The Hero’s Quest
Joseph Campbell Joseph Campbell “Follow your bliss.” 1904 – 1987 American mythologist, writer, and lecturer. Campbell noticed reoccurring elements and patterns in myths from around the world. Most notably, reoccurring hero myths.
“The hero is the same, but the costume changes.” The idea of the hero is a theme in all media- books, music, art, even video games! Joseph Campbell called this the Monomyth, or “one story.” “Monomyth” refers to the pattern that myths around the world typically follow.
Hero’s Journey in its simplest form:
Archetype Characters 1. Hero 2. Herald 3. Mentor 4. Threshold Guardians 5. Trickster 6. Shape shifter 7. Shadow Journal #59.2 Write down this list, use the following video to define the words.
The Hero’s Journey Archetypes _jGN7Pg&index=1&list=PLPl- vXDElUx8NxFmfWNWoaix2cPYlmibv _jGN7Pg&index=1&list=PLPl- vXDElUx8NxFmfWNWoaix2cPYlmibv
Hero’s Journey- 17 Steps Originally Joseph Campbell developed a 17 step pattern for the hero’s journey. Since then authors have modified the pattern into an step journey.
Modified diagram.
The Hero’s Journey What makes a hero? N9A0oCA&index=2&list=PLPl- vXDElUx8NxFmfWNWoaix2cPYlmibv N9A0oCA&index=2&list=PLPl- vXDElUx8NxFmfWNWoaix2cPYlmibv