Connect and Share: to help us all to meet the future funding and efficiency challenge John Hobbs Director of Business, Environment and Community
Aim We all want roads that are fit for the future We have less money - yet our public expects better roads We need ever more efficient ways to maintain the network How do we balance more demand with less resources? We as a group need to: –Raise real engagement levels with HMEP –Continue to share experiences, connect to networks and best practice
The local highways sector has to gear up for transformational change from 2015 £6bn funding for highways maintenance Revenue pressures remain a real concern Longer-term approach to funding – important to plan ahead now to realise efficiency gains Taking the right steps now is vital Future funding: Gearing up for change now
Highways is in the spotlight With longer-term funding and investment, there will be greater expectations and demands on how money is spent. The growing political and public expectation for: –Transparency –Accountability and –Efficiencies Gearing up for the changes ahead: Greater expectations?
“We’re trying to skew the system a little bit more so that we actually reward good practice rather than giving money to the people who haven’t spent previous money effectively.” Robert Goodwill MP Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State for Transport in an interview with Highways Magazine
How ready are you for the change? Can you answer yes to all of these questions? ✓ Is your local highway authority ready for the revised method for funding allocation ahead? Do you have a robust asset management plan and is it embedded? Are you confident that your road network will be well- managed and maintained? Is public and business confidence and economic growth improving in your area? Do you have the skills and resources in place, to change? Are you collaborating and working with others? Do you have the long-term plans in place? Can you clearly evidence good practice, efficient delivery and improvements in road condition?
HMEP: how it can help HMEP supports the sector on its journey to transform highway services by helping you to: –Share your ideas and practices, to improve from each other –Connect to people and networks who can help –Access the tools, resources and training so you can understand and plan how to transform delivery of roads and services through greater efficiencies Practical and adaptable approach Results driven By the sector, for the sector
Collaboration and Change Asset Management Procurement, Contracting and Standardisation Strategic Peer Reviews HMEP focuses on five key areas: Benchmarking and Performance
Efficiency Resources available (as indicated) and in development HMEP Collaboration and Change HMEP Asset Management HMEP Procurement, Contracting and Standardisation HMEP Benchmarking and Performance Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance - availableavailable Guidance on the Maintenance of Highways Drainage Assets - availableavailable Lifecycle Planning Toolkit & Deterioration Models - availableavailable E-Learning Toolkit – coming soon Pothole Review - available available HMEP Strategic Peer Review Procurement Route Choices Toolkit - availableavailable The Standard Form of Contract - availableavailable Guidance on Standard Specification and Standard Details - availableavailable Supply Chain Review – coming soon Term Maintenance Document Compiler – coming soon Shared Services Toolkit - availableavailable Creating the Culture to Deliver - available available Collaborative Alliances Toolkit – availableavailable Client / Provider Collaboration Toolkit - availableavailable Cost, Quality, Customer (CQC) - in development Good Practice Network – in development HMEP Strategic Peer Review – information availableinformation available LEAN toolkit - availableavailable
Why it’s vital to continue to connect and share Good, efficiency experiences can help to showcase and boost the sector’s and industry’s credibility There is a growing appetite from across Government Important to collaborate, and change the way we work Many highway authorities are already well on their way It’s important you don’t get left behind
Point and feedback to the Centre Point of contact for Local Authorities Signpost to what help is available Respond to requests Conduit for best practice Role of Advocate
Highways improvement, repair and maintenance is a high profile service 60% of residents dissatisfied with the condition of the roads and footpaths. In West Midlands, 14 highway authorities spend over £400 million maintaining and repairing 32,400 miles of roads each year West Midlands Highways Alliance
Partnerships and Collaboration Transforming Services – A LEAN Approach Procurement, Contracting and Standardisation Carbon Reduction Asset Management Transport Planning Pothole Repairs Reviewing Services – A New Approach West Midlands Highways Alliance
Get involved with HMEP: 1.Talk to HMEP efficiency Advocates - from clients and providers 2.Access tools, resources, training & guidance on the HMEP website 3. your ideas and practices at 4.Become an efficiency Advocate or a Peer Reviewer for HMEP 5.Visit the HMEP website: 6.Connect – with people & networks from across the sector to ignite ideasConnect 7.Share – your ‘real life’ efficiency experiencesShare Thank you. Please do make the time to get involved