United States History (A Brief Overview) Created by: Mrs. Polo (Melillo M.S.) 2014
USA History-1607 Jamestown settlement is established om/articles/ushistory/jamestown.htm
USA History Plymouth Colony is founded earchtools/researchstarters/plym outh/
USA History Treaty officials end French and Indian War om/history/us/colonial/fiwar/
USA History-1773 Boston Tea Party takes place merican-revolution/boston-tea- party
USA History American Revolution begins arn/northamerica/after1500/hist ory/revolution.htm
USA History-1776 Declaration of Independence signed Independence_declaration_1.ht m
USA History-1787 U.S. Constitution written tos-video/video/tfk-explains-us- constitution
USA History-1789 Washington becomes first U.S. President e/george-washington
USA History-1803 U.S. obtains Louisiana Purchase om/articles/ushistory/louisianapu rchase.htm
USA History-1804 Lewis and Clark expedition begins om/articles/ushistory/lewisandcl ark1.htm
USA History-1812 War of 1812 begins ar-of-1812
USA History-1820 Congress approves Missouri Compromise issouri-compromise
USA History-1823 U.S. announces Monroe Doctrine onroe-doctrine
USA History-1830 Indian Removal Act passes rt4/4p2959.html
USA History-1848 Gold Rush begins old-rush-of-1849
USA History-1857 Supreme Court hands down Dred Scott decision 4/4h2933.html
USA History-1861 The Civil War begins lwar/
USA History-1863 Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation merican-civil-war/emancipation- proclamation
USA History-1865 Lincoln assassinated ; 13 th Amendment bans slavery braham-lincoln-assassination
USA History th Amendment gives right to vote to Black American men ack-history/fifteenth-amendment
USA History-1898 Spanish American War fought panish-american-war
USA History-1917 U.S. enters WWI day-in-history/us-enters-world- war-i
USA History-1918 WWI ends com/armistice.htm
USA History th Amendme nt gives vote to women omens-history/19th-amendment
USA History-1929 Stock Market Crash leads to Great Depression stock-market-crash
USA History-1941 U.S. enters WWII students/ww2-history/america- goes-to-war.html
USA History-1945 WWII ends canexperience/features/timeline/ bulge/
USA History-1950 Korean War begins orean-war
USA History-1963 President Kennedy assassinated com/jfk.htm
USA History-1965 Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated e/martin-luther-king-jr
USA History-1969 Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon’s surface n/
USA History-2001 Terrorist attacks take place in U.S. se/article.jsp?id=
USA History-2009 Barack Obama becomes the first Black American President s-presidents/barack-obama