Part 3 of Monomyth preparation, meditation, withdrawal, refusal Our hero prepares for the great quest
Part 3 of Monomyth preparation, meditation, withdrawal, refusal Hero withdrawals from world – usually to meditate in preparation for later deeds This stage is more prevalent in religious mythology (especially Hinduism, Buddhism. Not as prevalent in Greek Mythology. Closely related to the motif (recurring theme) Joseph Campbell calls “refusal of the call” – hero chooses not to take on task. “The Secret Hermit” – Jesus and Buddha for example, lose themselves to find something more spiritual (sometimes involves physical and mental suffering) In summary – in this stage the hero prepares for the Great Quest
Part 3 of Monomyth preparation, meditation, withdrawal, refusal Examples Jesus goes to desert is tempted by satan Moses refuses call of God Buddha is tempted by wordly pleasures Percival the Knight withdrawals to castle to be educated by mentor Mohammad (Islam) withdrawals to cave…. Write the Koran Luke Skywalker trains to be Jedi King Arthur mentored by Merlin to become great warrior
Part 3 of Monomyth preparation, meditation, withdrawal, refusal Video Clips –Luke Skywalker training on Degoba –Joseph Campbell video explaining withdrawal of hero