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One Last Offensive March 1918 Germany all out assault of Western Front Allies push Germany back across France and Belgium German allies signing armistices, leaving Germany completed isolated
Armistice: 11am, November 11, 1918 Armistice with Allies signed by Germany, ending World War I Germany official “loser” of the war
The Human Cost War casualties 30+ million More than 240,000 amputee soldiers 50,000-60,000 soldiers suffered from shell shock Civilians suffered – 1,000s killed, destroyed cities, extreme famine
Treaty of Versailles Who: Allies and Germany When: 1919 Where: Paris (Versailles, France) Why: Formal end of WWI, negotiate peace with Germany
Establishing the Peace In 1919, the “Big 3” met in Paris to negotiate the Treaty: David Lloyd George of Britain Georges Clemenceau of France Vittorio Orlando Woodrow Wilson of Italy of the U.S Who’s missing??
Evaluating the Treaty of Versailles Why did the Big Three create the treaty as they did? In your groups you will begin to evaluate motives for the treaty. You will examine charts and photos and answer questions to figure out why the Allies came up with such a treaty. (complete the Motives for the Treaty of Versailles packet)
President Wilson’s 14 Points created in January 1918, Wilson hoped to establish a peace that would resolve the war and future wars. 14 Points: A “fair and just” peace Points 1-4 -Freedom of seas -Remove trade barriers -Reduce military Point 5 -Right of people to decide their own political status = Self-determination Point Border changes and creation of new nations Point 14 -Organization of nations that work together to settle disputes, and prevent wars = League of Nations
Major Players and Goals USA - “A fair and just peace” Britain - Harsh treatment for Germany France - Weaken Germany so it could never make war on France again Other peoples wanted their own countries in areas that had been Russia, Germany, Austria- Hungary