Math in the gamble
Poker is Math Poker is a game that requires the ability to read situations and your opponents to gain an advantage in every hand you play. It 's also a math game in which you should be able to calculate the odds of you and your opponent in any situation. It 's a common question:"And' possible to win without incorporating math in games played?" You can not assumethat players who do not use mathematics will not be winning players, but a fair knowledge of the probability (odds) can only help improve the game and give you an advantage over players who do not know. No need to be a able to get away in the most compgenius of the calculation, just being able to make a correct analysis of the hand: the purpose, there can be extremely helpful some mathematical tricks to be licated.
The rule of four two This mathematical trick can give us an idea of the possibilities of our opponents, or to obtain a winning card on the turn or river, and consists of a highly simplified calculation of the odds, with a clear margin of 1-2%. After the flop, we must multiply our outs were 4 in the deck that can help us close the project you have in mind and we will get the percentage: if for example we have 9 cards that could help us, we do 9 × 4, then the odds are by 36%. Similarly, when only one card remains to be discovered on board we need to multiply the outs by 2 to obtain the percentage of output of a card for us winning. The rule X of the Ace This calculation rule is used when we're short stacked and we need to assess whether it is right to go all in if we hold an Ace with any kicker, it really is - while it is very simple - very effective way to make the best decision. Before sending the tub, we count how many players will have to act behind us, and including the blinds, if the kicker of our ace is higher than the number of players remaining, we have at least a 50% chance that our hand is dominated, and then in principle - given the situation of short stacked - is correct to go into. The principle of the pair of Gordon This shortcut takes its name from the mathematical poker player Phil Gordon, and should be used when we see a pocket pair used by the dealer to determine what are the chances that someone at the table is holding in his hand a pair better than ours. First, we count how many cards are superior to our couple: if we have a pocket pair of Jacks, only the pairs of women, Kappa and Aces beat us, then that number is 3. Now we count how many players should speak after us if we are under the gun on a table of 9 players, the number is 8. Then multiply these numbers and divide by 2, and we get the percentage chance that there is someone at the table with a pocket pair higher than ours: 8:2 × 3 = 12%.
Blackjack What is the basic strategy of Blackjack? If you've read something about Black Jack, you've no doubt heard about basic strategy. It is nothing but the best way to play a hand. Since there are a limited number of combinations / situations between the score of your cards and the dealer's face, then the basic strategy tells you which is the choice that will most likelywin between hit or stay. Since these combinations of your cards and the dealer are few,then the basic strategy is something you can easily learn and memorize. Why should I use this strategy? Because this lowers the probability of the bench to win by over 5% to less than 1%.Blackjack is a mathematical game. There are decisions to be taken. Take your cards and the dealer is always the best choice to do (stop or to hit), that is, the more chancesof winning. If you are a person with a head on his shoulders certainly will not go againstthe odds. Winning with the basic strategy There is one last thing to keep in mind when applying the basic strategy at blackjack: not a system that guarantees the mathematical win, but simply tells us what is the optimal way to play a hand without counting cards. There are some players who have used it todiscredit it once or twice without success Remember, this strategy reveals that the movehas more chances of winning in terms of mathematical and probabilistic, but that does not always guarantee that you will win (if so casinos would be assaulted). It's just a base from which to start. Each player should learn to become a serious player, but especially for a fool not to get caught at the table. Sample Table for Basic Strategy
What does this chart? It says basically that is the basic strategy to be adopted in cases where the variation of blackjack games with 4 decks, dealer stands on soft 17 (S17),you can double after splitting (DAS = double after splitting), you can not surrender, the dealer checks his first card (Peek) for any BJ. Following the table we will have adis advantage compared to the bench just 0.38%. Less than 1%. We try to figure out how to proceed in the game at the table.? Horizontally is shown the dealer's card, while in the column are shown our cards. Just cross the abscissa with the ordinate, as you did when you played the naval battle, to know which is the move, at our disposal, with morechances of winning. Let the examples. If our score is 14 and the dealer has a 7discovered, what should I do? Just refer to the table and determine the appropriate box at line 14 and column 7, that the pair (14.7). The box contains the symbol T. That means pull. The choice, therefore, will be to ask a card. Suppose there is a 3. As a result we now have a 17 (14 +3) and the dealer always 7. We return to the table to know what basic strategy suggests in this case. The box corresponding to the coordinates (17.7)contains an S. We must therefore stop.? But what if we played with 6 decks of cards? In this case the table would have been different, because the tables of the basic strategy will vary depending on the variations of the game and as you noted the variations are endless
