2011 AoA, CMS, and VA Grantees National Meeting
The Movement for Independent Living: A Brief History Attitudes Started It All
The Nomads The Greeks Early Christianity The Middle Ages The Renaissance Colonial America
Attitudes Started It All 1880’s World War ’s 1960’s 1970’s
Attitudes Started It All Civil Rights Movement Consumerism Self-help De-medicalization De-institutionalization
Independent Living & Traditional Rehabilitation Paradigms Rehabilitation Paradigm Definition of the problem: physical or mental impairment; lack of vocational skill (in the VR system) Focus of the problem: in the individual (individual needs to be "fixed" to fit into society Solution to the problem: professional intervention; treatment Independent Living Paradigm dependence upon professionals, family members and others in the environment; in the medical and/or rehabilitation process itself barrier removal advocacy self-help peer role models and counseling consumer control over options and services
Independent Living & Traditional Rehabilitation Paradigms Rehabilitation Paradigm Social role: individual with a disability is a "patient" or "client" Who controls: professional Desired outcomes: maximum self-care (or "ADL"); gainful employment in the VR system Independent Living Paradigm individual with a disability is a "consumer" or "user" of services and products "consumer" or "citizen" independence through control over ACCEPTABLE options for everyday living in an integrated, community-based environment
Attitudes Started It All Federal Laws Supporting the Independent Living Movement 1968 Architectural Barriers Act (designed to eliminate architectural barriers in all federally owned or leased buildings) 1970 Urban Mass Transit Act (required that all new purchases of mass transit vehicles be life equipped; APTA sought and won a court injunction barring implementation of the proposed regulations)
Attitudes Started It All 1973 Rehabilitation Act (Section 504 and related non- discrimination provisions in programs receiving federal funds) 1975 Developmental Disabilities Bill of Rights Act (Protection & Advocacy or P&A agencies in each state established) 1975 P.L , Education of All Handicapped Children Act (written to require a free, appropriate public education for children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment; mainstreaming children with disabilities into regular classrooms)
Attitudes Started It All 1978 Rehabilitation Act Amendments (Title VII, Comprehensive Services for Independent Living, was created; Part B funded creation and operation of "centers") 1983 Rehabilitation Act Amendments (mandated that each state operate a Client Assistance Project or CAP; Title VII Part A funded by services for IL clients - a concept parallel to the basic VR program) 1985 Mental Illness Bill of Rights Act (Expanded P&As to cover mental illness)
Attitudes Started It All 1986 Rehabilitation Act Amendments (advocates fought for and won "consumer control" for Title VII Part B center boards; supported work programs created and funded) 1988 Air Carrier Access Act (designed to provide for equal access on private airlines) 1988 Civil Rights Restoration Act (clarified that any organization or corporation receiving federal funds may not discriminate in any of their programs)
Attitudes Started It All 1988 Fair Housing Act Amendments (prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in housing and creates universal design in new construction provisions) 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (creates broad civil rights protections for people with disabilities modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
Attitudes Started It All 1993 National Voter Registration Act, aka Motor Voter Act. The Motor Voter Act requires all offices of State-funded programs that are primarily engaged in providing services to persons with disabilities to provide all program applicants with voter registration forms, to assist them in completing the forms, and to transmit completed forms to the appropriate State official.
Attitudes Started It All Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act CRIPA authorizes the U.S. Attorney General to investigate conditions of confinement at State and local government institutions such as prisons, jails, publicly operated nursing homes, and institutions for people with psychiatric or developmental disabilities.
2011 AoA, CMS, and VA Grantees National Meeting Kelly Buckland Executive Director NCIL 1710 Rhode Island NW 5 th Floor Washington, DC Billy Altom Executive Director APRIL 2001 Pershing Circle, Suite 200 North Little Rock, AR