WELCOME TO CBCGL English Ministry Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell Pastor Peter Wu, Senior Pastor | Pastor Nathan Willems, Youth Pastor James Chung, Mandarin | Pastor Chen, Cantonese 197 Littleton Road | Chelmsford, MA | | - Praise the Lord! We have collected a pledge of $2, last Sunday and reached a total of $1,921, to date. Please continue to pray for and participate to pledge for the equipment expenditure, ask God ’ s blessing that we can move on to Phase II quickly after the completion of Phase I. Please issue the check to "CBCGL" with "Building Project" on the memo line for your donation. - The next baptism will be on Easter Sunday 3/27. Anyone prepares to be baptized may contact Pastor Nathan (for youth) or Pastor Wu (adult). Pastor Wu can be reached at or - English congregation has lunch service and kitchen clean up duties today. Those who signed up for serving lunch or to clean up, please report to the kitchen at noon or at 1:15pm respectively. Please contact Tony Ge for detail Middle School Winter Teen Conference is this weekend. Please pray for students and coworkers. CBCGL FAMILY NEWS Seeking to Transform Lives and Communities - Opportunities and Actions, John 9:4 Taylor-Made, January 2016 Update from Jamie Taylor Trust this update finds each of you stepping into 2016 with a deep sense of God ’ s sufficient and effectual grace. With the turning of the calendar to a new year, it also affords us a chance to reflect upon the past year. One of the highlights for the year was our family ’ s trip to England in June, including visiting Barnsley (birthplace of Hudson Taylor); London (home office of the CIM); and Brighton (the place where Hudson Taylor prayed for “ 24 willing & skillful workers ” to join them in the work of the speediest evangelization of China.) In November, it was a special privilege to join together with over 1200 brothers/sisters here in Hong Kong to celebrate CIM/OMF ’ s 150th birthday. Under the theme of Remember, Rejoice, Renew, we had two former OMF General Directors (David Pickard & David Harley); the current OMF GD (Patrick Fung) and a long list of gifted and experience speakers to bring a fresh challenge for cross-cultural missions to the church in China. Mimi did a marvelous job of organizing the worship times for each of the plenary sessions, including leading us off, on the first evening, with a memorable time of worship. Pray for the following up from this conference ~ later this week Jamie will be traveling inland to liaise with a church network requesting helping to strengthening the work of their mission agency. We are thankful that JT and Selina were able to attend Urbana at the end of As someone once told me, every Christian college student in the USA should seize the opportunity to attend the Inter Varsity Urbana mission conference at least once during their collegiate years. Pray for the Lord ’ s continued guiding hand in our children lives, especially as they move closer and closer to major decisions on life/profession direction. We close with a deep sense of appreciation and thanks to each of you as you stand together with us in prayer and partnership as we serve here in Asia. May the Living Water of Jesus fill each of our lives to overflow, so that we who are blessed will also go forth to bless. In His Fellowship Jamie, Mimi, JT, Selina, Joy Focus on Missions February 28, 2016 Call to Worship Scripture Reading & Opening Prayer Songs of Worship Message “Therefore, Go!" Matthew 28:16-20 Senior Pastor Wu Response & Offering Announcements Benediction and Doxology Sunday School: 11:30 AM