Secondary Math Cadre February 28, 2013
8 Videos That Prove Math is Awesome
Preparing for NeSA – Advice from Lenny Focus on Problem Solving and Higher Order Thinking Each distractor is a possible solution Plug answers back into the equations Vocabulary is huge – practice the words Take the practice test and do an item analysis Create a one week window where all teachers will do statistics and probability, HS should consider similar review for geometry Give students an indicator, have them create the question and answers with distractors Give students the NeSA reference sheet, have them start using it, make a poster for your classroom Make sure students use scratch paper, graph paper, & reference sheets when taking the test on line (fold paper and make work boxes) 24 Day countdown, each day for warm-up model a problem from the practice test Be positive, make sure kids understand “why” they are taking the test
Objective – Design a learning activity incorporating brain based instructional strategies. Prior Knowledge – What helps you remember something? Concept Development – Three areas in the brain help us learn 1)Top of Brain - “What we are learning” 2)Front of Brain - “How we organize our learning & express ideas” 3)Center of Brain - “Why we should be interested and engaged” Skill Development Strategies for the brain: humor, mnemonics, graphic organizers, story telling, music, writing & vocabulary, visuals, games, technology Guided Practice Importance – Increased efficiency and effectiveness Closure – What are you choosing to design and why Independent Practice
Universal Design for Learning What How Why
Instructional Strategies to Engage the Brain Marcia Tate StrategiesToday’s Activities Humor 0 & 8, trees, µ, rhombus Mnemonics – (intended to assist memory) Mimal, foil, pemdas, soh-cah-toa, All seniors take calculus Graphic Organizers Comparison matrix Movement/Gestures Slope, Story Telling Pop goes weasel Music/Raps Quadratic formula Writing & Vocabulary Vocab paint chips Visuals/Graphics/CRA Gears & pulleys Games & Sorts Sorting activity Technology Socrative, Ten Marks, Moodle, Electronic Lesson Plan
Mnemonics - Mimal the Baker MIMALMIMAL
Math Mnemonics (after conceptual understanding) Which Trig Functions are Positive? All seniors take calculus The sentence demonstrates which trig functions are positive in each of the four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane: Quad I: All functions are positive. Quad II: Only sine is positive. Quad III: Only tangent is positive. Quad IV: Only cosine is positive. First 8 Digits of Pi Count the number of letters in each word of the phrase May(3) I(1) have(4) a(1) large(5) container(9) of(2) coffee(6)? Factoring Binomials Use FOIL First Outer Inner Last Order of Operations Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally The order of mathematical operations: Parentheses Exponents Multiplication/Division (left to right) Addition/Subtraction (left to right).
Math Mnemonics
Graphic Organizer Comparison Matrix
Whole Brain Teaching - Slope
Music, Raps, Rhymes - Quadratic Formula “Pop Goes the Weasel” watch?v=O8ezDEk3qCg watch?v=2lbABbfU6Zc
Story Telling – Pop Goes the Weasel
Kids Create Gestures for Slope
High School Gears and Pulleys Start at 12 min
Core Plus Mathematics – Glencoe/MacMillan
Card Sorts Card sorts help the brain because they involve: 1.Visual stimuli (looking at the cards and arrangements) 2.Auditory stimuli (discussing- putting forward individual views and listening to the ideas of others) 3.Kinesthetic stimuli (the cards can be touched and moved around).
Card Sorts
Socrative Works with anything that can connect to the internet
Socrative – Register and Student Sign In Joe Willman
Socrative – Creating a Quiz Joe Willman
Socrative – Administering a Quiz Joe Willman
Socrative – Exit Tickets and Space Race Joe Willman
Ten Marks
Moodle Getting Started 1.Get account from District Admin 2.Get course from Craig H. 3.Give district web address to students Creating Quizzes 1. Viewing Results 1.Open course 2.Open quiz 3.Click on attempts
NROC – National Repository of Online Curriculum
Electronic Lesson Plan Template
Vocabulary Cards – Paint Chips
Work Session
Using Poll Everywhere and Wordle learning
Poll Everywhere
Kansas Teacher Teams Collaborate
Lesson Study – Teachers Write Lessons Together then Debrief
Mike the Mailman Penn State It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do It /penn-state-postman-delivers-lesson- in-happiness/
Mrs. Jones - Polynomials
dy/dan — Great Classroom Action How far does your car travel while you drive and one-handedly text "LOL" to your friend? Kids were immediately engaged. They asked questions like "How fast am I driving?" and "How long does it take to text?" I told them to assume whatever speed you wanted, we'd share out later.
Algebra tiles to Factor Polynomials html