CS552: Computer Graphics Lecture 33: Illumination and Shading
Recap Solid Modeling o Represent the solid object in a 3D space o B-Reps o Subdividing algorithms
Objective After completing this lecture, students will be able to o Explain the importance of VSDs o Solve the problem of backface culling
Surface Rendering Method Realistic displays of a scene are obtained by o Generating perspective projections of objects and o Applying natural lighting effects to the visible surfaces An illumination model is used to calculate the color of an illuminated position on the surface of an object. A surface-rendering method uses the color calculations from an illumination model to determine the pixel colors for all projected positions in a scene.
Global Illumination Direct illumination + Indirect illumination = Total illumination
Diffuse Inter-reflection Total illumination (normal image)
Diffuse Inter-reflection Direct illumination
Diffuse Interreflection Indirect illumination (diffuse interreflection)
Human face Total illumination (normal image)
Human face Direct illumination
Human face Indirect illumination
Illumination How do We Compute Radiance for a Sample Ray? o Must derive computer models for... Emission at light sources Scattering at surfaces Reception at the camera WireframeWithout Illumination Direct Illumination
Overview Direct Illumination o Emission at light sources o Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination o Shadows o Refractions o Inter-object reflections Direct Illumination
Overview Direct Illumination o Emission at light sources o Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination o Shadows o Refractions o Inter-object reflections Direct Illumination
Modeling Light Source I L (x,y,z, ) o Describes the intensity of energy, o Leaving a light source o Arriving at location(x,y,z) o From direction ( ) o With wavelength
Empirical Model Ideally Measure Irradiant Energy for “All” Situations o Too much storage o Difficult in practice
Light Source Model Simple Mathematical Models: o Point light o Directional light o Spot light
Point Light Source Models Omni-Directional Point Source (E.g., Bulb) o Intensity (I 0 ) o Position (px, py, pz) o Factors (k c, k l, k q ) for attenuation with distance (d)
Directional Light Source Models Point Light Source at Infinity (E.g., Sun) o Intensity (I 0 ) o Direction (dx,dy,dz) No attenuation with distance
Spot Light Source Models Point Light Source with Direction o Intensity (I 0 ), o Position (px, py, pz) o Direction (dx, dy, dz) o Attenuation
Directional Light Sources
Angular Intensity Attenuation Attenuate the light intensity o Angularly about the source o Radially out from the point-source position.
Overview Direct Illumination o Emission at light sources o Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination o Shadows o Refractions o Inter-object reflections Direct Illumination
Modeling Surface Reflection R s ( , ) o Describes the amount of incident energy o Arriving from direction ( ) o Leaving in direction ( , ) o With wavelength
Empirical Model Ideally Measure Radiant Energy for “All” Combinations of Incident Angles o Too much storage o Difficult in practice
Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: o Diffuse reflection + o Specular reflection + o Emission + o “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: o Diffuse reflection + o Specular reflection + o Emission + o “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
Diffuse Reflection Assume Surface Reflects Equally in All Directions o Examples: chalk, clay
Diffuse Reflection How Much Light is Reflected? o Depends on angle of incident light o dL dA cos
Diffuse Reflection Lambertian Model o Cosine law (dot product)
Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: o Diffuse reflection + o Specular reflection + o Emission + o “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
Specular Reflection Reflection is Strongest Near Mirror Angle o Examples: mirrors, metals
Specular Reflection How Much Light is Seen? o Depends on angle of incident light and angle to viewer
Specular Reflection Phong Model o {cos( )} n
Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: o Diffuse reflection + o Specular reflection + o Emission + o “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
Emission Represents Light Emitting Directly From Polygon Emission ≠ 0
Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: o Diffuse reflection + o Specular reflection + o Emission + o “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
Ambient Term Represents Reflection of All Indirect Illumination
Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: o Diffuse reflection + o Specular reflection + o Emission + o “Ambient”
Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: o Diffuse reflection + o Specular reflection + o Emission + o “Ambient”
Reflectance Model Sum Diffuse, Specular, Emission, and Ambient
Surface Illumination Calculation Single Light Source:
Surface Illumination Calculation Multiple Light Sources:
Overview Direct Illumination o Emission at light sources o Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination o Shadows o Refractions o Inter-object reflections Global Illumination
Shadows Shadow Terms Tell Which Light Sources are Blocked o Cast ray towards each light source L i o S i = 0 if ray is blocked, S i = 1 otherwise Shadow Term
Ray Casting Trace Primary Rays from Camera o Direct illumination from unblocked lights only
Recursive Ray Tracing Also Trace Secondary Rays from Hit Surfaces o Global illumination from mirror reflection and transparency
Mirror Reflection Trace Secondary Ray in Direction of Mirror Reflection o Evaluate radiance along secondary ray and include it into illumination model Radiance for mirror reflection ray
Transparency Trace Secondary Ray in Direction of Refraction o Evaluate radiance along secondary ray and include it into illumination model Radiance for refraction ray
Transparency Transparency coefficient is fraction transmitted o K T = 1 if object is translucent, K T = 0 if object is opaque o 0 < K T < 1 if object is semi-translucent Transparency Coefficient
Refractive Transparency For Thin Surfaces, Can Ignore Change in Direction o Assume light travels straight through surface
Refractive Transparency For Solid Objects, Apply Snell’s Law: o r sin r i sin i
Summary Direct Illumination o Ray casting o Usually use simple analytic approximations for light source emission and surface reflectance Global illumination o Recursive ray tracing o Incorporate shadows, mirror reflections, and pure refractions
Illumination Terminology Radiant power [flux] (Φ) o Rate at which light energy is transmitted (in Watts). Radiant Intensity (I) o Power radiated onto a unit solid angle in direction( in Watt/sr) e.g.: energy distribution of a light source (inverse square law) Radiance (L) o Radiant intensity per unit projected surface area( in Watts/m 2 sr) e.g.: light carried by a single ray (no inverse square law) Irradianc (E) o Incident flux density on a locally planar area (in Watts/m 2 ) Radiosity (B) o Exitant flux density from a locally planar area ( in Watts/m 2 )
Thank you Next Lecture: Rendering