STRATEGIC VISION AND 2007/08 ACADEMIC YEAR Robin Jensen, Director of International Relations SPbU GSOM PIM 2013, Beijing Innovation and Challenges in Joint and Double Degrees
Some General Background Information Students and Alumni SMALL SCHOOL in degree programs: 700 Bachelors; with a focus on strengthening the Graduate School -Student body: high quality profile, students admitted to bachelor programs having among the highest results on the national university admission exam graduates of degree programs since 1995 Organization -4 divisions: Bachelor; Master; ExecEd (incl. EMBA); Research -7 acad. departments: Finance & Accounting; IT Mgmt; Marketing; OrgB & HR; Operations Mgmt, Public Administration; Strategic & Intl Mgmt -Room for expansion of DD offers?
Some General Background Information Bach. in Management (4 years, 5 concentrations; Russian/English) Publ.Admin. (4 years; Russian/English); both total 240/ECTS. As of yet, no DD options. Master in Management (2 years, in English, 130/y, selection: GMAT, TOEFL). Joint CEMS Degree offered -Master in International Business (since 1999), 2010: Master in Corporate Finance; 2013: Master in Public Administration 2 functioning DD, 3 in the pipeline Doctoral Program (3 years, English, 12 admitted per year) → Ph.D. All students do a semester or year abroad at one of 6 GSOM PhD partners ( Executive) MBA (22 mo, in Russian, €30000, 80/y) - DD EMBA w/HEC Paris (18mo, English, €51000, 30/y) - In-company MBA (MBA-Rosneft)
Active Double or Joint Degrees: Joint CEMS MIM Degree Master in Management and International Management w/HEC Paris Master in Information Technologies and Innovation Management (MITIM) w/Lappeenranta University of Technology Executive MBA w/HEC Paris (one-way, fee-paying) Double Degree Executive MBA program (with HEC Paris)Double Degree Executive MBA program (with HEC Paris) Language of teaching — English, duration —18 months. Teaching format — 4 – 6-day modules once per month; 2 sessions of majors, 5 days each; individual assignments to be done between the modules; core courses are held in St. Petersburg and Paris; majors are held in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Middle East. Degree — MBA degree and a state diploma from St. Petersburg University; “Executive Master of Business Administration” degree from HEC Paris and French Ministry of Education - The Present Situation
Double or Joint Degrees Under Development With WU Vienna Status: agreement signed but program started then postponed because of Russian Nostrification practice With ESADE, Barcelona Status: statement of intent signed; work remaining to be done on aligning the involved degrees With Queens University, Canada Status: agreement prepared in preliminary understanding between both parties but not yet formally approved and signed
Challenges in working with the DD concept Nostrification Not a torture technique (or maybe it is) but the process required in Russia to allow international qualifications to be recognized for the admission or hiring or international applicants. Used especially when the applicant’s education is based on less than a 4-year bachelor qualification. o Eased in 2012 with a list of 210 foreign universities from 25 countries whose diplomas will now be acknowledged in Russia without an additional state evaluation. (Academic Ranking of World Universities, the QS World University Rankings and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.) Primarily multi-faculty universities. o SPbU recently given right to self-nostrify, but procedures not yet determined Bureaucracy o Agreements not signed at Faculty level o Number of levels of signatories required in making changes in study programs The RBS team is convinced that these efforts are effectively raising awareness of Latvia as a valuable destination for education and RBS community as a solid world-class educational platform in the East.
Competition on the Russian Market: for ex.: One-way DD options, To provide RBS students with more international experience, RBS representatives went on a student recruitment mission to Russia…visiting 9 schools in Moscow and Kazan and addressing 365 students. The focus of the visit was to promote RBS’s double degree bachelor program offered in partnership with BI Norwegian School of Management and University at Buffalo. With this trip and RBS marketing campaign in Russia from April 1 – 16, RBS has made first active steps to recruit students from CIS countries to RBS programs. The RBS team is convinced that these efforts are effectively raising awareness of Latvia as a valuable destination for education and RBS community as a solid world-class educational platform in the East.