WARM UP 5/2 Grab a Monster Book AND a Literature Book Open Journals to vocabulary section
WEEK 5 5/2-5/6 Consecutive (adj) – happening one after another (no interruption) The consecutive bumps on the slide proved too intense for Paul.
WEEK 5 5/2-5/6 Dispense (verb) – To give out portions or amounts The forward dispensed sweet revenge on the defender.
WEEK 5 5/2-5/6 Perceptive (adj) – aware, being able to notice things When it comes to building tree houses, Paul isn’t the most perceptive designer.
WEEK 5 5/2-5/6 Vocation (noun) – A profession or occupation Paul decided Pro Skateboarder was not going to be his new vocation.
WEEK 5 5/2-5/6 Disperse (verb) – to spread apart, to seperate The speeding car caused the many people to disperse quite quickly.
THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK As you listen, to Scene One prepare to answer the questions below in your journal. What have we learned about the drama from the characters and their interactions? What have we learned about the drama from the stage directions? Why has the author chosen to start here?
ANNE FRANK DIARY PROJECT You are going to keep a diary along with Anne Frank as we read. Imagine her situation today. Donald Trump comes to power and decides to force you into hiding because of your religion, race, gender, or whatever you wish. Entry One Your First entry should detail the beginning stages of the takeover. Just like Anne described what she could and could not do, describe what happens in your schools and neighborhoods. Be creative, but read Anne’s entry to get an idea for what kinds of things were happening. Entry should be AT LEAST Two PAGEs
WARM UP 5/3 Use two vocabulary words in two sentences Two Words, Two Sentences
READING REACTION EIGHT You have only one question today. We now know the full extent of Steve’s actions in the crime. Based on everything you have heard do you think he is guilty? Why or why not? Do you think he deserves to spend 20 years in prison? Is he responsible for Mr. Nesbitt’s death?
SCENE TWO Just listen to this scene, pay attention to the character interactions as they grow. After the scene you will write about one of the following characters, so pay attention closely. Anne Mr. Frank Peter
DIARY PROJECT ENTRY 2 You have arrived at your hide away. Where are you? What does it look like? Who is with you? Who is helping you? Describe the other people hiding with you. What did you bring with you? What are the circumstances of your hideout? Do you have to be quiet during certain hours? Stay inside? What’s going on outside your hide out? Remember, 2 journal pages.
WARM UP 5/4 Use 3 vocab words in 3 sentences 3 words, 3 sentences Take out your vocabulary homework to turn in. Make sure you have a literature book.
DRAMA STUDY PLOT ONE Follow along and listen to Scene 3, 4 You are going to be finding character traits for each character. You need to use SPECIFIC Dialogue, Stage Directions, or Interactions to Justify Add to the worksheet at any point.
DIARY ENTRY THREE The first Conflict The situation itself, the closeness of everyone living there, something bad is bound to happen. Describe the first conflict, the first major fight. Who was it between, what was it about, and did it get resolved? How are the other people you are hiding with getting along in general? Are there any other issues?
WARM UP 5/5 Use two words in two sentences. Two words, two sentences Then use four words in one single sentence. Four words, one sentence
SCENE FIVE We’re going to finish Act One, this time however WE are going to read it. I will take volunteers, those who volunteer to read a part will get a homework pass good for one week of vocab homework. If we have more than one volunteer for a role I’ll pick randomly
SCENE FIVE Roles Mr. Frank – Mr. Conrad Anne Mrs. Frank Peter Margot Mr. Van Daan (he gets to say “damn” you can say it!) Mrs. Van Daan Mr. Dussel
ACT ONE WRITE UP What have you learned about Anne’s Struggle in the first Act? What character have you connected the most too and why? What character do you dislike the most and why? What do you predict will happen in Act 2, use evidence!? In your writing section