September 11, 2012 Water Resources Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Yepbayeva, Director of Production Statistics and Environment Department Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics
Water – is a key natural and strategic resource 1 Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics
Environmental Statistics 2 Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics Reference directions: 1. Improvement of statistical methodology and tools. 2. Adaptation and introduction to national practices of 36 ecological indices recommended by UNECE for EECCA. 3. Forming of indicators on water resources statistics
3 Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics Plan of measures on ecological statistics development for developed: - The Classification of Environmental Protection Activities and Expenditures (CEPA), elaborated on the basis of international classification “The Classification of Environmental Protection Activities and Expenditure” (CEPA 2000) - Guidelines on Environmental Statistics Indicators Forming - Guidelines on Data Editing in Production and Environmental Statistics reviewed 4 statistical forms: - “Statement of Expenses for Environment Protection” (4-ОS), annual; - “Statement on Protection of Atmospheric Air” (2 –TP (air)), biannual; - “Statement on Public Wastes Collection and Removal” (1-wastes), annual; - “Statement on Wastes Sorting, Utilization and Depositing” (2-wastes), annual. Improvement of statistical methodology and tools
4 Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics Statistical information was formed and published in the book “Environment Protection and Sustained Development of Kazakhstan” on the following 32 indicators: it is planned to publish 4 indicators on Energetics in Adaptation and introduction to national practices of 36 ecological indices recommended by UNECE for EECCA - atmospheric air - climate change - water resources - biodiversity - land resources - agriculture - transport - wastes
Water Resources Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan is formed on the basis of: - national statistical observation (1 observation) - national statistical observation (1 observation) - departmental statistical observation (1 observation) - departmental statistical observation (1 observation) - data of administrative sources (3 sources) - data of administrative sources (3 sources) Forming of indicators on water resources statistics 5
In accordance with national statistical observation, indicators formed by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics using Form 1-VK (annual) “Statement on Operation of Water Supply, Sewerage System and their Separate Networks” Waterworks availability Sewage facilities availability Water mains length Sewerage networks length Production capacity and number of pump stations Volume of supplied and treated water Volume of water released to users Water consumption and daily average water supply Number and capacity of sewage facilities Sewage wastewaters coming through the treatment plants Indebtedness of the users Generating capacity and carrying capacity of sewage wastewaters Forming of indicators on water resources statistics 6
Indicators according to the results of departmental statistical observation formed by Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan using Form “Statement on water abstraction, use and disposal” number of water users water abstracted (surface and ground) losses during transportation water used (including for domestic water supply, production needs, irrigation, stockwater development, pond fish establishment, and other needs) water disposal (to surface water bodies, to storage land configuration) circulating water supply water recycling Forming of indicators on water resources statistics 7
8 Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics Forming of indicators on water resources statistics Key indicators formed in “Kazgidromet” RSE of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan: river flow resources main characteristics of large rivers and lakes quality of water state of main rivers quality of surface waters of Kazakhstan according to hydrochemical indicators Key indicators formed in Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammoniacal load in river water nutrients in fresh water nutrients in coastal sea waters fresh water renewable resources Key indicators formed in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan: drinking water quality domestic consumption per capita Administrative accounting :
N o. Name of Indicator Organizations responsible for data preparation for indicator Provision of quality of data and control procedures when preparing an indicator Publication of indicator Use of indicator at national level 1.Fresh water renewable resources KAZGIDROMET RSE OF THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Data quality control is implemented by the Ministry of Environment of the RoK Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency-dispatch service and local executing agencies 2 Fresh water abstraction Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on departmental statistical observation using Form “Statement on water abstraction, use and disposal” 2-TP (water management), annual Data quality control is implemented by Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RoK by way of reconciliation of initial statements by respondents with registers of water use Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency-dispatch service and local executing agencies 10
N o. Name of Indicator Organizations responsible for data preparation for indicator Provision of quality of data and control procedures when preparing an indicator Publication of indicator Use of indicator at national level 3Domestic consumption per capita Agency of the RoK on Statistics (ARKS) and the Ministry of Health of the RoK (MOH of the RoK). ARKS forms statistical information according to results of statistical observation using Form “Statement on operation of water supply, sewerage system and their individual networks" and publishes it at the web-site. MOH presents annual information about the share of population connected to public water supply to the ARKS. Data of the MOH of the RoK are formed according to the results of observations of territorial departments of the Committee of the State Sanitation-and- Epidemiological Control of the MOH of the RoK and Basin Authority of the Water Resources Committee of the MOA of the RoK. These departments ensure reliability and quality of information by way of regular checks. Reliability and quality of data of the ARKS shall be confirmed by primary statements by the respondents using Form “Statement on operation of water supply, sewerage system and their individual networks ", stamped and signed by the Chief Executive Officer. 1.Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” 2.Bulletin of the ARKS «On the state of environmental air protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Emergency-dispatch service and other interested organizations 11
N o. Name of Indicator Organizations responsible for data preparation for indicator Provision of quality of data and control procedures when preparing an indicator Publication of indicator Use of indicator at national level 4.Water lossesWater Resources Committee of the MOH of the RoK forms 2-TP (Water management). ARKS conducts annual statistical observation using statistical form 1- VK. Data quality control is implemented by Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RoK by way of reconciliation of initial statements by respondents with registers of water use. Reliability and quality of data of the ARKS shall be confirmed by primary statements by the respondents. 1.Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” 2.Bulletin of the ARKS “On operation of water-supply and sewage facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency-dispatch service of the Housing maintenance and utilities board and other interested organizations. 5.Reutilization and recycling of fresh water Water Resources Committee of the MOH of the RoK forms 2-TP (Water management). Data quality control is implemented by Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RoK by way of reconciliation of initial statements by respondents with registers of water use. Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency-dispatch service of the Housing maintenance and utilities board and other interested organizations. 12
N o. Name of Indicator Organizations responsible for data preparation for indicator Provision of quality of data and control procedures when preparing an indicator Publication of indicator Use of indicator at national level 6.Drinking water quality Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Data quality control is implemented by Sanitary and epidemiological station affiliated to the MOH of RoK on the basis of register of sample water quality. Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency- dispatch service of the Housing maintenance and utilities board and other interested organizations. 7.Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammoniacal load in river water “Kazgidromet” RSE of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan Data quality control is implemented by “Kazgidromet” RSE on the basis of register of sample river water quality. Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency- dispatch service of the Housing maintenance and utilities board and other interested organizations. 8.Nutrients in fresh water “Kazgidromet” RSE of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan Data quality control is implemented by “Kazgidromet” RSE on the basis of register of sample river water quality. Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency- dispatch service of the Housing maintenance and utilities board and other interested organizations. 13
N o. Name of IndicatorOrganizations responsible for data preparation for indicator Provision of quality of data and control procedures when preparing an indicator Publication of indicator Use of indicator at national level 9.Nutrients in coastal sea waters “Kazgidromet” RSE of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan Data quality control is implemented by “Kazgidromet” RSE on the basis of register of sample river water quality. Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency- dispatch service of the Housing maintenance and utilities board and other interested organizations. 10. Polluted wastewaters КВР МСХ РК на основе 2-ТП водхоз Data quality control is implemented by Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RoK by way of reconciliation of initial statements by respondents with registers of water use Statistical book of the Agency of the RoK on Statistics "Environment protection and sustainable development of Kazakhstan” Users are Ministry of Environment of the RoK, Ministry of Health of the RoK, Emergency- dispatch service of the Housing maintenance and utilities board and other interested organizations. 14
Thank you! Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics