Future Agricultures Consortium Annual Review and Planning Meeting Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi February 2009 Ian Scoones and John Thompson Co-convenors
Changing contexts Global focus G8, Africa Commission, AU Maputo declaration…. Africa on the agenda, but agriculture? NEPAD slow to get going. ‘Food crisis’, food/ag firmly in the spotlight. WDR 08. AGRA, MVP, CG reform. Regional efforts (CAADP pillars, NEPAD) etc. Africa focus NARS and MoAs in decline. Limited support, years of neglect, lack of political clout Political concern with food/ag; CAADP/AU/NEPAD initiatives; RECS; AGRA programmes FundsLimited – a long term decline Major investments (esp. Gates – with others). AGRA major player. PPPs. Global Fund? Policy focused research Limited. CGIAR (inc IFPRI), some European/US universities IFPRI, AGRA,RIU and more (lots of new funds and initiatives)
FAC mission Our mission: “to encourage dialogue and the sharing of good practice by policy makers and opinion formers in Africa on the role of agriculture in broad based growth”. But aren’t others doing this? CAADP (with the legitimacy of an international governmental process) and AGRA, IFPRI and others (with lots of money)…..likely to be others… So where do we fit? What do we do that is different?
FAC niche A diverse partnership Dialogue and deliberation – opening up the debate. Embedded in local settings – but linking to the wider debates Independent, flexible, agile, responsive. Able to challenge, critique and confront Communications – linking findings to wide audiences Relationship with DFID – bridging research and policy.
FAC vision – and strategy Overall… we want an Africa-based Future Agricultures Consortium to be the first port of call for advice, assistance and evidence on policies for African agriculture, known to be distinct and different from the mainstream. But… getting there needs a longer-term strategy, full commitment (institutional rather than individual?) and a firmer funding base.
Highlights of the year A Green Revolution for Africa? Salzburg conference & FAC website Debating fertilisers/soil fertility and evaluating input subsidies – FAC Kenya & Malawi; DFID London; FAC website The consolidation and blossoming of FAC in Ethiopia – institutionalising FACE? Linking production and social protection in the food crisis debate; launch of Seasons of Hunger book; GSP Working Papers Start of the Science, Technology and Innovation theme with the Farmer First Revisited conference and book
Challenges of the year Late start up; funds delayed (and diminished for years 1 and 2); a hiatus – and revision of Feb 08 work plans prepared Highly time-consuming engagement with Gates – on scoping study, on Salzburg, on FOs study – and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to get the ‘missing million’. Frustrating and costly. Hiring of new FAC Communications Officer, then sudden departure. DH stepped into the breach, but delays…. Limited resources in Year 1 to get going – for secretariat/ coordination. Yet lots to do…. Kenya and Malawi country efforts still ‘emerging’. Need to add capacity and implement country plans. FAC internal communication and reporting
Evolving relationship with DFID From 2005 on food and agriculture moves centre stage….. DFID RNRA – agriculture under growth pillar Country offices – Ethiopia, Malawi, but not Kenya Food Group/RNRA – bigger mandate Research Strategy – big agriculture focus (Strategy for Research on Sustainable Agriculture, SRSA), Policy/research restructuring Africa Division White Paper 4 FAC as bridge – linking research, policy, operations on high priority issue in high priority region….?
Making FAC a player… Proposing a longer term DFID funding package to 2013 which would allow FAC to: Provide a bridge between research and policy Providing original research on SRSA themes Linking with DFID research investments focused on science and technology. Plan and fund the transition to an African base for the Consortium on a firm funding footing Convening a multi-donor platform for future funding from 2013
Meeting objectives Review of Phase II start-up year – and an honest appraisal of the challenges and opportunities Plans for Year 2 within existing budget framework Longer term vision for thematic/country efforts – including a) how a West Africa focus would change things and b) how links to DFID SRSA can be operationalised The launch and integration of the STI theme A cross-cutting theme on youth and ag – ‘future farmers’ Managing the transition to Africa and the longer term institutionalisation of the Consortium – a first discussion Getting the FAC Comms work moving – and discussing the move to a Nairobi base
Meeting outputs Finalise material for the annual report, based on country/theme reports Revised work plans and budget projections Communications plans – raising the profile Ideas for the longer-term to include in discussions with DFID One min videos as inputs to the DFID White Paper process - and broader FAC Comms
Programme – Day Welcome, introductions & programme overview (Ian & John T) 09.15FAC Phase II Year 1 – Review of progress and challenges (Ian & John T) 9.30Country presentations – Review of progress, challenges and plans for next year (15 min presentation + 15 minute discussion) (Amdissa, Ephraim, John O) 11.30Open discussion on Country Team activities: identify key outputs and milestones 12.00Policy dialogues and future scenarios (15 min presentation by Amdissa followed by discussion on how to make this cross-FAC activity work well) 13.00Lunch
Programme – Day 1 (cont’) 14.00Theme presentations – Review of progress, challenges and plans for next year (15 min presentations + 15 minute discussions) (Colin, Steve W, Stephen D) 15.30Tea/coffee Open discussion on Thematic Team activities, priorities and plans: identification of key outputs and milestones 17.00Close 18.30Book Launch of Farmer First Revisited 1930Dinner at hotel
Programme – Day Identifying outstanding issues from Day 1; Review of Day 2 programme 09.00Launching the Science, Technology and Innovation Theme – Ian /Hannigton Odame 10.15Tea/Coffee 10.45Youth and agriculture – an open discussion on key themes and how FAC might engage (Amdissa) Expanding the Consortium to West Africa and locating FAC more firmly in Africa managing the transition – SWOT Analysis (Ian & John T) 12.30Lunch
Programme – Day 2 (cont’) 14.00Brainstorming session on policy opportunities and ‘moments’ for the next year (globally, Africa-wide, and country-specific) (Ian & John T) 14.30Communications session (David) 15.30Tea/coffee 16.00Closing session: recap on key decisions, milestones and plans by country and theme 17.00Final reflections from DFID and FAC members Close