ROUND ONE Ezra / Nehemiah Esther / Job Psalms Proverbs / Ecclesiastes Song of Songs
Round Two
ROUND TWO Pentateuch st & 2 nd Samuel st & 2 nd Kings The Chronicles Life of MJ
Final Question
What does the Hebrew name mean for the book of Numbers? FINAL QUESTION
Ezra / Nehemiah 100 Points Who arrived back to Jerusalem last after the exile? 1.Solomon Solomon 2.Zerubabbel Zerubabbel 3.Nehemiah Nehemiah 4.Ezra Ezra
Ezra / Nehemiah 200 Points Who helped rebuild the temple upon their return to Jerusalem? 1.Jesus Jesus 2.Moses Moses 3.Nehemiah Nehemiah 4.Ezra Ezra
Ezra / Nehemiah 300 Points Who helped rebuild the temple walls once he arrived back in Jerusalem? 1.Jesus Jesus 2.Moses Moses 3.Nehemiah Nehemiah 4.Ezra Ezra
Ezra / Nehemiah 400 Points What was the name of the king that allowed the Israelites to return? 1.King Zedekiah King ZedekiahKing Zedekiah 2.King Saul King SaulKing Saul 3.King Cyrus King CyrusKing Cyrus 4.King Xerxes King XerxesKing Xerxes
Esther / Job 100 Points Who was Esther’s father uncle? 1.Mordecai Mordecai 2.Haman Haman 3.Xerxes Xerxes 4.Eunuch Eunuch
Esther / Job 200 Points Who is never mentioned in the book of Esther? 1.Esther Esther 2.God God 3.Mordecai Mordecai 4.Jews Jews
Esther / Job 300 Points Why was Job’s life doubly blessed in the latter part of his life? 1.He withstood the trials He withstood the trialsHe withstood the trials 2.He took the advice of his wife He took the advice of his wifeHe took the advice of his wife 3.He repented for his sins He repented for his sinsHe repented for his sins 4.He took the advice of his friends He took the advice of his friendsHe took the advice of his friends
Esther / Job 400 Points In Esther, what does the Feast of Purim celebrate? 1.God’s allowing for a Jewish queen God’s allowing for a Jewish queenGod’s allowing for a Jewish queen 2.Celebration of the Jews release from Egypt Celebration of the Jews release from EgyptCelebration of the Jews release from Egypt 3.The death of Haman The death of HamanThe death of Haman 4.Celebrating the security of the Jews Celebrating the security of the JewsCelebrating the security of the Jews
Psalms 100 Points What does Psalms mean? 1.Song Song 2.Prayers Prayers 3.Poems Poems 4.Praise Songs Praise SongsPraise Songs
Psalms 200 Points Which of the following is not a style of the Psalms? 1.Royal Royal 2.Prophetic Prophetic 3.Confession Confession 4.Imprectatory Imprectatory
Psalms 300 Points Which is not an author of the Psalms? 1.Saul Saul 2.David David 3.Moses Moses 4.Asaph Asaph
Psalms 400 Points Psalms 51 is a confessional by whom? 1.Solomon Solomon 2.David David 3.Saul Saul 4.Jesus Jesus
Proverbs / Ecclesiastes 100 Points Who does tradition hold as the author of Proverbs? 1.David David 2.Saul Saul 3.Solomon Solomon 4.Jesus Jesus
Proverbs / Ecclesiastes 200 Points Who is the author of Ecclesiastes? 1.Moses Moses 2.Daniel Daniel 3.David David 4.Solomon Solomon
Daily Double
Proverbs / Ecclesiastes 300 Points 1.Comparative Comparative 2.Synonymous Synonymous 3.Contrast Contrast 4.Completive Completive Which is not a form of Parallelism?
Proverbs / Ecclesiastes 400 Points What is the theme of Ecclesiastes? 1.Joy of Joys Joy of JoysJoy of Joys 2.Happiness of Happiness Happiness of Happiness of Happiness 3.Sorrows of Sorrows Sorrows of Sorrows of Sorrows 4.Vanity of Vanities Vanity of VanitiesVanity of Vanities
Song of Songs 100 Points Who is the author? 1.Solomon Solomon 2.David David 3.Moses Moses 4.Saul Saul
Song of Songs 200 Points How many books are in the Pentateuch?
