Create local projects Outreach projects (charity events) Encompass the athletes to be at the events Ensure the event generates fan support for the team
Use public relations to create images for the athletes and the team. Without fan support profitability for the team decreases. PR can create fan support by doing stories of the athletes
Use the media as an tool to reach fans in mass This will establish a feeling of goodwill with the teams fan base. Media is a good way to spread the word on outreach projects.
Ambush Marketing: is a marketing strategy wherein the advertisers associate themselves with, and therefore capitalize on, a particular event without paying any sponsorship fee. Example: Shoe company runs commercial congratulating an Olympic running by name.
Viral Marketing: techniques that use pre- existing social networking services and other technologies to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing networking servicesbrand awareness Example: Sending s out and asking people to forward the to others. Example: Hashtags on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.
Special Events: An event within an event. A primary event (like a football) with an secondary event within it(homecoming). Ex. Pregame autograph/photo session Ex. First 100 people get a bobble head figure Ex. 7 th inning stretch holding contest/Why 7 th inning?