Playing Together! Winning the Employment Game! Putting together a winning game plan! Carol Ruddell, Work Ability Utah March 7, 2008 Work Ability Utah Utah’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant CMS #11-P /03
What does IDEA say? §300.1 The purposes of this part are to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free public education that emphasizes special education services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. (Italics added) § Transition services...coordinated set of activities...facilitate the child’s post-school activities including...integrated employment (including supported employment...
IDEA also says... § (b) Transition services –The IEP must include appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based on age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills and –The transition services (including courses of study) needed to assist the child in reaching those goals.
§ (b)(3)...the public agency must invite a representative of any participating agency that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services.
Getting to where we want to be! Where we are now. Where we want to be. How do we get there?
Who’s playing on our team? What equipment do we have? What game are we playing?
The Team Roster Student Parents Educators Businesses Local organizations (C of C, Rotary, etc.) Agencies –Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR, Rehab), Department of Workforce Services (DWS), Choose to Work
Our Equipment! Hard skills Soft skills Personalities and values Work supports ($$ and people) Work site accommodations Healthcare
Practice for the Game Positive Attitude Punctual Good Attendance Follow policies and procedures Be willing to listen, a good communicator Separation of aspects of life Learn all you can about the job and meet expectations
Look over the Equipment! Are they old? Are they new? Are they strong? Do we need other equipment? How useful are they? Can we use them for other purposes? Are they innovative? Can multiple people use them or have them? Do we have the right equipment for this game? ASSESS all the Equipment!
What games are we playing? Visitation Volley Job Shadow Jaunt Mentor Match Intern Inning Paycheck Slam Dunk
General Game Rules Assess that equipment Write your Game Plan –What will happen, when, where, how long Create your team, pick your players Every player knows the Plan Every player knows their role Every player needs to train for their position Every player knows what’s expected The goal is for Everyone to win
How do you win? How do you know you’ve won? Monday Morning Quarterback - Did all the players play their role - What was the score? - Are all the players winners? - What will you do differently for the next game?
Some Myths Around Working What happens to my Social Security? What about Medicaid? I can’t go to work while I’m in school Employers don’t like to hire people with disabilities.
Employers’ Myths Higher turnover Excessive absence Less productive Safety risk Too costly or demanding Won’t fit in
Employer Realities More likely to stay on the job 81-93% rated above average in performance Attendance same to better than people without disabilities Safety rates significantly lower No effect to cost reported by 90%+ of employers Represent an enormous market niche
Social Security MYTH: If I go to work, I’ll lose my SS REALITY: Which is it? SSI or SSDI? –Supplemental Security Income –Social Security Disability Insurance Lots of work incentives Look for ‘the student friendly’ SEIE
SSA Work Incentives SSI: Earned Income Exclusions Student Earned Income Exclusion Impairment-related Work Expenses PASS plans Expedited Reinstatement SSDI: Trial Work Period Extended Period of Eligibility Subsidy Impairment-related Work Expenses Extended Medicare Expedited Reinstatement
Health Care Coverage MYTH: If I go to work, I’ll lose my health coverage REALITY: Health care may be available Based on the company’s overall risk and employee pool, not the individual’s health Medicaid through 1619(b) Medicaid Work Incentive PCN (Primary Care Network) UPP (Utah’s Premium Partnership)
Resources Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach (866) State Office of Rehabilitation (866) Choose To Work (801) Work Ability Utah (877) Disability Law Center (800)
THANK YOU!! Take Me Out to the Ballgame! Work Ability Utah Utah’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant CMS #11-P /03