SUMMARY Dr. Rebecca Steinman, geothermal energy consultant, Helps nuclear power plants meet federal regulations by making them safer, more reliable, and well maintained. Discusses the basic of nuclear power plants in terms of how they work and what resources allow the plant to function. Assures the reader that today’s nuclear power plants are safe. States some reasons why nuclear power is a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. One section discusses the importance of her line of work – a nuclear plant must meet all of the federal safety regulations to make sure that it S safe for workers, as well as the environment. Touches on the controversy about spent nuclear fuel, and how the country plans to deal with it.
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A MOLECULE AND AN ATOM A molecule is a smallest particle of a compound that still has all the chemical properties of that compound. An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains its chemical property.
ELEMENT Elements are substances that have only one kind of atom.
CHEMICAL REACTION When molecules break apart and atoms are rearranged into new molecules, a chemical reaction occurs.
NUCLEAR REACTION A nuclear reaction is when the atoms themselves - not the molecules - break up.
NUCLEUS, PROTONS, AND NEUTRONS The nucleus is at the center of an atom where there is a tiny, dense ball of matter. The nucleus consists of two types of particles: protons and neutrons.
URANIUM The element uranium is important to nuclear engineers because it can be used as a very efficient fuel.
QUESTION 1 Question What are the benefits of nuclear power plants? Answer Do not require combustion so they do not release soot or carbon dioxide or other pollutants into the atmosphere. Do not use oil, which is a diminishing natural resource.
QUESTION 2 Question List three ways that engineers ensure the safety of nuclear power plants. Answer Electrical engineers ensure that the plant’s electrical wiring is updated and functioning well Mechanical engineers ensure that the plant’s environments are suitable for equipment and personnel Structural engineers make sure the plant is structurally sound and that the equipment is protected from accidental damage.
QUESTION 3 Question What’s the difference between a chemical reaction and a nuclear reaction? When coal is burned, is it a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction? Answer A chemical reaction is when molecules break apart and the atoms are rearranged into new molecules. A nuclear reaction is when the actual atoms break up.
QUESTION 4 Question How do the control rods in a nuclear power plant control the rate of the nuclear reaction? Answer Control rods are used to absorb some of the neutrons to avoid a chain reaction, leading to a nuclear explosion
QUESTION 5 Question How is nuclear power generation similar/ different to power generation at a geothermal power plant? Answer It is similar in that they both use steam to turn a turbine. It is different in that nuclear power plants use energy released by nuclear reactions, whereas a geothermal plant uses steam from deep in the earth.