Professional Assignment Project Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction ESP2008
Participants Coach Mr. R. Hoogland: PT, MT, Clinician, Professor,Author Client Miss N. Jagdewsing: PT, Clinician Authors Third year students from ESP programme: Alexa Wirtz Alexa Wirtz Xue Zhang Xue Zhang
Abbreviations TMJ = Temporo – Mandibular Joint TMD = Temporo-Mandibular Disorder
Introduction The TMJ connects the mandible to the temporal bone. The TMJ connects the mandible to the temporal bone. One of the most complicated joints due to hinge and sliding motions. One of the most complicated joints due to hinge and sliding motions. A unique pair of joints A unique pair of joints
Introduction Temporo-Mandibular Disorder (TMD) Masticatory musculature Masticatory musculature TMJ and associated structures TMJ and associated structures A variety of symptoms may be linked to TMD Pain in the masticatory musculature and/or in the TMJ are the most common ones Pain in the masticatory musculature and/or in the TMJ are the most common ones Others Others
Introduction About 8% of the whole population is diagnosed with TMD.
Introduction Invasive treatments Non-Invasive treatments
Research question Which treatment is more effective in adults who suffer from TMD ? Exercise therapy or splint therapy ?
Hypothesis Splint therapy Exercise therapy
Materials and Methods Sources: AMC HVA Library ACTA (Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam) Databases: PubMed Medline Google Scholar
Materials and Methods 520 abstracts 32 articles were related 17 full articles Our systematic review
Materials and Methods TMD physiotherapy RCT splint therapy exercise treatment myofascial pain adult patient
Materials and Methods Criteria Language: English and German Time: < 20 years At least two keywords in the abstract
Materials and Methods Criteria List Self-formulated specific grading form Maximally 70 points
Results Maximally 64.5 points(92%) Minimally 12.5 points(18%) 11 articles > 60% (4 articles > 80%) 4 articles < 30%
Discussion Balanced articles for both treatments. Majority of the articles are in English. All articles were written in the last two decades.
Discussion Articles are not specific for the research question. In no article there is a pure comparison. Additional symptoms and outcome measures Articles did take psycho-social problems into account.
Conclusion Both treatment modalities have positive outcomes. A combination of therapies seems to be even more beneficial than one type of treatment only.
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