What are opioids? Who abuses them? What will an overdose look like? What is the treatment for opioid overdose? Basic care Naloxone (Narcan) administration Are there any other considerations to be aware of? OVERVIEW
Chemical substances designed to relieve pain They bind to receptor sites on cells of the central nervous system and the brain These substances can be naturally derived forms from the opium plant There are also a number of synthetic forms available WHAT ARE OPIOIDS?
Management of a patient’s pain is an important goal of therapy Pain management is used in Cancer Back injuries PAIN MANAGEMENT
Oxycodone Oxycontin Roxicodone Percocet Acetaminophen/Oxycod one Endocet Tylox Vicodin Tylenol with Codeine Morphine Fentanyl Hydromorphone Dilaudid OPIOIDS TO MANAGE PAIN
deaths per year of overdoses involving prescription pain medications 1 in 20 people (that’s 12 million people!) reported using prescription medications for non-medical reasons ABUSE OF PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS Source: CDC Vital Signs – November 2011
Middle age adults have highest overdose rate People in rural counties are twice as likely to overdose on prescription medications that people who live in urban areas OVERDOSE OF PRESCRIPTION PAIN MEDICATIONS Source: CDC Vital Signs – November 2011
There are kilograms of prescription pain killers prescribed per 10,000 people IN DELAWARE Source: CDC Vital Signs – November 2011
Tracking systems have helped decrease the amounts of pain killers available to patients Helps prevent patients from getting multiple prescriptions from multiple physicians CONTROL OF MEDICATIONS
Because it is increasingly difficult for people to obtain prescription pain meds they now turn to non-prescription (illegal) sources Heroin Heroin is also cheaper and more potent THE RISE OF HEROIN
Often heroin is cut with other substances These substances can increase the potency and make the drug much more deadly A common example of this is the fentanyl-laced heroin that has become increasingly available LACED HEROIN
Intravenous Direct injection into vein Skin popping injection beneath the skin Both present the risk of needle stick to the officer! HOW DO PEOPLE USE?
Ingestion Pills Snorting/Sniffing Transdermal Patches Chewed up HOW DO PEOPLE USE?
Accidental – took too much medication Common in elderly Intentional overdose Suicidal gesture Higher potency drugs Build up a tolerance and require more HOW DO OVERDOSES OCCUR?
Combinations of multiple medications Pain killers with alcohol Pain killers with sedatives Decreased tolerance after a period of non-use Subject incarcerated Subject goes to rehab After getting clean, they return to previous drug culture Using a dose that they used when they were addicted could result in fatal overdose HOW DO OVERDOSES OCCUR?
Pinpoint pupils Respiratory depression Stop breathing or slow breathing Nervous system depression Unconscious or slow to respond Unable to maintain an open airway THREE CLASSIC SYMPTOMS
Respiratory depression may lead to respiratory arrest Death will soon follow if untreated OVERDOSES CAN BE FATAL
Temporarily reverses the effects of opioids Binds to the same sites on the cells as the opioids are trying to bind to Blocks the opioids from having their depressive effects NALOXONE (NARCAN)
Opioid overdose that is unconscious with inadequate breathing or is not breathing Actual or suspected overdose Bystander history Prior knowledge of patient Paraphernalia nearby WHEN TO USE NALOXONE
Opioid overdose that is unconscious and breathing adequately Known hypersensitivity (rare) WHEN NOT TO USE NALOXONE
Give naloxone: Suspect opioid OD Unconscious Not breathing, or Difficult breathing Shallow Slow (less than 8 breaths per minute) Noisy (snoring) Blue skin color DO NOT give naloxone: Unconscious Breathing adequately Deep or normal breaths Breathing rate > 8 Airway open – no noises Skin color normal TO GIVE OR NOT TO GIVE?
