Major Cultural Influences Persian culture (Iran, speak Farsi, adheres to Shia interpretation of Islam; historic Persian Empire) Arabic culture (Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait; speak Arabic) Turkish culture (Turkey, present day Afghanistan; speak Turkic; historic Ottoman Empire)
Major Religions
The Ottoman Empire ( )
Persian Empire (550 BC – 651 AD)
Influence of Islam Arose in Arabia in 7th century; was unifying force among Arabic tribes. Arabic language and culture begin to absorb Persian.
Islam and Music Koranic chant. Emphasis on written word (Koran is revealed word of God). Koran is important source for poetry, literature and song texts. - Example of Koranic chant. No tradition of instrumental religious music or religious dance (with exception of some sects).
Classical Music of Iran Donbak Setar Ney Tar
Khandan/Musiqi Continuum Khandan “Acceptable” Musiqi “Unacceptable” Chant Dance music Unmetered (esp. belly dance) Improvised Highly Rhythmic Amateur Precomposed Solo Professional Vocal Ensemble Instrumental
Struggle with What is Music The following documentary looks into the taboo world of music in the Middle East. 1) Does examples of this happen here? 2) How would you react if you were from there and this was happening to you? 3) Would you give in to the rules or not? Why.
Mehter Music Military Marching Band Why would this have worked? Do you think is a smart way to fight war?
African Music or Middle Eastern? Video Video VjlnBTNFp4J7_RpO2C3Pzlbb2X32 Video 3 6VjlnBTNFp4J7_RpO2C3Pzlbb2X32 Video 4
Connect? 1) Compare and Contrast African and Middle Eastern Music. 2) Why are there similarities? 3) Does Geography have anything to do with question two?