Programmatic Information and HB 59 AFS Regional Meetings Fall 2013
HB 59, Community Schools and CTE All grades 7-12 Community and STEM Schools will be assigned to a CTPD Location, Location, Location! CTPD “Lead District” – responsible for approval of all CTE Programs within the CTPD
Serving CS/STEM Students in CTE Revised Q & A Document is posted Outline of current law regarding CS participation in CTE programs within the student’s resident district Assignments to CTPDs are posted, too
CTE Program Approval Currently approved CTE programs New Programs Criteria
Program Approval Approval of New CTE Programming Any city, local, or exempted village school district, community school, or STEM school that wishes to offer new CTE programming must first seek approval of the lead district in the CTPD.
Program Approval Approval of New CTE Programming Lead districts must approve or disapprove applications by March 1. Appeals may be made to ODE no later than March 15. ODE will review and either uphold or overturn the lead district’s decision.
Program Approval Approval of New CTE Programming Lead Districts decision to approve or disapprove shall include but is not limited to:
Program Approval Demand Quality Potential for Industry Credential Admission Requirements of Lead District Past Performance Travelling Distance Sustainability Capacity Availability of the Program in the CTPD Cost
Timeline Oct. 1, 2013 – HB 59 Sec takes effect; Community Schools and STEM Schools are assigned to Career-Technical Planning Districts (CTPD). By March 1, 2014 – All CTE programs operated by Community or STEM schools newly assigned to a CTPD will be approved or disapproved by the CTPD lead district. This applies to already approved and new applicants
Timeline By March 15, 2014 – Any appeals generated by programs not approved or not acted upon by the CTPD lead district must be received at ODE. By May 15, 2014 – All appeals must be decided by ODE for programs that seek design and funding approval for the school year (FY2015).
Extended Programming Has been defined to be used for activities that directly involve students or directly relates to student programs or activities delivered beyond the school day. Limits teachers use to eight hours in a twenty-four hour day. Teachers must submit monthly time logs ODE will provide recommendations for appropriate use of extended service time.
FY 15 CTE-26/POS Process Approved by the lead district of the CTPD by March 1. Self-populating form. Electronic signatures and Electronic Submission Written directions and Webinar available. Receipt notice sent within two days. Career field consultants work with districts to verify intent, correct errors and modify. Goal - 30 day timeframe for consultants to approve, not approve or withdraw applications.
Career Tech Program Review Program Review ODE and the Lead District of a CTPD shall conduct an annual review of each CTE program in the CTPD. Continued funding of the program shall be subject to the school’s compliance with any directives for performance improvement that are issued by the Department or the lead district.
CT Program Review Quality Program Standards ODE must develop quality program standards for the Ag & Environmental Systems Career Field and Career Based Intervention (CBI) by December 31, ODE will develop QPS for all remaining Career Fields to be in effect for FY15.
Career-Based Intervention During FY15 and not later than May 15, ODE will review all CBI programs using the Quality Programming Standards (QPS) Document. ODE will decide based on this review whether to approve or disapprove the program for funding for the following 5 Fiscal Years.
Career-Based Intervention Any CBI program subject to review under this division that was approved by ODE for an approval period that includes FY15, shall retain it’s approved status during that Fiscal Year.
Courses and Pathways
A CTE Pathway Is… A CTE Career Field Pathway is a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career/technical courses, commencing in the ninth grade and leading to an associate degree, baccalaureate degree and beyond, an industry recognized certificate, and/or licensure. The career pathway is developed, implemented, and maintained in partnership among secondary and postsecondary education, business, and employers. Career pathways are available to all students, including adult learners, and lead to rewarding careers.
What Broader Pathways Offer Promote more opportunities for students. Encourage breadth of programming beyond specializations. Encourage depth of programming to include possibilities for specialization. Support community as well as student interests.
A Pathway Must: 1.Be associated with sector(s) within an industry or encompass a function that crosses industry sectors. 2.The scope of a pathway may be influenced by size and number of opportunities in the related industry and available college programs. 3.Provide opportunities to prepare for a range of careers. a.multiple employment opportunities after high school. b.opportunities for students to enter and succeed in postsecondary and continuing education programs. 4.Prepare students to transfer skills required for employment in the range of occupations aligned to the pathway. 5.Be structured so that students have the opportunity to learn skills across the pathway as well as in specialized areas.
Content Standards Support Pathways Concise document with broader statements. Oriented to Career Field vs. program/occupation. Reflects industry expectations not how to be taught. Industry and licensure requirements captured. Support transfer of learning across specializations. Text Line 3
Why Courses Expanded opportunities for flexible program design. Consistency of programming and learning. Alignment to postsecondary expectations. More transparent and understandable to customers and stakeholders. Aligns assessment with learning. Can support creative student pathways. Supports teacher evaluation system and development of student learning outcomes.
Course Development Considerations Courses generally have a 120 hour minimum (40 and 280-hour maximum time requirement. Program must be comprised of at least 4 courses. Capstone can be used for both in-school and out of school learning experiences. (Not one of the 4). No courses are required as a prerequisite. Courses will be available across pathway and career cluster. Courses must be adopted 2 years after their availability.
Business Rule For CTE Assessments Students with Disabilities are not exempt, but must be provided proper accommodations Students may not be denied graduation for failure to pass
OCTA Ohio Career-Technical Administrators (OCTA) Fall Conference Dublin, OH October Pre-Conference Workshop for New/Aspiring CTE Administrators Oct 23. Details/ Registration at Ohio ACTE web site
Social ohio-department-of-education Ohio Families and Education Ohio Teachers’ Homeroom OhioEdDept