Scholastic Reading Counts!
What is the Reading Program? Scholastic Reading is a literature-based motivation program designed to get students to read and understand what they have read.
How do I Participate? Check out a book from the library that has a green stripe at the top of the spine.
The green stripe on the top of each book indicates that the book is a part of the reading program. Each title in the program has a computer generated test that allows students to test how well they comprehend what they have read.
What kinds of titles are available? Currently there are thousands of titles in the library that have computer tests. Fiction titles are stories that have imaginary characters or settings. Non-fiction titles are accounts of true events.
Where can I find the Scholastic books in the Smith Library? Fiction books are found on the 10 bookcases near the outside wall of the library. Remember: all fiction books are arranged in alphabetical order by the author ’ s last name.
Non-Fiction Scholastic Non-fiction books: These books are arranged by the Dewey decimal number assigned to the book & are found in the 1 st 2 free-standing bookcases.
May I read any book? Read what interests you. The requirement each 9 weeks is the number of words read, not the number of books read.
Words Each 9 Weeks Grade 6 – 42,000 words Grade 7 – 48,000 words Grade 8 – 54,000 words
Number of words read? How can I possibly know how many words are in the book I read? There are 2 ways – #1 use the library catalog or #2 use the Scholastic binders in the library
The Library Catalog? Type in the title of the book you are interested in knowing the number of words in – on the screen you will find the number of words --- if it is a Scholastic Reading Program book.
Binders? There are 3 binders that list every Scholastic test with the number of words in the book. 1 binder is arranged in alphabetical order by the title of the book. The 2 nd binder is arranged in alphabetical order by the author ’ s last name. The 3 rd binder is arranged in order of the number of words in the book.
Do I, as a student, have access to these binders? Absolutely – the binders are found on the top of the counter near the letter press & encyclopedias in the library. USE THEM.
What does the information in the binders look like?
I Have Read My Book – Now What? Come to the library when you are ready to take your test Find the icon on the screen that reads “ Scholastic Student ”
I Double-Clicked on the Icon, Now What? Type in your name, 1 st name, space, then last name.
What ’ s this about a password? On the back of the I.D. card is a number. Each number is entered in the computer with the appropriate student name, making it the student password to Scholastic.
There are Choices to Make Before I Start the Test. What do I do? Click on “ Take a Quiz ” to start a new test. Click on “ Check my Progress ” to see what I have done before.
I typed the title of my book & it ’ s not there. WHY??? If your book title begins with the words the, a, or an – start with the 2 nd word. Those 3 little words begin so many books. Example: The Outsiders – don ’ t type T-H-E O-U-T-S-I-D-E-R-S – just type Outsiders
What kind of Questions does the Computer Ask? – Multiple Choice
How Do I Know If I Passed? There will be a congratulatory screen with YOUR name on it.
What NEXT? The computer asks you to “ rate ” the book you just read from Leave it! to Loved it!
Do I Print? Click the OK button to print ONLY if you passed the test. Click Cancel if you didn ’ t pass this time.
I Printed my Test, Is that All I Need to Do? Next you must get your results recorded – The computers are not connected together so they cannot “ talk ” to one another. You must get your test information recorded on your Scholastic card.
Each card lists the title you passed, the date you took the test and the number of words in that title. As you move from grade to grade your Scholastic card is updated.
Once you take a test you can ’ t take it again. So by the time you are in the 8 th grade you may need to refresh your memory by looking back on your card to see what you have taken during middle school.
Anything Else? There are 2 bulletin boards outside the library in the hallway. Each 9 weeks a different symbol is assigned to each grade. After you pass a test, proudly display your name which is written on one of the symbols. This is a good way to let everyone else in the school know how well you are doing.
WHAT NEXT? Take your test result sheet from the printer along with a completed reflection sheet that you pick up by the card box and give those to your Language Arts teacher. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure the papers get to your teacher. The library keeps track of what you have passed tests on. You must deliver the good news to your teacher.
How are the tests graded? Scholastic Reading is a requirement at R.K. Smith. The tests are usually counted as a formative grade each 9 weeks. Test progress should be recorded on progress reports. Passed tests should be given to the Language Arts teacher accompanied with a copy of the test print- out. Teachers should keep track of all papers for each class. Bonus points or some other incentive can be given for words read over the requirement.