May wake up a potentially violent drug abuser Occasionally causes vomiting If this happens, turn patient on their side and attempt to keep the airway clear of vomit SIDE EFFECTS (CAUTIONS)
Naloxone’s effects will usually last between 30 and 90 minutes, the effects of the opioid can last much longer Because of this, the naloxone may wear off before all of the opioid does This is why it is extremely important to monitor the patient for a period of time after receiving naloxone Rapid opiate withdrawal may cause nausea and vomiting Continue to provide respiratory assistance and keep airway clear CAUTION
Naloxone only reverses the effects of opioid medications It will have no effect on other depressant substances Sedatives Tranquilizers Alcohol NOTE
Treatment is aimed at restoring the breathing IT IS NOT INTENDED TO WAKE THE SUBJECT UP! As long as they maintain an open airway and keep breathing, this patient will survive to more advanced care Waking them will only increase the danger they present to responders as they may become violent TREATMENT OF OPIATE OVERDOSE
Use caution approaching patient Take necessary universal precautions Don gloves Eye protection Survey scene for signs of drug abuse PATIENT APPROACH
Scene Safety/BSI is a top priority You may know you’re responding to a suspected overdose, or you may be told upon arrival Check responsiveness Remain non-judgmental and non-confrontational Ask bystander(s) what and when the patient injected, ingested, or inhaled (or if a transdermal patch has been used) Consider additional resources INITIAL SIZE-UP
Check signs of circulation Open the patient’s airway Ensure breathing Ventilate using a barrier device if necessary If signs of trauma Manage the cervical spine as needed BEGIN BASIC CARE
If patient is not breathing after opening the airway, or If patient’s breathing is inadequate Slow Irregular Noisy ADMINISTER NALOXONE
Prepare equipment Administer medication to patient Monitor for effect Repeat if required ADMINISTER NALOXONE-INTRANASAL
1 mg, per nostril (1 ml) naloxone given intranasal A fine mist produced in the nostril Works relatively quickly Large amount of blood vessels inside nostril Absorbs medications very easily Avoids use of needles Very quick to administer Easy WHY INTRANASAL?
Quickly depress plunger of syringe to deliver 1 ml of medication into patient’s nostril ADMINISTER NALOXONE TO PATIENT
If patient has not resumed breathing, begin rescue breathing Use pocket mask or barrier device MONITOR FOR EFFECT
If patient begins breathing, place them in the recovery position Knee is extended to support body Elbow is flexed to support head Helps maintain open airway WHEN BREATHING IS RESTORED
The goal of naloxone IS NOT to wake the patient It is meant only to restore their breathing If the patient is still not breathing after two minutes, another 1 mg dose of naloxone may be given in the opposite nostril REPEAT IF REQUIRED
Prepare equipment Administer medication to patient Monitor for effect Repeat if required ADMINISTER NALOXONE- INTRAMUSCULAR
Consistent delivery of medication Simple and fast acting Similar to other auto-injectors used by EMS WHY INTRAMUSCULAR?
Ventilate patient with BVM Pull naloxone auto-injector from case Device will now provide voice- prompt guidance Grasp firmly and pull off red safety guard INTRAMUSCULAR ADMINISTRATION
Place black end against patient’s outer thigh Press firmly against patient’s outer thigh and hold in place for five seconds. Remove auto-injector and dispose of in sharps container Continue to ventilate patient with BVM INTRAMUSCULAR ADMINISTRATION
After receiving Naloxone, patient may wake up and become violent! Be prepared and stay vigilant (Law Enforcement) Do not allow the patient to leave care before the arrival of EMS Naloxone may wear off sooner than the opiate CAUTION
Continue to manage the airway until breathing is adequate Be alert to vomiting and prepare to suction CAUTION
(Law Enforcement) Transfer care of patient to EMS (EMS) Transfer care of patient to receiving facility (Law Enforcement)Report to attending EMS provider Conditions under which the patient was found including suspected cause of overdose Treatments rendered by law enforcement Dose of naloxone administered, if any, and time of treatment TRANSFER OF CARE
Opioid use is rampant Opioid overdose is common Opioids depress the breathing and nervous system Depression of breathing leads to death if not rapidly treated Naloxone reverses the effects of the opiate and can restore breathing If given early, naloxone can maintain the patient’s breathing and keep them alive until further help arrives SUMMARY
Naloxone is meant to increase respiratory effort IT IS NOT A WAKE UP DRUG Do not wake up an unconscious overdose patient who is breathing adequately The subject may become violent and place responders at great risk AND ONE MORE TIME!
Initial point of contact is your department’s training officer Further questions may be directed to the Delaware Office of Emergency Medical Services QUESTIONS?