S 林芝羽 S 劉書婷
(1)The prisoner was treated inhumanly. (2)par. 24 (3)The dead man was a hundred yards away.
a. All the organs of his body were working──bowels digesting food, skin renewing itself, nails growing, tissues forming──all toiling away in solemn foolery.
b. It was a high, reiterated cry of “Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram!”, not urgent and fearful like a prayer or a cry for help, but steady, rhythmical, almost like the tolling of a bell. c. The Indians had gone grey like bad coffee, and one or two of the bayonets were wavering.
d. They crowded very close about him, with their hands always on him in a careful, caressing grip, as though all the while feeling him to make sure he was there.
a.(1) A sickly light, like yellow tinfoil, was slanting over the high walls into the jail yard.
a.(2) It use simile with color and negative adjective. b. We were waiting outside the condemned cells, a row of sheds fronted with double bars, like small animal cages.
(1) It was like men handling a fish (par. 2) The prisoner vs. a fish/ yes / emphasize the prisoner is puny. (2) a think sprouting moustache … rather like the moustache of a comic men on the films (par. 2) The prisoner vs. comic man/ yes / irony
(3)It was a high, reiterated cry … like the tolling of a bell. (par. 12) Cry vs. bell / yes / regular sound (4) The Indians had gone grey like bad coffee (par. 13) Indians vs. bad coffee/ yes / Their mood (5) He was dangling with his toes pointed straight downwards, very slowly revolving, as dead as a stone. (par. 15) The prisoner vs. stone / no / deepen the images of dead.
He used the old name of Myanmar “Burma”. And
(1) It set a uncomfortable feeling. (2) Make reader feel the prisoners are pitiful and helpless.
(3)Deepen the feeling of pitiful for the prisoner. (4)Irony
(1) Means time’s up. (2) To the dog, everyone including the prisoner all are human. (3) The dog regarded the prisoner as a human, but those people around him are not.
c.(4) people didn’t care the prisoner’s life, but the dog did. The dog implied their conscience in paragraphs 15 and 17. It looked timorously after the hanging.
(1) The prisoner also a human. (2) Those people shouldn’t treated the prisoner inhumanly. (3) The superintendent thought the hanging is a boring thing.
(1) Reveal the superintendent was really bored. (2) He take the prisoner as a joke. (3) They all regard the prisoners as jokes, reflect to the main point “ Prisoner doesn’t regard as a human by them.”
Those people didn’t think about why those prisoners should be hang, not because their guilty, but because they were prisoner. I still think prisoner shouldn’t be hanging. I think prisoner need to execute by what they did to other people.
Both observer and participant, but incline observer more. Neutral. We know this event only by the narrator’s seeing, listening, and feeling. He didn’t make any effect to this event.
(1) Actually the prisoner is misery. (2) He emphasized that the prisoner doesn’t have strength to resist. (3) The prisoner is too hopeless to have consciousness. (4) He suggests the opposite of what is said.
It is very excited and naive. In that time, everyone were hope the prisoner can quickly dead. But the dog were joyous, even want to lick the prisoner. It’s irony of situation.
c. The prisoner avoided the puddle, he is still a man. He shouldn’t confront this situation. d. The prisoner experienced the hanging and knew it would happen to himself/herself again. It is cruel for me.
The superintendent’s said “He’s all right”, but the fact was that the man was died, he wasn’t all right at all.
1. It seemed quite a homely, jolly scene, after the hanging.(par.17) 2. It wass all finished- flick! Like that. (par.20)