Characteristics of Scatterplots 8.02. Height v. Arm Span.


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Presentation transcript:

Characteristics of Scatterplots 8.02

Height v. Arm Span

 As _____________ increases, _____________ ____________ (increases, decreases, or is not affected. height arm span increases

Plants!  As _________________________ increases, _____________________ ___________________________.  As _________________________ increases, _____________________ ___________________________. (increases, decreases, or is not affected)

Correlation / Association !  As ____________ increases, ____________ increases. POSITIVE  As ____________ increases, ____________ decreases. NEGATIVE  As ____________ increases, ____________ is not affected. NONE  As ____________ increases, ____________ increases. POSITIVE  As ____________ increases, ____________ decreases. NEGATIVE  As ____________ increases, ____________ is not affected. NONE

4) Which scatterplot?  d) The number of hours you watch TV and your math homework grade.  Type of correlation: NEGATIVE  d) The number of hours you watch TV and your math homework grade.  Type of correlation: NEGATIVE  a) Number of games the Warriors win and a Warrior fan’s happiness.  Type of correlation: POSITIVE  a) Number of games the Warriors win and a Warrior fan’s happiness.  Type of correlation: POSITIVE  c) The number of pets you have and the amount of money you make.  Type of correlation: NONE  c) The number of pets you have and the amount of money you make.  Type of correlation: NONE  b) The temperature outside and the number of meals you eat in a day.  Type of correlation: NONE  b) The temperature outside and the number of meals you eat in a day.  Type of correlation: NONE

Closure  Is there a correlation/ association or not?

Closure  Is there a correlation/ association or not?