Great Salt Lake Council The Unit “Training Manager” Tool A Tutorial Council Coordinated Meeting 18 February 2016 Presented by: John E. Poulson
Great Salt Lake Council
Important Considerations Use the CORRECT URL Use the CORRECT Browser Use the CORRECT Login Credentials
Great Salt Lake Council The CORRECT URL Please note – My Scouting Org is different than Myscouting Org – So please enter this URL:
Great Salt Lake Council The CORRECT Browser Will work best with: Also works with latest versions of:
Great Salt Lake Council The CORRECT Login Credentials If you already have an account with My.Scouting.Org – Use those credentials – Fill out the form to get you added to the list of those with access to this tool If you DO NOT have an account – Create an account – Still fill out the form requesting access.
Great Salt Lake Council What is the Training Manger? The Training Manager tool provides the ability for Key 3s at each organization level to view a dashboard of position-trained leader status and youth protection training status. Key 3s can also add training, search training, print member’s training certificate(s), and print various reports.
Great Salt Lake Council What is the Training Manager? Tool to view a dashboard (snapshot) of training status Tool to ADD training for adults Tool to MANAGE training for adults Tool to SEARCH training for adults Tool to PRINT training certificates Tool to print various training REPORTS
Great Salt Lake Council The DASHBOARD View The dashboard gives you a quick look at the “Trained Leaders” and “Youth Protection Training” status in your organization.
Great Salt Lake Council The DASHBOARD View The dashboard also gives a “Trend Chart” analysis of your trained adult leaders.
Great Salt Lake Council The District DASHBOARD View At the district level, a District Contact Report icon is available. Upon selection, a PDF document downloads that identifies the Key 3s in each unit in the district and their training status.
Great Salt Lake Council The DASHBOARD View At the district, Zone, and unit levels, an “exception” report can be generated by clicking in the red areas on the pie charts. It produces a list of only those members who are not position-trained, and those whose YPT have expired or never taken.
Great Salt Lake Council Sample Report – Leaders NOT Trained
Great Salt Lake Council Sample Report – Trained Leaders Report The report lists member’s who are not position- trained, along with the training needed to become trained. Members who are position-trained will also appear.
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult 1) Select a Unit 2) Click the “Add Training” Icon
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult The system will display the Add Training screen where you can select the Program, Course, and Date of the training course to be added.
Great Salt Lake Council IMPORTANT POINT You can add training for adults who completed a course prior to The course numbers to show pre-2001 training are: For Cub Scout Basic Training: Use C101 For Boy Scout Basic Training: Use S101 For Varsity Scout Basic Training: Use V101
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult The system will display the Training Course Titles… Simply select the appropriate one.
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult Once a Program, Course, and Date is entered, the system will slide the Add Member bar where you can enter search criteria like name or ID number.
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult You can select more than one member from this list. Clicking on the name will cause it to move to the right side of the screen.
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult You can now review this list. If everything OK, click the “Submit” button.
Great Salt Lake Council How To: ADD Training for an adult A dialogue box will appear with a summary. If you’d like to print the training certificate(s) or save a PDF copy, click the checkbox.
Great Salt Lake Council What Else Can Be Done View a member’s complete training history Print certificates for previous training Print a report of YPT “Exceptions” (those whose YPT certification has expired) Print a report of YPT Status for all members in a District, Zone or Unit
Great Salt Lake Council
You can download the video to embed in this slide at: Or You can point to this YouTube Location Coming Soon
Great Salt Lake Council REVIEW Get a copy of the PPT slide deck Get a copy of the Tutorial Video Use Google CHROME or Mozilla FIREFOX Get the Correct Login Credentials PS… You CANNOT add training for yourself. Get someone else to add training for you.
Great Salt Lake Council Resources: to: All PPTs, Videos and sign-up forms will be available at the Council website:
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