Norup International School Welcome!! th grade parents
Norup PTA Meetings are 2 nd Tuesday every month Jennifer Johnson – PTA Vice President
Norup Admin Staff Paul Yowchuang - Principal Beth Meacham – Assistant Principal Denise Tomlinson – IB Coordinator Catherine Helms – Counselor Ruth Sochacki – Counselor 27 of our teachers are in contact with MYP students.
Your Middle School Student Catherine Helms and Ruth Sochacki School Counselors
One Thing I Know About Norup
Two Things I Worry About
Three Questions I Have About Norup
Why Norup? We want your child/children to attend Norup if you are looking for a school with high expectations. We believe we have a lot to offer and we continue to expand our offerings. Our 6-8 students perform very well on state standardized tests and it is being reported that our students are highly prepared at BHS.
Norup is unique K-8 – 786 students. MYP (middle years programme) projections for : 6 th grade => th grade => th grade => 149 International Baccalaureate approach and Common Core are very closely aligned.
Schedule Norup runs 7 class periods of 52 minutes from 8:15 AM – 3:30 PM. The first three periods are before an 11 AM lunch. At 11:50 classes resume. All students, per IB requirements, must take 6 of the following per year: Mathematics Language Acquisition Fine Arts Language and Literature (ELA) P.E. Individuals and Societies (S.S.) Science Design (Technology) Performing Arts
Sample Schedule 1 st period 8:15 – 9:07 Technology 6 2 nd period 9:11 – 10:03 Reading 6 3 rd period 10:07 – 11:00Writing 6 Lunch/Recess11 – 11:50 AM 4 th period 11:50 – 12:42Math 6 5 th period 12:46 – 1:38Science 6 6 th period 1:42 – 2:34I & S 6 7 th period 2:38 – 3:30Band 6
ELA programming 6 th graders are placed in two periods of ELA back-to-back with the same teacher Emphasis on Reading and Writing in critical year 7 th and 8 th graders are in one period of ELA – allowing for world language acquisition Writing – Lucy Calkins/Writer’s Workshop Reading – Reader’s Workshop/Group Novels Intervention Specialist push in to 7 th and 8 th grade Introduction of a Writing Center for Adult proofing of papers before they are submitted for 2015 There are many staff changes for next year in this department
Math Programming CMP-3 is our main resource. It is very Common Core geared. 6 th grade – Math 6, 6+ or Math 7, 7+ 7 th grade – Math 7, 7+ or Math 8, 8+ 8 th grade – Math 8, *+ or Geometry First track is grade level with Algebra in 8 th grade being the goal. Second track is advanced.
Math (continued) Support classes for Math 6, 7, and 8 will be available next year. These are taken in place of a world language or an elective. Math + is an extra 10 week course to get all units in for math. It fills in with 10 weeks of tech and 20 weeks of gym.
Math Flowchart 6 th: Math 6Math 7 7 th :Math 7 Math 8 (Algebra equiv) 8 th :Math 8 (Algebra equiv.)Geometry 9 th :Geometry or AlgebraAlgebra II 10 th :Alg II or GeometryPreCalc/Calc A/B 11 th :PreCalc/Calc A/B or Alg IICalc A/B or Calc B/C 12 th : Calc A/B-B/C or PreCalc Calc III/Diff Eq/AP Stats Calc A/B and Calc B/C are Advanced Placement Courses
Individuals and Societies (Social Studies) 6 th grade: World Geography and Current Events 7 th grade: Europe, Africa, Asia – geography, sociology, anthropology 8 th grade: US History Colonization – pre Civil War.
Science 6 th grade – Life Science 6 => Basic chemistry and biology 7 th grade – Earth Science 7 => Physical and Earth sciences 8 th grade – Science 8 => Basic physics
World Languages Spanish, French, and Chinese currently offered to 7 th /8 th grade Spanish and French can be taken for middle school exposure (Introductory class) or for high school credit (Level I or II). Chinese is currently for high school credit only, although an intro class is feasible for the future.
Gym/Tech/Health/Math+ Physical Education is offered for 20 weeks (1/2 year) The other half of the year for 6 th grade is 10 weeks of technology and 10 weeks of Math 6+ The other half of the year for 7 th grade is 10 weeks of tech and 10 weeks of Math 7+. The other half of the year for 8 th grade is 10 weeks of tech and 10 weeks of Math 8+. Students who are in Geometry will not have Math 8+. We will offer them a chance to earn their HS Health equivalency course.
Elective opportunities Orchestra – Grade Level Art – 6 th grade, 7 th /8 th grade, Advanced 8th Band – Grade Level Choir – Mixed Intermediate, Advanced Boys, Advanced Girls Lego Robotics – 7 th /8 th grade – replaces elective or possibly gym/tech combination Advanced opportunities at Berkley High School – contact Paul Yowchuang individually about these.
IEP/504 students Two resource room teachers for ELA/Math/LRC Anne Canvasser and Melinda Jackson LRC’s for both IEP and 504 students Denise Tomlinson – 504 LRC Catherine Helms – 504 coordinator Limited paraeducator push in support
Extra Curriculars Yearbook Club Newspaper (new this year) National Junior Honor Society Student Leadership Lunchtime Clubs Knitting Creative Writing Photography Games Drama
Sports 7 th /8 th grade boys football 7 th /8 th grade girls basketball 6 th /7 th /8 th grade boys and girls cross country combined with Anderson Middle School 6 th /7 th /8 th grade boys and girls swimming combined with Anderson Middle School 7th/8 th grade boys basketball teams 7 th /8 th grade girls volleyball teams 7 th /8 th grade boys and girls track and field 6 th /7 th /8 th grade boys and girls tennis teams combined with Anderson
Social/emotional/academic supports Full time counselor and social worker Upstander – Anti-Bullying and Leadership Training After school homework club three days a week and Saturday School Partnership with Berkley High School NHS for tutors Grade level blogs and Family Access
International Travel Opportunities February 2015 – 43 students/adults went to England February 2016 – Trip planned for Belize. Must be 12 or older at the time of the trip. Paul Yowchuang for details. February 2017 – England?
Miscellaneous and Video Students have access to lockers – either have their own or share Phys. Ed lockers/locks Building Hand-Held Technology Policy Dress code Entry points Day in the Life Video
Your turn Questions……. This powerpoint will be up on our Norup school website via Contact Paul Yowchuang