Stearns Objective: Students will learn the discoveries of the Scientific Revolution Essential Question: What was the importance Scientific Revolution? Lang Obj: Students will read and record main ideas. The Scientific Revolution
Quiz Correction Which of the following was one of Luther’s main beliefs? Men are more sinful than women. Christians needed to be baptized again as adults. Good works were required for salvation. All people with faith were equal.
Comic Bkook Reading Quiz
Scientific Revolution the Scientific Revolution began with questions about accepted beliefs. What are some ways that people today question accepted beliefs?
Reading Scientific Revolution P min As you read record notes for the following main ideas Roots Heliocentric theory (draw pic) Galileo Scientific Method Newton & Law of Gravity Spread of Science C Note
Elbow Buddy discussion Why do you think historians use the word revolution to describe this period of change? Why would the peoples and animals of Africa open Europeans to new ideas?
Major Changes in Science
Use your notes and text to answer the questions on this graphic organizer
Section Assessment Answer questions 2-8 p 194
Ticket out the Door: Text home Hi Mom/ Dad / Guardian, I wanted to text you and let you know that I have a test this week in World Studies. I have a study guide, notes, and flash cards due on the day of the test. Can you please remind me to study? Love?
Quiz 1. In General, the philosophes believed in which of the following? A. Expanding women’s rights B. All Church decrees C. Progress for society D. Authoritarian rule 2. The Bill of Rights was influenced by A. Voltaire B. John Locke C. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. All of the above. 3. What was Montesquieu’s influence on the U.S. Constitution? A. Public elections B. Branches of government C. The Bill of Rights D. Representatives
Roots of Modern Science Before 1500 Scholars decided true or False by studying the bible or Greek or Roman authors Few scholars challenged the scientific ideas Geocentric Theory: Believed that the earth was immovable object at (the center of the universe) The sun and moon circled the earth To Challenge Ideas was to challenge God and Church
New Thinking Scientific Revolution New thinking about the natural world Careful observation and willingness to question accepted beliefs Exploration and Conquest opened up Europeans to new possibility of truth (Americas & East) Also fueled research of astronomy and mathematics Sea navigators needed better tools to cross the ocean
The Heliocentric Theory Created by Nicolaus Copernicus 1500’s Heliocentric Theory (sun-centered) The idea that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun Copernicus was so afraid of the Church's response he did not release his findings until 1543 the year of his death TWPS Why afraid?
Heliocentric Theory Sun Centered
Newton & the Law of Universal Gravitation Explained the law of universal gravitation Wrote “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” The belief that all objects are affected equally by the same forces He believed God created a universe but left rules to govern and be expressed mathematically Clock Maker Theory Issac Newton explained the law of universal gravitation.A)
Spread of the Scientific Revolution Enlightenment ideas swept through European society and colonial America Between 1550 and 1789 This led to new discoveries in: Scientific Instruments Medicine and the Human Body Chemistry
Day 1 vs 2 Break
??????????????? Create one question about today's information Can be to clarify, or to test knowledge Be ready to ask the class
Comic Book Reading Read the following comic book section Be ready for assessment If good discussion no questions
Cartoon Q’s Explain who is Galieo Galilei What is the Heliocentric theory? What did it debunk? What did Johannes Kepler discover?
Did You Know? "We are living in exponential times" Mf7FWGdCw
Individual Assignment Write a ¾ page response to our science lesson. Where are we now with science? How did we get to where we are now? What is going to continue to happen? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Why? On the bottom ¼ draw five pictures of what science means to you (Symbolism)
Summary 4 sentences everyday
Extra Credit Make a Political Cartoon about Copernicus Heliocentric theory & Newton’s theory of Gravity Each picture should be ½ page Use five different colors No stick figures P