1 x Speech & Language Therapist 1 x Speech & Language Assistant 1 x Project Manager Infant Mortality Integrated Service Delivery Manager Janet West Strategic Partnerships Manager Ann Crichton
Who We Are & Our Experience Team Leader SNR Emotional Health Worker 5 Emotional Health Workers 5 Infant Mental Health Workers General Nursing Mental Health Nursing Nursery Nursing Social Work Youth Work Drug & Alcohol Work Family Support Complementary Therapies Therapeutic Group Work Support Groups BME Community Work
What we do We provide family centred evidence based innovative practice within quality driven governance frameworks. Continually developing a service which meets the needs of individuals, families and communities working within Tier 1 & 2.
How we do it Emotional Health Needs Assessment Risk Assessments Harm Reduction Work Sign Posting Care Planning Therapeutic Interventions Promoting positive emotional health in perinatal period Parenting support Multi agency partnership work Group work Drop in Support Relapse Prevention Multi agency training Exit strategies After Care
The Emotional Health Team supports the ethos of children’s centres as one-stop shops for families. The team’s priority is to provide family focused emotional health services which are easily accessible, universal and non- stigmatising. The structure and approach of the Emotional Health Team has been designed to provide a specialist comprehensive programme of emotional health care which incorporates preventative programmes inclusively for immediate and extended families who may be affected by substance misuse and perinatal emotional health.
What is Infant Mental Health? Infant Mental Health’ is defined as healthy social and emotional development in children from birth to three Zero to Three (2006) ‘The developing capacity of the child from birth, to: experience, regulate and express emotions; form close and secure relationships; and explore the environment, play and learn, all in the context of family, community and cultural expectations for young children.’ The NHS Advisory Service Report “Together We Stand”1995
Case Study : Infant Mental Health Worker Referral Source: Client was referred by Portage worker to the Infant Mental Health Worker. Portage worker expressed concerns about the relationship between parent – child and also incidents of physical abuse which had happened due to client’s inability to hope. Intervention: A full assessment was carried out with the client to explore relationships, loss, trauma, pregnancy with the child, childhood and adulthood experiences. A infant-led assessment was also carried out to observe the parent-infant relationship and also to observe the clients emotional responses to the child.
Case Study : Infant Mental Health Worker Future Aims : Myself and the client formulated a plan of next steps. I offered Watch, wait and wonder an infant – led form of psychotherapy that aims to intervene in the mother-Infant relationship. The intervention was carried out within the Children Centre that the client attended with the child the sessions were carried over 20 weeks. After the 20 weeks the client was more confident in her role as a mother, the parent-infant relationship had developed into a positive relationship, the client was able to respond to the child’s emotional needs appropriately and the child started to reach his developmental milestones. The client is now accessing stay and play groups within the Children Centre with the child as she is now more confident as a parent and is also looking into training and development opportunities.
Partnership Work The service works in partnership with any agency in a locality that is delivering emotional health related activities to pre-school children and families, including parenting support. Examples of these include statutory services: police, Children’s Integrated Services, LCC, mainstream NHS services; NHS East Lancashire Safeguarding Team, LSCB, health visitors, dieticians, midwives, GPs, Community Drugs Team, Child Psychology, CAMHS, Adult Mental Health Services and statutory and voluntary agencies: ADS, Home Start, Domestic Violence Services, Smoke Free Homes, and PALS.
Emotional Health (Substance Misuse) Emotional Health is…… o a part of our overall health concerned with the way we think and feel. oIt refers to our sense of well-being, our ability to cope with life events and our ability to acknowledge and respect emotions, our own and those of others. Samaritans (2008) Substance misuse…. oDrug or alcohol taking which causes harm to the individual, their significant others or the wider community. Tyler, A (2005)
Case Study. Emotional Health Worker Referral Source: Client A was referred to from a Health visitor. The Health visitor had concerns regarding her well being due to her substance misuse which Client A stated was used as a coping strategies as she felt very anxious, suffering form depression and had little motivation. Intervention: Emotional Health Worker contacted Client A to discuss an a suitable time to meet and discuss what support and intervention the worker could offer. A joint visit took place with the Health Visitor in Client A’s home where client A identified she would like support in reducing her alcohol intake and find alternative strategies to manage her anxiety, increase her motivation and improve her well being.
Future Aims : Client A and I have developed a plan to look at preventive measures in reducing alcohol use, weekly therapeutic interventions to address anxiety and to increase confidence in coping with day to day living. Since working with client A she now accessing an alcohol service and is now in her early stages of home detoxification programme. Client A is also accessing a parenting group in the children’s centre which she attends weekly.
Referral Process Family must include a child under 5 years old or a pregnant mother Family may have emotional health needs that are unable to be met via the Health Visiting and children’s centre services – identification of previous work undertaken with the family is part of the referral process Consent of the service user must be obtained, including permission to share relevant information
Referral Source Self referral Health Visiting Services Midwifery Services Children’s Centres Community Drugs Team Community Alcohol Team CAMHS Child Psychology Service Partner agencies from the voluntary and statutory sector Children’s Integrated Services GP’s
Service Details South West Burnley Children’s Centre, 21 Tay Street, Burnley, BB11 4BU Tel : Hours 9-5 Mon-Fri, Out of hours/weekends by arrangement Venues Home Visits Community Locations Satellite Services