WARM-UP Clear your desks of everything except a pencil, highlighter, and your TDA. IMMEDIATELY go to the 2 nd page and read and annolight the TDA question AND the Writer’s Checklist
STRATEGIES FOR READING Always read the question first so you can read with a purpose As you read annolight pieces of evidence related to the prompt So, if we are looking for evidence to analyze how the poets HONOR Anne Frank, what kinds of images and language do we especially want to note? Let’s Try it!
INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH First start by restating the language used in the question prompt. You try your own, and then I’ll show you my sentence. The poems “Shades of a Diary” and “Elegy for Anne Frank,” honor the life and legacy of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl whose life was cut short when she went to hiding during the Holocaust and was then captured and died. After you restate the prompt, you must end with a thesis! You try first The poets use imagery and contrasting language to celebrate Anne’s hope amidst the horror.
INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH+OUTLINE I. The poems “Shades of a Diary” and “Elegy for Anne Frank,” honor the life and legacy of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl whose life was cut short when she went to hiding during Holocaust and was then captured and died. The poets use imagery and contrasting language to celebrate Anne’s hope amidst the horror. II. III IV V. conclusion
INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH+OUTLINE I. The poems “Shades of a Diary” and “Elegy for Anne Frank,” honor the life and legacy of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl whose life was cut short when she went to hiding during Holocaust and was then captured and died. The poets use imagery and contrasting language to celebrate Anne’s hope amidst the horror. II. Poets use imagery, specifcaly alliteration, to demonstrate the horrors of the holocaust. “screaming, seeking, searching” “shattered walls; womans wails “built bonefires with bones” “before last bomb fell” III. Poets use figurative language to paint a picture of Anne that is full of light and hope. “youg girls voice echoing like hidden stars” “you blossomed and bloomed” (flower metaphor) “life held by four silent years” “dreamed of sun and love… doors of prison” IV. Poets use contrasting language within stanzas to highlight and honor annes hope within the horror. “bonfire/bones vs. love and sun” (3 rd s of 2 nd poem) “suffering of millions vs. ‘people are really good at heart” V. conclusion
EXIT TICKET What questions do you have about TDAs? What instruction would best help you write your TDA? What is most challenging about writing TDAs?
Anne Frank Poems TDA