履歷與推薦信 學術交流基金會 教育顧問傅鏡平
“Writing your resume is an opportunity to write your future. This is your preordained appointment to update, advance, and ‘re-image’ who you are. It’s a time to ponder your passions, values, and hard-wired skills.” (Britton Whitcomb, 2007)
Definitions Curriculum Vitae (CV) The term comes from Latin origins (curriculum = course and vitae = life). The course of one’s life. A CV focuses on academic achievements including details about teaching experience, publications, and academic honors. A CV is commonly used when applying for teaching or research opportunities. (MIT Global Education & Career Development Center, 2008)
Definitions Resume The term résumé come from French origins meaning summary. A brief account of professional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted for an employment application. Resumes are often used as a screening devise. (Britton Whitcomb, 2007)
Differences The primary differences are the length, the content and the purpose. - A CV is a longer (two or more pages) with a detailed synopsis. It includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details. - A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. A goal of resume writing is to be brief and concise. In the United States, a CV is used primarily when applying for international, academic, education, scientific or research positions or when applying for fellowships or grants.
Tips for Improving Your CV and Resume 1.Review Samples. It is very helpful to take a look at samples (same field or situation) before you start writing. 2.Select the best format. Try to evenly balance between skill-set description, achievements, and employment. 3.Make certain your document is error free. Do not rely on yourself to proofread your work and do not rely on spell-check. Find a friend who has strong English grammar and spelling skills to check your work.
4. Do not use personal pronouns. "I," "me," "my," "mine," and "our" should not be on a resume. Resumes are written in implied first person. Example: For your prior job description, instead of writing: "I hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales associates" you would instead state that you "Hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales associates." Fragment sentences are perfectly acceptable on a resume and actually preferred. Tips for Improving Your CV and Resume
5.Find a balance between wordiness and lack of detail. Employers need to see details about your work history and experience, but they don‘t need to know everything. Keep information germane to your purpose of the CV or resume. Tips for Improving Your CV and Resume
6.Use numerical symbols for numbers. In resume writing, numerical symbols serve as "eye stops". Instead of writing "Developed a dynamic team of eight consultants." it would be much more advantageous to state "Developed a dynamic team of 8 consultants." Tips for Improving Your CV and Resume
7. Think “accomplishments” rather than “job duties”. What makes you stand out from the crowd? How did you come up with a way to do things better, more efficiently, or for less cost? What won honors for you? Information such as this is vital, will grab attention, and put your resume at the top of the list.
Tips for Improving Your CV and Resume 8. Keep it positive. Reasons for leaving a job and setbacks do not have a place on a resume. Universities and employers are seeking people who can contribute and have successfully performed in the past. Concentrate on communicating these issues and avoid any detracting information.
Tips for Improving Your CV and Resume 9.Avoid including personal information. Certain personal items would never be included on a CV or resume for use in the United States. This includes date of birth, nationality, and photograph. United States law on what information applicants can be asked to provide is different than in Taiwan. (Benedict, 2008)
Practice Action Verbs Use action verbs for describing job responsibilities and accomplishments Vary the types of action verbs used throughout your CV or resume Examples of action verbs: accomplished, administered, advised, consolidated, coordinated, designed, documented, ensured, examined, facilitated, organized, outlined, pioneered, prepared, revamped, tracked, verified Example before Increased sales past company goals. after Boosted profit margins more than 12 percent. (Resume Magic, 2008)
Practice Details Remember to think of accomplishments rather than job responsibilities if possible. Try to include enough detail that the reader gets a clear vision of your work or school performance. Example before Boosted profit margins more than 12 percent. after Captured a 12 percent gain in net profit, a record for the company’s 60 year history. (Resume Magic, 2008)
第一篇:找誰寫? 第二篇:寫什麼? 第三篇:怎麼寫? 第四篇:請師長推薦的小叮嚀..推薦信
Q1 :找誰推薦比較好? 1. 學校老師:修過課的、有好成績的、研究 案的老闆、導師 … 等 2. 工作上司:直屬的、有合作過的、督導過 你的 … 等 , 甚至客戶也可以 。
Q2 :知名大學校友可以嗎? EX :我認識哈佛大學的校友 … A :熟識你的、瞭解你的能力或個 性的、推 薦者的畢業學校 / 攻讀領域剛好是你欲申請 的學校 / 攻讀領域,會有些幫助。
Q3 :親朋好友可以嗎? EX :我的父親是中學校長、我的姑姑在政 府機構擔任高階職務 … A :雖能呈現對自己各方面的深度瞭解,但 可能會有推薦內容較不客觀的刻板印象。
Q4 :名人可以嗎? EX :我覺得馬英九有知名度,讀的學 校又很好,所以想找他寫推薦信 A :如果推薦者與你熟識、對你的能 力各方面有深度瞭解,可以請他 們推薦。若沒有特殊互動或瞭解 ,則完全沒有幫助。
Q5 :誰來寫 ? 1. 完全你自己寫 2. 自己寫好後給老師改 3. 老師自己寫
Q6 :多送推薦信可以嗎 ? 除非你確定多加的推薦信是 由很強的推薦者撰寫,否則 增加一般的推薦信反而會有 反效果。
Q :推薦信的內容寫什麼? 1. 我的專業能力與潛力 2. 我的求學態度 3. 我的人格特質 4. 我的成長與成就 5. 我的優勢與特色
第三篇:怎麼寫 ?
