1 Global Water is an international, non-profit, humanitarian organization focused on providing safe water supplies, sanitation & hygiene facilities for rural villagers in developing countries. Global Water
The Lack of Safe Drinking Water is the Primary Cause of Disease in the World Today 2
Collecting Water is a Time Intensive and Laborious Task Every Day in the Developing World 3
4 Global Water Statement of Philosophy Global Water is based upon the belief that the lack of access to safe water is the primary cause of Hunger Disease Disease Poverty Poverty throughout the world.
Drilling Wells in Africa 5 Drilling Wells Woman using a hand pump to fill her water container
Hand Dug Wells in Central America 6 Man digging a well Woman using a hand pump
7 Spring Catchment Systems in Central America Natural Spring Spring Protection Box built right into a hillside
8 PVC Piping Allows Water to Gravity- Flow Down a Hill or a Mountain to a Village Below Men installing PVC pipe for 5 miles! Water tap for community
9 Everyone Deserves the Right to Safe Water
CHALLENGES TO PROVIDING SAFE WATER TO RURAL POPULATIONS Lack of Will of Country’s Government Lack of Will of Country’s Government Lack of Existing Infrastructure Lack of Existing Infrastructure Lack of Technical Expertise Lack of Technical Expertise Lack of Awareness of Residents Lack of Awareness of Residents 10
Global Water Water Consumption Guidelines for Initial Emergency and Long-Term Encampments 11 Emergency Water UsageWATER CONSUMPTION FUNCTIONLiters/person/dayGallons/person/day Drinking Food Preparation & Cooking Sanitation & Hygiene Emergency Water Usage Total Long Term Water Usage **WATER CONSUMPTION FUNCTIONLiters/person/dayGallons/person/day Drinking41 Food Preparation & Cooking41 Sanitation & Hygiene41 Cleaning (clothes, cookware, etc.) 8 2 Bathing154 Long Term Water Usage Total ** Long-term is defined as operation exceeding 90 days 359
12 Water Treatment Filter Design Decision Makers Water Treatment Filter Design Decision Makers Logistic Re-Supply is ALWAYS a problem in the field Filter Loading Rates are usually MORE IMPORTANT than the Filter Type MORE IMPORTANT than the Filter Type Maintenance should be maximum ONCE A DAY
13 The Perfect Water Treatment Technology for the Developing World The Perfect Water Treatment Technology for the Developing World Works Effectively Works Effectively Safe to Use Safe to Use Inexpensive to Assemble Inexpensive to Assemble Uses No Power to Function Uses No Power to Function Uses Indigenous Materials or Easily Shipped Uses Indigenous Materials or Easily Shipped Does Not Impart Taste Does Not Impart Taste Does Not Add Contaminant By-Product Does Not Add Contaminant By-Product Easily Installed Easily Installed Easily Understood & Taught Easily Understood & Taught Maintenance only Once a Year Maintenance only Once a Year Easily Monitored for Effectiveness Easily Monitored for Effectiveness No Environmental Damage No Environmental Damage
14 Sea Water Test Site
15 Our Approach Emphasizes Localization, Village Participation and Technical Support Identify experienced local water-advocacy NGOs* in a developing country Identify experienced local water-advocacy NGOs* in a developing country Work closely with local NGOs to identify suitable water projects in rural villages Work closely with local NGOs to identify suitable water projects in rural villages Provide partial to full funding for a project Provide partial to full funding for a project Help local NGOs determine equipment selection and provide specialty hardware Help local NGOs determine equipment selection and provide specialty hardware Provide water treatment technical help to local NGOs during a project Provide water treatment technical help to local NGOs during a project Involve villagers in providing manual labor (e.g., digging trenches, building water tanks, etc.) to impart ownership Involve villagers in providing manual labor (e.g., digging trenches, building water tanks, etc.) to impart ownership Inspect completed projects and maintain continuity with project site through local NGO staff Inspect completed projects and maintain continuity with project site through local NGO staff NGO - Non-Governmental Organization NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
16 Technology Push Program Technologies Currently Being Used & Evaluated Liquid Chlorine Injector Biosand Filter High Quality Water-Maker Chlorine Tablet Dispense
18 Everyone Deserves the Right to Safe Water