Learning Addition Facts David McKillop Making Math Matter Inc.
Why should students learn the number facts? They are the basis of all mental math strategies, and mental math is the most widely used form of computation in everyday life Knowing facts is empowering Facilitates the development of other math concepts
How is fact learning perhaps different from when I learned facts? 1. Facts are clustered in groups that can be retrieved by the same strategy. 2.Students can remember 6 to 8 strategies rather than 100 discrete facts. 3. Students achieve mastery of a group of facts employing one strategy before consolidating and moving on to another group.
General Approach Introduce a strategy using association, patterning, contexts, concrete materials, pictures – whatever it takes so students understand the logic of the strategy Practice the facts that relate to this strategy, reducing wait time until a time of 3 seconds, or less, is achieved. Constantly discuss answers and strategies. Integrate these facts with others learned by other strategies. IT WILL TAKE TIME!
The Double Facts Strategy: By Association with Related Contexts
The Double Facts
Practice the Facts Dice games Card games Flash cards Objects with price tags in cents
1-More-Than Facts Associate with a call for the next number , , , , etc
1-More-Than Facts
Practice the Facts Webs Dice games Card games Flash cards Calculator 1
The 1-Apart Facts The Double and Next Number Strategy: Double the smaller number and add 1 because, for example, = 5 + (5 + 1) = (5 + 5) + 1 = =
1-Apart Facts
Practice the Facts Flash cards Contexts Dice Game (use one 0 – 9 die) 1
Practice Strategy Selection Which facts can use The Doubles Strategy? Which facts can use the Next Number Strategy? Which facts can use the Double, Next Number Strategy?
2-More-Than Facts The Next Even/Odd Number Strategy: Associate addition of 2 with a call for the next even/odd number = 6
2-More-Than Facts
Practice the Facts Webs Dice games Card games Flash cards Calculator
The Zero Facts The No-Change Strategy. Associate the addition of zero with making no change to the other number (Play up the no-change aspect because students associate the operation of addition with making something larger.)
The Zero Facts
Practice Zero Facts Will require very limited practice in isolation; however, when combined with other facts, students sometimes resist making no change because they associate addition with change making.
Make-10 Strategy (For Facts with a 9) The Make-10 Strategy. When a number is added to 9, use 1 from that number to make the 9 a 10; then add the other part of the number to =
Make-10 (with a 9)
Practice the Facts Web Flash cards Contexts Dice Game (use one 0 – 9 die) 1 9
Practice the Facts All these facts involving 9 could be done by Make- 10, but what other strategies could be used for some of them? 1 9
Make-10 Strategy (Some 8 Facts) The Make-10 Strategy. When a number is added to 8, use 2 from that number to make the 8 a 10; then add the other part of the number to =
Make-10 With an 8
Practice the Facts Web Flash cards Contexts Dice Game (use one 0 – 9 die) 1 8
The 2-Apart Facts and and and Double the Number Between Strategy: If 1 from the larger number is re-distributed to the smaller, you get a double of the number between them. Example: = = 12
2-Apart Facts
The Last 6 Facts and and and Variety of Strategies = (6 + 2) + 1 Or helping fact = 10, so is 1 less Make-10 with a 7
Addition Fact Learning Strategies The Doubles Facts (9) The 1-More-Than Facts (16) The 1-Apart Facts (14) The 2-More-Than Facts (12) The Zero Facts (19) The Make-10 Facts (10 with 9, 8 with 8) The 2-Aparts Facts (6) The Last 6
Practice the 100 Facts Flash cards Bingo Dice Games Card Games Fact Bee Calculators Strategy Selection Partial Tables