Q1 :自寫推薦信的要點為何? 1. 具體: 5w+how 、數據、實例 2. 不重複:每封著重不同的優點 3. 文筆不同:使用不同的風格 4. 正向思考 5. 量身訂做
Q2 :推薦信的長度 遇到教授比較喜歡的學生,通常 寫的推薦信會比較長,比較不喜 歡的會比較短
Q :要做什麼事前準備? 1. 準備所有文件給師長參考,包括自傳 、 SOP 、履歷、成績單、重要作業 2. 列印各校推薦表格 3. 準備推薦信信封袋 4. 各校資料整潔清楚分類,並清楚表示 截止日期等 5. 給老師充分時間寫推薦信
Q :後續手續 ? 寫完後裝入信封彌封 請推薦人在彌封處簽名 與其他申請文件放在同一個大信 封中寄送
Q :放棄調閱權 ? 申請表格上如果問到是否放棄調 閱權,建議勾選放棄
實際例子 Dear Clarence Fu, You are receiving this message from Fisher College of Business - Ohio State University because ABC has chosen you to provide a Recommendation. Name of Applicant: ABC of Applicant: Degree: Master of Accounting Term: Autumn 2014 Please note that ABC has waived his/her right to review this Recommendation.
Q : On-line On-line 推薦信會是一個趨勢 可否下載表格 考驗你和老師的交情 與老師良好溝通
Application for Admission to the Graduate College Letter of Reference Applicant Information First Name: Last Name: Proposed Program of Study: Degree: Recommender Information First Name: Last Name: Institution/Organization: Position/Title:
Letter of Reference 2 To what extent do you recommend this applicant for admission as a graduate student in their proposed field of study? 1. strongly recommend 2. recommend 3. recommend with reservations 4. I do not recommend for admission
Letter of Reference 3 Please describe how long you have known the applicant and under what circumstances you have known the applicant: Please evaluate the applicant in comparison with others you have known during your professional career. Describe the comparison group you are using:
Letter of Reference 4 Please attach a statement of recommendation addressing the applicant’s abilities to pursue graduate studies and research. Please address the following as applicable: the applicant’s ability to work with peers, supervisors and subordinates; teaching potential; any outstanding abilities, talents, liabilities and weaknesses; and oral and written communication skills.
Letter of Reference 5 Thank you for your thoughtful assessment of this applicant. Your responses will provide the Admissions Committee with information needed to make a thorough evaluation of the applicant. Please send comments or concerns to the Graduate and Professional Admissions Support Unit at Thank you.
Letter of Reference 6
Letter of Reference 7 Please note that all letters of recommendation must be uploaded in this system. The program cannot accept letters that are sent via or hard copy to the department. —Michigan State University
與其他文件的呼應 內容的一致性 例如老師說你英文造詣頗高 , 結果 托福不到 80 分
表達感謝 寫封感謝卡 獲得入學許可後告訴老師你 被哪些學校錄取
學術交流基金會 美國教育資訊中心 台北市延平南路 45 號 3 樓 捷運西門站 5 號出口 延平南路與漢口街交叉口
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