Career Exploration 8 th Gr. Lesson Plans Teachers: Mr. Olvera
Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) *1. The student explores personal interests and aptitudes as they relate to education and career planning *A. Complete, discuss, and analyze the results of personality, career interest, and aptitude assessments. *D research current and emerging fields related to personal interest areas. *C Summarize the career opportunities in a cluster of personal interest.
After completing this lesson the students will reflect what interests them. Warm-up 2 I have most fun when… Collaborate with students to apply terms and meaning to exploring career options. Introduce chapter 1.1 terms No homework SubjectExploring Careers DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening xxxx Homework Essential Question? How are personal interests linked to choices and preferences?
Student explore the link between their interests and different careers. Me, Only Better - name one or more things you would love to change about yourself – either physical I want a nose job); a personality trait (I want to be more patient). Students will think of three jobs associated with the type of small business they choose. Group students by career interest and demonstrate responsibilities for each career. Subject Exploring Careers DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Essential Question? How do skills and aptitudes differ?
The student evaluates skills for personal success Quick write: Knowing about my interests and values helps me know myself better because… Check for understanding of key terms in class discussion. Cornell notes. Discuss with students how interests are important to career paths. No homework Subject Exploring Careers DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Essential Question? Where will your skills and aptitudes lead you?
Students will explore career clusterswith using computers in class. Quick write: I am most happy by doing…? Work with students to develop steps to career planning. Quiz 1 Explore and compare career clusters as they pertain to personalities. No Homework Subject Exploring Careers DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXx Homework Essential Question? Why is planning for the future important?
Students will explore career clusterswith using computers in class. Quick write: I am most happy by doing…? Work with students to develop steps to career planning. Explore and compare career clusters as they pertain to personalities. No Homework Subject Exploring Careers DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXx Homework Essential Question? Why is planning for the future important?