Song of Songs 300 Points What is the verb in the 1 st and 2 nd Greatest Commandments? 1.Love Love 2.Care Care 3.Die Die 4.Go Go
Song of Songs 400 Points What does the Song of Songs teach us today as believers? 1.The love of a husband and wife The love of a husband and wifeThe love of a husband and wife 2.How to take care of livestock How to take care of livestockHow to take care of livestock 3.How Christ loves his church How Christ loves his churchHow Christ loves his church 4.How to grow a garden How to grow a gardenHow to grow a garden
Pentateuch 200 Points Which of the following was not a major event in Genesis? 1.The Creation The CreationThe Creation 2.The Fall of Man The Fall of ManThe Fall of Man 3.The Flood The FloodThe Flood 4.The Ten Commandments The Ten CommandmentsThe Ten Commandments
Pentateuch 300 Points In Exodus, which of the following celebrations was instituted? 1.The Feast of Tabernacles The Feast of TabernaclesThe Feast of Tabernacles 2.The Passover The PassoverThe Passover 3.The Festival of Lights The Festival of LightsThe Festival of Lights 4.Communion Communion
Pentateuch 400 Points In Numbers how many spies were sent to spy out the promised land?
Bonus Question For 100 points, how many spies wanted to go ahead and take the land and what were their names?
Pentateuch 500 Points The basic requirement found in Deuteronomy is? 1.To Obey To ObeyTo Obey 2.To Follow To FollowTo Follow 3.To Commit To CommitTo Commit 4.To repent To repentTo repent
Additional Information …to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good. – Deut. 10:12-13 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me… If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. John 14:21,23
1 st & 2 nd Samuel 200 Points There were 3 main characters in 1 st Samuel, which does not belong? 1.Solomon Solomon 2.Saul Saul 3.Samuel Samuel 4.David David
1 st & 2 nd Samuel 300 Points Saul was the first king over Israel, he replaced? 1.The Prophets The ProphetsThe Prophets 2.Joshua Joshua 3.The Judges The JudgesThe Judges 4.The Priests The PriestsThe Priests
1 st & 2 nd Samuel 400 Points 2 nd Samuel focuses on which King? 1.Saul Saul 2.David David 3.Joshua Joshua 4.Solomon Solomon
1 st & 2 nd Samuel 500 Points God speaking to Samuel says, “…it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king…” – 1 st Samuel 8:7 What does this mean for us?
1 st & 2 nd Kings 200 Points What does King Solomon ask for from God? 1.A wife A wifeA wife 2.Riches Riches 3.Wisdom Wisdom 4.Horses Horses
1 st & 2 nd Kings 300 Points Who built the temple? 1.Solomon Solomon 2.David David 3.Saul Saul 4.God God
1 st & 2 nd Kings 400 Points After Solomon dies, the kingdom is split into how into how many nations?
Bonus Question For 100 points, what are the names of the two nations and which is to the north and south?
Daily Double
1 st & 2 nd Kings 500 Points Who takes over the God’s people and drives them into exile? 1.Assyria and Babylon Assyria and BabylonAssyria and Babylon 2.Babylon and Persia Babylon and PersiaBabylon and Persia 3.Persia and Assyria Persia and AssyriaPersia and Assyria 4.Rome and Egypt Rome and EgyptRome and Egypt
The Chronicles 200 Points In The Chronicles there are positive things mentioned, which is not one? 1.Temple Temple 2.Ark Ark 3.Family tree of the exiled Family tree of the exiledFamily tree of the exiled 4.Ten Commandments Ten CommandmentsTen Commandments
The Chronicles 300 Points The Chronicles devotes little time to which king? 1.Solomon Solomon 2.David David 3.Saul Saul 4.Josiah Josiah
The Chronicles 400 Points What is the passage in 1 st Chronicles 17:7-14 (2 nd Samuel 7:11-16) called? 1.Messianic Covenant Messianic CovenantMessianic Covenant 2.Solomon’s Covenant Solomon’s CovenantSolomon’s Covenant 3.God’s Covenant God’s CovenantGod’s Covenant 4.Davidic Covenant Davidic CovenantDavidic Covenant
Bonus Question For 100 points, who is the Davidic Covenant ultimately pointing to?
The Chronicles 500 Points Who is the author of The Chronicles writing to? 1.To Ezra To EzraTo Ezra 2.To the Kings To the KingsTo the Kings 3.To the early Christians To the early ChristiansTo the early Christians 4.To the exiled To the exiledTo the exiled
Life of MJ 200 Points What is the mascot of MJ’s university? 1.Miner Miner 2.Duck Duck 3.Beaver Beaver 4.Otter Otter
Life of MJ 300 Points MJ has been married for? 1.5 years 5 years5 years 2.6 years 6 years6 years 3.7 years 7 years7 years 4.8 years 8 years8 years
Life of MJ 400 Points How long has MJ had his goatee? 1.Since birth Since birthSince birth 2.8 years 8 years8 years 3.9 years 9 years9 years 4.10 years 10 years10 years
Life of MJ 500 Points MJ’s first car was a? Ford Thunderbird 1981 Ford Thunderbird1981 Ford Thunderbird Honda CRX 1987 Honda CRX1987 Honda CRX John Deer tractor 1954 John Deer tractor1954 John Deer tractor Ford Truck 1969 Ford Truck1969 Ford Truck
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