Fire Department Cold Weather Ops Disclaimer: The content in this slide show has not been reviewed by the Department of Labor and Industries for accuracy and has been provided as “sample” curriculum only. Each Authority Having Jurisdiction must design, take authority of, and responsibility for, the actual training done by the Department. Local SOPs/SOGs, State regulations, and Federal laws may impact the material suggested. The Department of Labor and Industries and Washington State Fire Chiefs Association takes no responsibility for the outcomes or use of these training samples. Based on Article by By Rick GrabaRick Graba Published Sunday, November 30, 2008 | From the December 2008 Issue of FireRescueDecember 2008FireRescue
SOPs Our Department SOP for Cold Weather Ops is:
WHY WE CARE Freezing temperatures are hard on the public, firefighters, and equipment.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES List water supply protection tips. Identify ways to keep pumps and equipment maintained in freezing temperatures. Identify safe response tips for apparatus. List ways to protect firefighters from cold stress List general safety tips on the fire ground in freezing conditions.
PROTECT YOUR WATER SUPPLY Identify and service potential problem hydrants. We also air public service announcements that encourage city residents to keep the areas around hydrants clear of snow and ice, Keep sturdy snow shovels on the hose bed or close to the supply line for removing snow from around hydrants. Avoid coming up DRY, by initiating a hydrant "Pump- Out" plan
PROTECT PUMPS AND EQUIPMENT Keep pumps and drain lines dry. Be sure to close them before leaving the warmth of the station, or they will freeze open and you will have water everywhere. Open all compartment doors and inlet and outlet caps, and make sure they’re dry. Don’t wash apparatus during extreme cold weather. Constantly re-circulate water in pumps at the scene. To prevent freezing and damage, any lines not being used should be left partially open or drained and rolled on scene.
RESPONSE TIPS Turn off retarders during slippery road conditions. Keep sand or salt on every apparatus to reduce slippery surfaces. Carefully monitor weather conditions and incident duration. Apparatus maintenance is crucial! Make sure that tire chains or other traction devices are available for all first-in units
Have potassium acetate delivered to the scene. Develop a "contingency plan" with the authority or agency responsible for road maintenance and service Carry a supply of salt, sand or oil-dry to enhance footing and reduce the possibility of falls RESPONSE TIPS
PROTECT THE FIREFIGHTERS Provide training concerning frostbite and hypothermia. Provide warming areas and warm fluids at rehab station. Allow firefighters to carry a personal bag that contains extra cold-weather gear. include a stocking cap, some type of balaclava made from polar fleece or Under Armour-type fabric, a sweatshirt or long-sleeve turtleneck, extra gloves, mittens with liners and heavy socks.
FIREGROUND TIPS Support all hoselines with cribbing to prevent freezing down. Keep large, heavy-duty tow ropes on every apparatus. Give careful consideration when responding to areas with steep or sloping terrain. Make sure you turn the wheels into the curb when you park. Don’t forget to chock the wheels. During heavy snowfalls, apparatus may be forced to operate "away" from the fire building
FIREGROUND TIPS Following knockdown, when handlines are in standby, partially opened control valves will allow water to flow and prevent freezing. Make sure that all waterways for monitors or deck pipes are dry, to avoid any freezing or clogging effects resulting from ice or slush Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the cold weather use of SCBA. Don't allow water to seep into regulators or emmission valves. Extra lengths of attack line should be added to preconnects to compensate for the additional stretch
THINK OUT OF THE BOX Provide large plastic toboggans on each apparatus for use in moving hose and equipment to the fire in the event apparatus can no longer proceed because of significant snow drifting. Encourage new ideas. Example: During extreme snow emergencies, emergency response task forces, made up of a snowplow, police unit, ambulance and fire apparatus, could be formed and housed at fire stations.
TO DO LIST Develop checklist for Apparatus that need winterized or special instructions for cold weather Identify where we store de-icer, salt, shovels, etc Make a list of contacts at DOT or similar for help on scene with snow removal Develop SOPs cold weather operations. Things to consider are response time, pump design and normal ambient temperature in the station
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