AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge C-5 Aircrew Training System (ATS) 11 February 2015 Industry Day PM: Mr. Jim Allen & Capt. Andrew Waddel PCO: Ms. Stacey Talbott & Mr. Scott Hudnell AFLCMC/WNS, Simulators Division
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Disclaimer 2 The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of the information received at this event. This is for informational purposes only. The contents of any future RFP takes precedence over anything provided during this briefing and responses to questions. Questions and answers will be posted to FBO and are considered public record. Costs incurred as a result of this meeting are considered bid and proposal costs and will not be reimbursed by the Government. All information included in this briefing is subject to change
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Administrative Call in Phone Number: – – (937) –Conference ID: # (Don’t forget the “#” sign) Callers please use mute button to avoid background noise Paper will be collected for Q&A session at the close of the briefing Call in numbers for individual sessions will be provided separately 3
Visitor Center (Base Passes) Bldg 32 Yellow = parking lots National Road (open 24/7) Gate Springfield St Gate National Museum of the USAF Interstate 675 Gate
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge 5 Building 32 Men’s Restroom Women’s Restroom Lobbenstael Conference Room D Street one way street E Street two way Entrance To Building 16 Entrance Visitor Check
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge C-5 ATS Overview ATS Operational Areas Acquisition Strategy Notional Acquisition Schedule Individual Meeting Agenda Questions & Answers 6 Agenda
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Purpose: to train and upgrade C-5 aircrew (pilots, co-pilots, flight engineers, and loadmasters) Includes initial qualification, mission qualification, continuation, and upgrade training Student training and Weapon System Trainer (WST) operations will be provided at the following four (4) locations: –Travis AFB, CA; Dover AFB, DE; JBSA-Lackland AFB, TX; Westover ARB, MA 7 ATS Overview
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge GPO Wright Patterson Westover (AFRC) Device; Configuration Westover (AFRC) Device; Configuration - WST#7; AMP Dover (AMC/Assoc Res) Device; Configuration Dover (AMC/Assoc Res) Device; Configuration -WST#6; RERP -WST#8; RERP -ARPTT; RERP Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) /Lackland (AFRC) Device; Configuration Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) /Lackland (AFRC) Device; Configuration -WST#2, AMP CD&RT -WST#4; AMP CLT -ARPTT; RERP Travis (AMC/Assoc Res) Device; Configuration Travis (AMC/Assoc Res) Device; Configuration -WST#3; AMP -WST#9; RERP -ARPTT; RERP C-5 ATD Locations Acronyms - ARPTT: Air Refueling Part Task Trainer - ATD: Aircrew Training Device; WSTs, ARPTTs, desktop CBT training - WST: Weapon System Trainer (WST); Full-motion, FAA Class D simulator
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge SiteDevicesConfiguration Dover AFBWST #6 WST #8 ARPTT RERP Lackland AFBWST #2 WST #4 ARPTT AMP RERP Travis AFBWST #3 WST #9 ARPTT AMP RERP Westover ARBWST #7AMP As of 20 Jan 15 9 C-5 ATDs CLS of ARPTTs is not included in ATS effort
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge C-5 ATS Operational Areas Program Management Plans, metric reporting, Associate Contractor Agreements (ACAs), Working Groups (WGs) Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) of C-5 Aircrew Training Devices at all sites: Meet device availability of 98% Device maintenance Inventory tracking Facility management/Site operations Quality Assurance (QA) Tracking, reporting, surveillance 10
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Aircrew Training Aircrew instruction—initial qual, upgrade, continuation “Guaranteed” Student Throughput GTIMS Records Management C-5 Aircrew Training effort includes, but is not limited to the following tasks: –Review and concurrency assessment of courseware –Instruction of all aircrew personnel 100% of Annual PFT Throughput Requirements –Administration of Visual Threat Recognition and Avoidance Training (VTRAT) –Assess all C-5 a/c and trainer mods regarding impacts to courseware and instruction 11 C-5 ATS Operational Areas (cont)
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge C-5 ATS Operational Areas (cont) Training System Support Operation of the Training System Support Center (TSSC) JBSA-Lackland AFB Delivery and Maintenance of Courseware Configuration Management (CM) Systems Engineering Cyber Security DMO Launch (FY19,Q1) 12
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge C-5 ATS TSSC Responsibilities Responsible for maintaining a common product baseline across all sites Hardware/software support includes: Modification support to ensure all ATDs are operational, supportable, and meet availability requirements Concurrency with C-5M aircraft functional baseline Maintenance of all hardware device product baseline drawings and other technical documentation Maintenance of the master software baseline and master data library including Technical Manuals & Technical Data Packages Distribution of updates to the sites 13
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Connect to MAF DMO by FY19, Q1 Replace Hydraulic Motion & Control Loading with Electric Systems Re-host VAI-AIU Computers (possibly with aircraft LRUs) Replace Host Computers 14 Specific Technical Tasks These efforts are pre-priced options.
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Acquisition Strategy Requires SECRET security clearance for personnel (DMO/VTRAT) Competitive source selection Services contract –SCA and CBAs apply Firm Fixed-Price –Possible Cost Reimbursement CLINs for travel and materials Period of performance –Up to 90-day transition period –Likely 12 month basic with 4 one-year option periods Source Selection Procedures –Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) 15
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Notional Acquisition Schedule 16 Key ActivitiesDate Source Sought released5 Dec 14 Industry Day11 Feb 15 Draft PWS Posting5 Dec 14 Draft RFP release 23 Feb 15 Final RFP released 16 Mar 15 Proposals Due 1 May 15 SSA Decision 9 Dec 15 Contract Award21 Dec 15
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Questions/Comments 17
AFLCMC…Providing the Warfighter’s Edge 18 Group Q&A (collect papers at this time)