Sage on the Stage is Sooooo 20 th Century Presented by Gayle Hartigan and Heather Comer Tallwood High School Virginia Beach
Heather Comer & Gayle Hartigan Heather Currently teach English 11 GWSLA and English 11 Inclusion 4 years at Tallwood HS 14 years teaching in VBCPS 10 years in alternative ed. Gayle Computer Resource Specialist All levels, all classes, any takers! 4 years at Tallwood HS 20 years teaching
Blogs The continuously changing technologies of literacy mean that we must help children learn how to learn new technologies of literacy. In fact, the ability to learn continuously changing technologies for literacy may be a more critical target than learning any particular technology of literacy itself. Donald Leu of Syracuse University blogging/
Wikis “The biggest benefits of wikis are fast, efficient collaboration, recording tacit knowledge to make better use of it, collaboratively building projects, papers, and websites, and gathering input in an inclusive way. Students like them because they make group projects easier to coordinate, teachers like them because they can interact with students throughout the course of a project or assignment, see their progress, and give them feedback along the way.” – Stewart Mader, author of Wikipatterns
Podcasts A Podcast can be defined as a media file that is freely available for download from the Internet automatically with software that can handle RSS feeds. This file is then played on a personal computer or mobile device at the listener’s convenience.RSS feeds In the classroom, a Podcast can be a lecture, presentation, announcement, audio book, or any kind of supplemental material facilitating the educational goals of the teacher and students. It can be created by an outside entity, the teacher, the students or any combination thereof. Charles Thacker, Podcasts In Education
Why should I podcast? 1 in 5 Americans from age 12 and older has an mp3 device 25% of online users have downloaded a podcast 22% of males reported downloading compared to 16% of females reported downloading a podcast. 18 to 29 are the age group most likely to own MP3 players, with 61% owning gadgets of this kind 13% of those ages 50 and older have downloaded a podcast universities, high schools, the military, NPR, businesses, … Who podcasts?
Reasons to Podcast high student interest Improve student writing Students internalize editing and strive to do better Provides a showcase to highlight students It is fun and educational
Lesson Ideas Oral history and interviews Autobiography Narratives Persuasive papers Editing and writing workshops Paraphrasing Script writing
Software Audacity to lame files and convert to mp3 files Students saved it on Sharepoint Some students used garage band
Scoring Rubrics Showcase the student podcasts Release forms Give a rubric prior to making the podcast The assignment is really about improving writing Reflect about the process and what was learned
Lesson Ideas for Wikis Classroom management Digital Portfolios Research Creative Writing Collaborative Project Work within classes and outside of your school – think global! Foreign Language Practice Discussion boards
Wiki Examples Why Wiki? Audience - publishing Real-world Collaborative New literacy