How to store your strategy? Many people learn the basic strategy through the tables, but it's pretty hard to remember the intersections of a table, then the best choice would be to understand the reason behind each situation. The problem, however, is that now there are several variants, including thin, the blackjack rules and, consequently, the tables are different for each variant, even if slightly, it can be hard if you do not have a card, make your move right. There are many casinos that allow you to bring with you a small map of the size of acred it card, while others do not. Obviously for those who play online that is not a problem as it will have its table in front of the eyes. For those who went to the casino I suggest you choose the table game with rules like, since it is impossible to store the SB(Basic Strategy) for all variants, after which you must calculate the SB and translate it in to small rules easy to remember. Considering the above example, we know that if we have 16, then we must stop if the dealer has 2,3,4,5 or 6, but must be pulled if the dealer has 7,8,9,10 or A. So the rule is:"if our score is 16 against a 2-6 you have to stop and pull in the other cases." Given that the same rule should apply even if we could group it and 15 for all these initial scores. In this way we decrease the difficulty of passing from a storage table form to a form descriptive simplified. Following these simple rules to store all you have to make the cards bristol where indicated on the back of your initial score on the other side and set the matching rule to apply. Just practice a bit ', during their free time to discover that learning is really quick and easy: just a matter of a few days.
The roulette Formulas roulette When you play roulette using formulas that can help you earn more. Use of formulas when playing roulette is very important because it allows us to understand, even by game stats, when it is most likely to occur if a given event. This clearly allows a much higher chance of winning, so here we always recommend that you use math when playing roulette. The formula used is better and which consists in 'waiting for an event is repeated several times in succession, to bet on the opposite (eg wait for the red color comes out for 5 times in a row and then bet on black and vice versa ).
MARTINGALE This system is well known and is a great formula as long as we use it only for short periods. The martingale can function perfectly for short periods and under special conditions of play, but it is very risky in the long run. We analyze how it works: It begins by pointing unit. If you win you shall always pointing the same amount. If instead you lose you double the bet, so as to regain the lost. At this point, and if you win the hand passes back to the original bet. If you lose you double it again until you win. It 'easy to understand how to implement this formula are capital sufficiently large or, alternatively, one must begin with bets reduced so as to be able to double as much as possible in the case in which incurring in series negative particularly long. As said it is a way of betting that can fit only in the short term, we recommend using it to always bet on Black / Red or Odd / Even after already starting to implement it has been a long series of Black / Black Red / Red Odd / Even Odd / Even. Practical example: Roulette red came out 4 in a row, it's time to bet on BLACK The initial bet of 1 € on the black If you lose your next bet is 2 € If you still lose the next bet is 4 € If you miss more than 8 € (at this point means that already the red came out 8 times in a row so it is very likely to be over the black now!) If you miss more than 16 € At this point it is very likely that after so long a series of red will come out black and you've won!
PAROLI The formula can also be used in Paroli Blackjack and nuts as well as in Roulette. How does it work? It begins with a bet of one unit. If you lose you still doing the same bet. If you win you double your bet. With this formula we must determine how many times in the beginning before you start doubling your progression from one unit. Each player can make this decision at its discretion, however there are different methods, some of which work best and are the ones we use ourselves. We use return to the original bet after 4 or 5 rounds of roulette winning. The advantage of this method is that it only invest the profits and is able to limit the losses. Paroli example of the method: The ante is 5 € If we win the next episode will be 10 € If you win again the next installment will be 20 € If you win again the next will be 40 € If you win again, even this, you get a total of 80 €. A good result considering that it was obtained in only 4 hands and with an initial investment of only 5 €. Paroli is the method which allows to increase their capital more quickly if you experience the series winning streak. In phases of the game where the winnings are alternated between the player and the house that a review is not very profitable. PROGRESSIVE METHOD This method is very similar to that Paroli, the differences between the two formulas is that with the latter increases the bet one unit and not doubling. This allows you to be more cautious and limit losses in case of a series of extremely negative.