History of the Middle East I. The Prophet Muhammad
Life of Muhammad Born 570 AD in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Orphaned at 6, married Khadijah who was 15 years older 610 AD, during the Arabic month of Ramadan, had his first vision of the Angel Gabriel Nephew Ali was an early convert Muslim: one who submits to Gods will
Muhammad’s Hijra Meccans thought he would disrupt pilgrimage to the Ka’bah. Ka’bah: black box full of pagan idols in Mecca Muhammad had another vision where he went to heaven from Jerusalem at the Temple Mount and visited Moses 620 AD, In trouble at Mecca, people from Medina ask Muhammad to arbitrate an argument 622 AD, Muhammad leaves for Medina (Hijra) Observes Yom Kippur and faces Jerusalem when praying
Conquest of Mecca In Media, Muhammad could not farm. Raided caravans to Mecca. Battle of Badr, Muhammad defeats a force from Mecca 629 AD: He takes Mecca without bloodshed
Mohammad’s Personal Life Wife died in 619 AD (Khadijah) Took 9 more wives Married for alliances and married widows of his slain friends. (9) Died in 632 AD
No pictures of Mohammad. False Idols
II. Islam What is Islam
What is Islam? Islam; act of submission to the will of god Believe in angles and jinns (spirits) Devil is called Iblis, al-Shayton. Devil is a fallen angel whose job is to corrupt men and women. (seems to be doing well) Believe that the Bible and the Torah are corrupted and the Quran is the corrected version. (Hadith) Muhammad is the last of the prophets: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jonah, Job, and Jesus Believe in Jesus but not as the son of god, Jesus will come again on Judgment Day to fight Satan (warrior)
Five Pillars of Islam I)Witness: There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is God’s messenger (prophet) II)Worship: pray 5 times a day towards Mecca. Friday at noon in public III)Fasting: during the month of Ramadan, during the day. Are exceptions IV)Tithing: tax to help the needy (10%) (sharing) V)Pilgrimage (Hijra): pilgrimage to Mecca once in lifetime to the Ka’bah
The Sixth Pillar: Jihad VI.Jihad: struggle in the way of God Quran (9:29): fight against those who do not believe in God or the Judgment day, and those who refuse allegiance to the true faith” Jews and Christians? Quran also says to be lenient towards Jews and Christians Muslim conquerors did not convert non-Muslims. Lived peacefully and protected them Quran lays done harsh penalties for murder
Succession to Muhammad Abu-Bakr was the first Caliph Caliph: leader of Islam Ali: nephew of Muhammad Sunni: believe in Abu-Bakr as heir, more conservative Shi’i: believe Ali is true successor and that family ancestors of Muhammad should rule as Imans Today, no Arab nation and no Caliph
Main Causes of Middle East Conflict 1)Incomplete transition from religious communities to nation states 2)Many Middle East people believe that their governments are illegitimate 3)Quest for dignity and freedom from countries that have endured subjection and are determined never to lose independence again 4)Problems that come from outside governments that try to help but don’t 5)Growing concentration of highly destructive weapons in a region that is volatile and vulnerable