Abstract Existing System Proposed System System Specifications UML Diagrams Modules description Screen Shots Conclusion Future Enhancement Bibliography Contents
Abstract Now a days its a highly required system for which the managers of Apartments are looking for, as they have to maintain the data of many things and to monitor the status of those things, like status of the portion i.e., whether it is vacant or occupied, and the status of payment of bills like power, electricity, water, maintenance, etc
The existing system uses ledgers The data will be visible to all so there is no security for the data There may be data loss
Proposed System Easily Manageable Less time consuming All processes are categorized giving a very simple interface to the end user.
System Specifications HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz Hard Disk: 80 GB RAM: 1GB SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS Operating system : Windows XP Professional Front end :Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2008 Coding Language: C#.Net Database :Sqlserver
Usecase Diagram Use Case diagrams are one of the five diagrams in the UML for modeling the dynamic aspects of systems. C ONTENTS : Use Case diagrams commonly contain: Use Cases Actors Dependency, generalization, and association relationships.
Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of the messages. Graphically, a sequence diagram is a table that shows objects arranged along the X-axis and messages, ordered in increasing time, along the Y-axis. C ONTENTS : Objects Object Life Line Focus of Control
Modules Owner Manager Tenant
Owner The owner can check his own profile. He can check the manager’s details, he can add a new manager and he can delete the existing manager. The owner can visit the tenant profiles and their problems.
Owner He can know the portion details like how many are vacant and how many are occupied. He would check his apartment’s details like where the apartment is located, apartment name and the number of portions.
Manager He can check his profile and tenants profiles. He can add the new tenants and delete the existing tenants. He can verify the portion details like how many are vacant and how many are occupied.
Manager He can take the bills like water, power, maintenance and rent from the tenants. He can update the tenants rental status He can check the problems of tenants by their name and plot number
Tenant Tenant can check his profile He can change his password by giving new password He can submit his problems to manager by giving his name, location name and plot number.
Login page
Conclusion This is a generalized application which can be used for any kind of apartment whether it is small or large. This software is fully customizable according to our needs. Our main aim is to provide you with a solution that will be cost effective with no compromise in quality and service
Future Enhancement For a greater community apartments this can be extended with special facilities
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